
THIS NEARLY DECADE-OLD project dubs itself "A Center for Anti-Corporate Sabotage." Operating as a sort of mutual fund channeling capital to anticorporate projects, RTMark's approach is sometimes satirical (the parody George W. Bush and Rudy Giuliani campaign sites), sometimes dead serious (as in "Deconstructing Beck," an assault on the ill-defined area of music-sampling regulation) and sometimes both (the Barbie Liberation Organization's gender-bent G.I. Joes and Barbies).

Robert Atkins is a former Village Voice arts columnist and the founding editor of TalkBack! A Forum for Critical Discourse, the first American on-line journal about on-line art. He is currently a Microsoft Research Fellow at Carnegie-Mellon's Studio for Creative Inquiry, art editor of the Media Channel, and executive producer of the on-line Henry McBride Center for Arts and Cultural Criticism, slated to launch next year.

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