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Evaluating Web Sites

Criteria for the Classroom
Trying to sort out the gems from the junk on the Internet?
Criteria for Evaluating Web Resources

Examples below represent particularly good or especially bad web sites for the criterion in question. Can you tell which is which?

PURPOSE - Clones-R-Us
  • What is the purpose of the site or page? Look for tips in graphics and text. Web pages may be...
    • commercial
    • informative
    • educational
    • entertaining
    • persuasive
    • personal
    • institutional
    • a hoax (see below)

  • What does the URL (Web address) say about the producer of the web site, and its purpose? Look at the final syllable in the domain name. The first three sites below are all "White House" sites. Which is the official White House site? How can you tell? Note that all three sites are easily accessible in a web search for "White House".
    .gov Government agency: www.whitehouse.gov
    .net Internet Service Provider: www.whitehouse.net
    .com Commercial site(Note: www.whitehouse.com is a pornographic site. Go there at your own risk.)
    .edu Higher education - http://www.lesley.edu/. Other educational sites may appear with different domain names: www.whitehouse.gov/kids
    .mil Military site- www.navy.mil/
    ("tilde") Personal site - www.ddc.com/~kjohnson/birdcare.htm
    .org Organization; may be charitable, religious, or a lobbying group - http://www.rtda.org/news.html.

  • New domain names will appear soon. Read about .info and .biz, among others at http://www.nic-goto.net/soon.html.

  • Other syllables in the domain name indicate country of origin: http://www.education.gov.il/. Read about International Domain Names.
AUTHORITY - Caring for Your New Bird,

  • Who is the author?
  • What are her credentials?
  • Does she have sufficient authority to speak on the subject?
  • Is there any way to reach her?
  • Is there an organizational or corporate sponsor?
  • Is this page authentic, or is it a hoax?
  • Is this a peer-reviewed or scholarly article?

OBJECTIVITY - Who can take a deep breath now?
  • Does the page reflect a bias?
  • Is the bias explicit or hidden?
  • Is there advertising on the page?
  • Does the identity of the author or sponsor suggest a bias?
  • How does the bias impact the usability of the information?


  • Is the content appropriate for your classroom or your assignment?
  • Is the reading level appropriate for your students?
  • Is the content appropriate for the age or developmental level of your students?
  • Is the content accurate, complete, well-written?


  • Is the information on the page up-to-date?
  • Can you tell when the page was last updated?
  • Are there dead links?
  • Is there a difference between the date the information was created and the date the page was last updated?
RESPONSIBILITY - The Harmful Effects of Smoking
  • Are the authors up-front about their purpose and content?
  • Is there a way to contact the authors?
  • Do the authors give credit for information used?
  • Is there a reference list?

CLARITY - A New Beginning for Life

  • Is the information clearly presented?
  • Is the text neat, legible and formatted for easy reading?
  • If there are graphics, do they add to the content or distract?
  • If there are advertisements, do they interfere with your ability to use the page?
  • Are the pages well organized?
  • Are there mistakes in spelling or word usage?
  • Can you get in?
  • Does the site load quickly?
  • Can you move around the site easily?
  • Is the site or page still there next time?
  • Is there a text-only alternative for the visually-impaired?

Caution! HOAXES Caution!

Hoaxes present a major challenge for evaluating information found on the Web. Here are several examples to test your Evaluation IQ. To verify the authenticity of the site, you may have to drill down through several layers to find "About" or "Contact Us". Some of the examples below are harmless and enteraining, others are harmful, even hateful. All could give misinformation to the unaware reader.
Martin Luther King http://www.thekingcenter.org/
World Trade Organization http://www.gatt.org/
George W. Bush www.gwbush.com/
http: //www.georgewbush.com/
World Bank http://www.worldbank.org/
The Onion http://www.onion.com/
Clones-R-Us http://www.d-b.net/dti/
Women and Aids


Read All About It!

Alexander, Janet E. & Tate, Marsha E. (1997, March 20). Evaluating Web Resources. Wolfgram Memorial Library, Widener University. Retrieved September 12, 2000, from the World Wide Web: : http://www2.widener.edu/Wolfgram-Memorial-Library/webevaluation/webeval.htm.

Beck, Susan E. (1997, July 7). The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, or Why It's a Good Idea to Evaluate Web Sources. Institute for Technology-Assisted Learning, New Mexico State University. Retrieved September 12, 2000, from the World Wide Web: http://lib.nmsu.edu/instruction/eval.html.

Crepin-Leblond, O.M.J. (n.d.). International Domain Names. Retrieved July 6, 2001, from the World Wide Web: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/internet/domain.html.

NIC Domain Name Registrations: Coming Soon. (n.d.). Retrieved July 6, 2001, from the World Wide Web: http://www.nic-goto.net/soon.html.

Piper, Paul S. (2000, September). Better read that again: Web hoaxes and misinformation. Searcher, 8 (8). Retrieved July 9, 2001, from the World Wide Web: http://www.infotoday.com/searcher/sep00/piper.htm.

Schrock, Kathleen. (1997). Evaluating Internet Web Sites: An Educator's Guide. Manhattan, KS: The MASTER Teacher, Inc. Announcement retrieved September 12, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/books2.html#evaluating.

Tilman, Hope N. (2000, May 30). Evaluating Quality on the Net. Retrieved September 12, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://www.hopetillman.com/findqual.html.

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