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A Distorted Mirror: Automatic, Real-Time Web Parodies
It's funny.  Laugh.Posted by timothy on Sunday November 18, @12:23PM
from the achieving-parody dept.
Citing the DMCA, the World Trade Organization complained to Verio, the upstream provider of parody site gatt.org, a site we've mentioned before which jabs at the aims and methods of GATT and the WTO. Verio notified domain holder Jonathan Prince of the complaint, and asked Prince to remove any copyrighted materials from the site. The site appears intact for now, but read on to learn about the interesting software the complaint has spawned -- perhaps this isn't what the WTO had in mind.

As Andrew Bichlbaum writes: "The WTO could well have stepped on a hornets' nest. To counter the attack, Gatt.org managers The Yes Men have released a piece of open-source 'parodyware' that will 'forever make this kind of censorship obsolete. ... Using this software, it takes five minutes to set up a convincing, personalized, evolving parody of the WTO.org website, or any other website of your choice ... All you need is a place to put it -- say, WTOO.org, WorldTradeOrg.com, whatever.'"

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  • A Distorted Mirror: Automatic, Real-Time Web Parodies | Login/Create an Account | Top | 67 comments | Search Discussion
    The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
    On a serious note, though, (Score:4, Interesting)
    by SumDeusExMachina on Sunday November 18, @12:27PM (#2581282)
    (User #318037 Info | http://slashdot.org/)
    Won't this just encourage corporations to sue over copyright infringement even more? I mean, Apple was able to sue over "look and feel", so what would bar these people from doing the same? Also, how in the world is software going to be able to tell copyrighted material from non-copyrighted material? This all seems to be rather ill-planned to me.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Support the DDA! (Score:4, Informative)
    by Styx on Sunday November 18, @12:32PM (#2581296)
    (User #15057 Info | http://logout.sh/)
    The Domain Defense Advocate [ajax.org] is a grass-roots organisation trying to combat unwarranted domain confiscations. IMHO, a very worthwhile thing to support.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    What does this have to do with My Rights?? (Score:1, Interesting)
    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 18, @12:36PM (#2581307)
    So a corporation wants someone to take down trademarked material. What does this have to do with anything else? It looks like it's just a dispute between 2 parties.

    I know slashdot editors think everything done by corporations somehow tramples on my rights, but I just don't see the connection here.

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    /.ed (Score:1)
    by affenmann on Sunday November 18, @12:37PM (#2581310)
    (User #195152 Info | http://www.affenmann.de/)
    > The site appears intact for now

    Great, now it's /.ed.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    • Re:/.ed by meatplow (Score:1) Sunday November 18, @01:58PM
    MIRROR (Score:2, Informative)
    by JediTrainer on Sunday November 18, @12:37PM (#2581311)
    (User #314273 Info)
    I've managed to grab copies of the software just as their site got /.d.

    Please be nice, because I'm only on cable. Grab the files here [websoup.net].
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Here are mirrors: (Score:3, Informative)
    by Saint Aardvark on Sunday November 18, @12:38PM (#2581313)
    (User #159009 Info | http://www.saintaardvarkthecarpeted.com/)
    http://yesiwill.plagiarist.org/ [plagiarist.org]

    http://detritus.net/projects/yesiwill [detritus.net]

    Let's see how well they survive a slashdotting.

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Slashdot is (Score:4, Funny)
    by lavaforge on Sunday November 18, @12:40PM (#2581317)
    (User #245529 Info)
    The WTO's greatest defense. No one will ever see the offending pages at this rate...
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Distorted mirrors (Score:1)
    by Man of E (i.have@no.email.com) on Sunday November 18, @12:44PM (#2581327)
    (User #531031 Info | http://slashdot.org/ | Last Journal: http://slashdot.org/~Man%20of%20E/journal/)
    Learn more about funhouse mirrors and how they work right here: The Science of Light [learner.org].

    Think before you mod: is it really offtopic..?

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    beyond the golden parachute (Score:3, Funny)
    by apwingo (apwingo arroba eos.ncsu.edu) on Sunday November 18, @12:57PM (#2581354)
    (User #233369 Info | http://ambient.2y.net/wingo/)
    these guys and gals, the yes men, do some seriously, seriously cool stuff. in the november issue of harper's [harpers.org], they print a transcript of a talk that these folks were invited to give at a textiles conference in Tampere, Finland, from folks that thought that they really were the WTO. A few snippets:
    ... How do we at the WTO fit in? Well, that's easy: We want to help you acieve those dollar results. We want to help make sure that nothing - protectionism, worry, even violence against physical property - stands in the way of your dollar results.
    and some more:
    [Slide: Freedom]
    Why did people fight and die and lose money? It comes down to one word: FREEDOM.
    [Slide: Southern Happiness]
    By the 1860s, the South was utterly flush with cash. It had recently benefited from the cotton gin, an invention that took the seeds out of cotton and the South out of its preindustrial past. Hundreds of thousands of workers, previously unemployed in their countries of origin, were given useful jobs in textiles. Into this rosy picture of freedom and boom stepped ... you guessed it: the NORTH.
    it goes on, about how the market would have stopped slavery ("Involuntarily Imported Workforce") given time, moving production to the third world where things are cheaper, then it gets wack:
    Now, we all known that not even the best workplace design can help even the most astute manage keep track odf hstaff. But our solution inables a lot more rapport with remote workers.
    Mike, would you please?
    [Unruh steps out from behind the podium to a drum roll. An assistant grabs him by the tie and belt and rips off his suit to reveal a golden spandex unitard underneath.]
    Ah! That's better! This is the Management Leisure suit. This is the WTO's answer to the problems of maintaining rapport with distant workers and maintaining one's own mental health as a manager with the proper amount of leisure. How does the MLS work, besides being comfortable? Allow me to describe the suit's core features.
    [Unruh unzips the from of the suit, then pulls on a rip cord that inflates a three-foot-long golden phallus. The audience claps.]
    And it goes on.

    The presentation, which Harper's describes as "well-received", was subsequently praised by the MC on three seperate occasions that day.

    (I want to be a yes man :)

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Reminds me of the Dialectizer... (Score:3, Informative)
    by Zergwyn on Sunday November 18, @01:06PM (#2581367)
    (User #514693 Info)
    It seems sort of like a bigger versioin of the Dialectizer [rinkworks.com], a site that allows you to insert a url and then have all the text on the page translated into a number of amusing "languages," such as redneck, jive, elmer fudd, etc. /. readers may especially appreciate the hacker dialect. ^_^ Try this version of slashdot! [rinkworks.com](hit the dialectize button). CmdrTaco's gone l33+!
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    He he he (Score:2)
    by trilucid ([ceo] [at] [trilucid.com]) on Sunday November 18, @01:28PM (#2581412)
    (User #515316 Info | http://www.trilucid.com/)

    "The site appears intact for now, but read on to learn about the interesting software the complaint has spawned -- perhaps this isn't what the WTO had in mind."

    The WTO has nothing to fear... the /. effect will take care of that in short order. ;)

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Roll-your-own "Parody" site here... (Score:2)
    by Robber Baron on Sunday November 18, @01:32PM (#2581416)
    (User #112304 Info)
    I like this one [pornolize.com] better!
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    ... (Score:1)
    by Popocatepetl (dkm_holdings@hNoOtSmPaAiMl.com) on Sunday November 18, @02:22PM (#2581520)
    (User #267000 Info)
    Time to get web stripper out and download the whole thing before it goes poof.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    SlashPorn! (Score:1)
    by dimer0 on Sunday November 18, @02:22PM (#2581524)
    (User #461593 Info)
    Slashporn [pornolize.com]. 'nuff said.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Sample of installation; mirror (Score:2)
    by gbnewby (gbnewby@despammed.com) on Sunday November 18, @03:27PM (#2581701)
    (User #74175 Info | http://petascale.org/)
    I went ahead and installed this to show my systems administration class on Monday (INLS183 [unc.edu]). If you're trying to install the software, I included steps in the sample directory at this location [unc.edu]. The installation steps I used are in parody-steps.txt.

    I made a parody, visit here [unc.edu] to see (it probably won't be up too long...). Finally, you can also get the code in the directory mentioned above, if you are having trouble finding a mirror. Retrieve yesiwill-1.0.tar.gz

    • Greg
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Two-Timed by Slashdot (Score:1)
    by box2321 on Sunday November 18, @03:33PM (#2581722)
    (User #210574 Info)
    When I submitted this story, I got this...

    "2001-11-15 16:39:40 WTO Tells ISP: Remove Satire Web Site (articles,news) (rejected)"

    ... but now it appears under another's name. All the good lovin' I gave you, Slashdot, and how you are in another's arms!

    For the satire impared, let me say it's not such a big deal. A tiny deal, not a big deal.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    this is very scary.... (Score:3, Insightful)
    by tcc (teeceecee@nospam.hotmail.com) on Sunday November 18, @03:48PM (#2581764)
    (User #140386 Info)
    I am on gatt.org....

    I'm reading the website... and now I am wondering is it defaced or it's the real thing? I mean I never really bothered with all that WTO stuff but when I read (on the front page):

    >Brazilian AIDS drugs a sure path to economic sickness

    >Today, however, another Holocaust is taking place: it goes by the name of "distrust of big business," and it is every bit as terrible as the last.

    >Qatar saves the day Responding to the selfish and dangerous actions of special-interest forces at recent free-trade summits, the kingdom of Qatar has generously offered to host the next WTO Ministerial. In Qatar, the sort of lobbying seen in Seattle, Quebec, Davos, Prague, Barcelona, and elsewhere is strictly illegal and heavily punished, ...

    I mean... what the hell?? is that all real? I mean I'm used to lying politician, backstabbing authority figures, and all that stuff, but I mean, putting such things on a front page has really shocked me, I can't beleive people can be that openly materialistic and use historic stuff and lie without raising a LOT of opposition...

    Especially the last part "we don't value your opinion, saying you dislike what we are working on is illegal so we will host our "democratic" process in a place you'll get shot in the head if you disagree"... wow... now I see why people are so upset...while I don't think people fighting police to disrupt the meeting is a viable option (policemen are people like you and me, just doing what they are told to, hitting them won't make things better), I do think it's bad to not let people express their opposition, afterall, these are the people these leaders are supposed to work for, they should give numbers and sensibilization if having a world-class economy system is such a good thing, not shutting the door off and smashing opponents, this shows only that these opponents might be right somewhere...

    I can't beleive it, everyone should go take a look at that site, that gatt.org thing, anyone with a minimal sense of humanity and a bit of education will probably feel like I am right now, there's some stuff that is still true there, BUT it's stuff usually classified as "silent truth", you know it's right but you don't say it openly because it could backfire heavily (like the AIDS thing for example, of course if you copy a patented thing that took years and billion in research, it's stealing, but then again, selling it to make 100 of billions in profits (I did mention PROFITS not only recovering the cost of R&D and salaries) so that rich people can afford it and poor people can't, is it a more noble goal?

    Anyways, I leave you with that quote:

    Protesters rich, study shows
    A new study shows that the special-interest lobbyists attending the Seattle, Prague, Nice, Davos, and other demonstrations come from population sectors that have freedom and money to travel, putting them in a different class from those sectors of the developing world they pretend to defend.

    Well if that system we all know is to make rich people richer, if people that are opposing it are already rich, I read this and I think "maybe there's really something wrong in there" and with everything else I just read on their website, I'm really beginning to think that there is.

    Funny thing is when this happened in Quebec (where I live) I thought that these protestors were just a bunch of kids with too much hormones needing to hit at something just like a big heavy metal concert... like a big party... I'm scared now because while this might still apply to a bunch of the people that were there, now I realize that 10,000s of people can't all be wrong... scary...
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Of course the easy out is: (Score:1)
    by GISboy on Sunday November 18, @04:35PM (#2581871)
    (User #533907 Info | http://slashdot.org/)
    the parody is produced by code, in code.

    Seeing as code is free speech (for the time being) it is as simple as saying the program "produces html code which is free speech, and is a parody...which is protected as free speech as well".

    Yeah, that is kind of a weasle-y way of thinking, but "eagles my fly, but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines", seems to apply.

    Or, as one poster pointed out "Fight fire with fire".

    stray thought for the day:
    DMCA: Digital Masturbating Conusmers of America. ( if you ran it thru the pornalize would it accomplish anything?)
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Re:Big deal... (Score:1)
    by garcia on Sunday November 18, @12:46PM (#2581332)
    (User #6573 Info | http://supplication.lazylightning.org/)
    umm, this isn't "machine" in the sense that a program actually does it. The people @ the Onion are just a group of really fucking funny people.

    I honestly don't think that what this program does is all that funny, nor do I care about what happens as a result of this...

    It's one thing to do a parody of a site on your own as a joke or whatever but to make a fucking program so that other people can have the almost exact same thing so that they can be annoying and put up stupid, unoriginal, web-sites? Goto any mom-pop ISP and load up someone's web page. There are plenty of sites out there that are almost identical w/a few changes that are almost funny...

    "Welcome to my HOMEPAGE! -- This site is under construction"
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Re:Microsoft (Score:1)
    by t_allardyce on Sunday November 18, @03:56PM (#2581783)
    (User #48447 Info)
    what? they can't do that? how?

    with most users* running their software, and some anon. donations to judges/politicians... thats the reason why windows is closed - because the code to do this and change the underlaying protocals are all dorment, hidden in every version of windows that regularly net-updates. When they decide, overnight the internet will change - servers will refuse connections from non-windows machines. entire websites will automatically be 'updated' to use the new executable package technology, MSN will become the defualt dial-up connection and all other dun profiles will be deleted. Linus Torvalds will be turned to for a press conference for his views.. but wait, where is Torvalds????!! he has gone, been taken care of. (outstanding favour from the government to billy g for anon. donations). People turn to demonstrations but wait! slashdot is not working, no one can communicate: email??? gone irc??? gone. Be afraid... be very afraid

    This conspiracy theory is purely fiction and in no way factual. Any resemblence to real life situations is purely coincidence. Microsoft(tm) is a registered trade mark of Capitalist Pigs corp. Any spelling mistakes in this post are the result of not giving a shit
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