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2001-11-19  Rubberhose 
Rubberhose is a "deniable cryptography package". A single ciphertext document may contain arbitrarily many plaintext documents, which may be selectively revealed; only the owner knows how many are in use. This review is a good introduction.
Unison is a file synchronizer. Think "bidirectional rsync"; it keeps two directories in sync with each other, propagating changes from each to the other. Conflicting updates are identified and reported.
  Spirit Parser Framework 
A parser "generator" that uses C++ template metaprogramming. You write EBNF directly into C++ source code, without any preprocessors or code generators.
Xy-pic is a preprocessor for diagram typography in TeX. The examples of knot diagrams are particularly lovely.
  Boustrophedon Text Reader 
Boustrophedon is a style of text that reverses direction every line, allegedly improving reading speed (once you get used to it) by avoiding the "carriage return". This software displays text files in this format, so you can decide for yourself.
YesIWill is a substituting Web proxy designed for the creation of parody sites like this real-time mirror of CNN. (Submitted by Akhasha.)
2001-11-17  FontAsteroids 
"Based on the original Asteroids game console, a spaceship with inertial control has to be manouvered through an 'asteroid field' consisting of words of a web page. During the game the player fragments the already mangled page content from sentences to words, from words to characters, and characters to nothingness."
DjVu is a better compression algorithm for scanned paper documents. "DjVu typically achieves compression ratios about 5 to 10 times better than existing methods such as JPEG or GIF for color documents." The included browser plugin only decompresses the visible part of the image, so you can efficiently browse large scanned images.
  Deception Toolkit 
(Warning: relatively old and not entirely free.) DTK simulates vulnerable system services (old sendmail versions, etc.) to waste attackers' time and offer early warning.
2001-11-15  Half-Keyboard Patch 
This is a patch to the Linux kernel to let you type with one hand and half a keyboard. The space bar is used to access the other half by reflection. See the page for a complete description; it's apparently easy to learn and relatively fast. Sadly, it only works in console mode (not with X).
ABClock is an interesting timepiece that strives to combine the precision of a digital clock with the legibility of an analog clock.
2001-11-14  SDSI/SPKI 
SDSI/SPKI 2.0 is PKI standard that doesn't suck like X.509 and is a lot easier to manage than PGP, with free implementations for Java and C. The Introduction is a good place to start reading.
2001-11-08  Surfraw 
"Surfraw provides a fast UNIX command line interface to a variety of popular WWW search engines and other artifacts of power."
2001-11-07  ELIDE 
ELIDE lets you extend the set of Java class, field, and method modifiers ("final", "synchronized", "abstract" and so on) with your own (which may accept parameters). These modifiers are associated with Java classes which can edit the code via a version of the Reflection API which has been modified to allow mutation as well as inspection.
"Rocks", short for "Reliable Sockets", are a set of transparent wrappers to the networking layer that keep connections alive even through link failures, IP address changes, and extended periods of disconnection.
Last updated on 2001-11-19 at 04:56:44 UTC.