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1. World Trade Organization (WTO) / GATT
Official website of the World Trade Organization, which regulates trade and tariffs worldwide. Formed as successor to the General Agreement on...
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2. World Trade Organization / GATT Home Page
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3. Public Citizen's GATT/WTO Homepage
W. orld. T. rade. O. rganization. "We are writing the constitution of a single global economy" - WTO Director -General Renato Ruggiero. Seattle...
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4. Uruguay Round Agreements Act / GATT Information
Uruguay Round Agreements Act / GATT Information
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5. Intellectual Property Provisions of GATT
GATT, and now WTO member states must not discriminate in favor of their own citizens against the patent, trademark and copyright rights of foreigners...
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6. GATT and the Plurilateral Trade Agreements
an error occurred while processing this directive] GATT and the Plurilateral Trade Agreements. International Contract Adviser. Volume II, No.1...
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7. GATT-guide
General Agreement on Tariffs And Trade. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was first signed in 1947. The agreement was designed to...
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8. GATT/WTO –Ausschreibungen der ETH Zürich
GATT/WTO –Ausschreibungen der ETH Zürich. Eine Information der Finanzabteilung Einkaufskoordination. Wir publizieren hier geplante Beschaffungen,...
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9. GUIDE TO LAW ONLINE: World Trade Organization (formerly GATT)
Guide to Law Online: WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO) NOTE: As of Jan. 1, 1995, the World Trade Organization (WTO) effectively replaced the General...
Directory Match: World Trade Organization (WTO)
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10. The New GATT: Progress and Promise for U.S. Companies
February 1995. The New GATT: Progress and Promise for U.S. Companies. Executive Summary. "The changes made by the new GATT regime are significant,...
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word count: GATT: 212097

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1. GATT Tax Interest Calculations
TValue product tax interest. The standard for calculating tax interest and penalties. Computes interest, refund interest, "Hot" interest, GATT interest, and major tax penalties.
2. The Gatt Connection
Info and an Ancestory Board on this surname.
3. Free Sample Issue: Policy News Magazine
Free sample issue of Policy News, a quarterly magazine providing comprehensive coverage of public policy issues before Congress & the nation. Search our database for past features and links.
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