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:: Sunday, December 15, 2002 ::

A prophetic post from 1987:
Poindexter's database addiction

via Politech
From: Wayne McGuire (Wayne@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU)
Subject: Filtering A Global Hypermedia Network
Newsgroups: comp.society.futures
Date: 1987-11-22 07:16:00 PST


Current online database vendors like Dialog and Mead Data Central are already foreshadowings (albeit extremely primitive) of a GHA. It is interesting to recall that under the reign of John Poindexter, of Irangate fame, the NSC was seeking to gain legal access to the records of these companies, which store sensitive information about the search targets and patterns of their users. As I recall, the NSC was denied legal access by Congress, but then there is always the problem of illegal access, which is relatively trivial to accomplish wholesale by intercepting telecommunications.


:: valis :: 12/15/2002 03:58:22 PM [+] :: ...

The CIA and the Media

A Report on CIA Infiltration and Manipulation of the Mass Media
Should CIA agents be allowed to pose as journalists to further the aims of their clandestine activities? Members of a Council on Foreign Relations task force on the future of U.S. intelligence in the post-Cold War world say yes, and a CIA official recently came forward to admit that the Agency already occasionally does so despite regulations barring the practice.

But is this a breaking story or just the latest chapter in a spy story that traces its roots back to the 1950's? While they may act like strangers in public, the press and the CIA have a sordid past that spans more than four decades.
Also see:

:: valis :: 12/15/2002 12:30:30 AM [+] :: ...

:: Saturday, December 14, 2002 ::


Video of the day

Click here for an excellent video archive page

:: valis :: 12/14/2002 10:55:01 PM [+] :: ...

WTO Cyberhoax Causes Confusion

"We think the ethical thing to do is to represent the W.T.O. more honestly than they represent themselves," [Charles Cushen] said.

- hack by the YesMen

:: melior . 12/14/2002 09:04:59 PM [+] :: ...


:: valis :: 12/14/2002 03:29:51 PM [+] :: ...

Bodies? What Bodies?

The coming war will be rated 'PG'. The story will be sanitized for your protection by the mainstream media, as required by the Bush Jr. administration.
In manipulating the first and often most lasting perception of Desert Storm, the Bush [Sr.] administration produced not a single picture or video of anyone being killed. This sanitized, bloodless presentation by military briefers left the world presuming Desert Storm was a war without death.
More than 150 reporters who participated in the Pentagon pool system failed to produce a single eyewitness account of the clash between 300,000 allied troops and an estimated 300,000 Iraqi troops. There was not one photograph, not a strip of film by pool members of a dead body -- American or Iraqi. Even if they had recorded the reality of the battlefield, it was unlikely it would have been filed by the military-controlled distribution system.
Reality: Tens of thousands were killed, according to Gen. Schwarzkopf. Many were simply buried alive in their trenches then bulldozed.

:: melior . 12/14/2002 02:28:38 PM [+] :: ...

Shayler expected to be released from prison

Voted most likely to 'fall' out of a window
"David Shayler is expected to be released from prison before Christmas, says his lawyer.

Shayler, 36, from London, was jailed for six months at the Old Bailey for breaching the Official Secrets Act."
Also see:

:: valis :: 12/14/2002 02:01:55 PM [+] :: ...


by Devvy Kidd
Yes, I said that. Support your local sheriff, but only if they support the U.S. Constitution and your rights. As the federal machine in Washington, DC continues to steam roll over our individual rights and strip this Republic of it's sovereignty, Americans need to remember the power of their duly elected sheriff.

The sheriff of your county is the highest elected official and has more power than most people realize. Your local sheriff has the power to tell dragoons from various federal alphabet soup agencies that they will not come into his/her county and attempt to enforce unconstitutional "laws." Your local sheriff is there to protect your rights, not the actions of an out of control government whether it be state or federal.
Also see:

:: valis :: 12/14/2002 12:08:10 PM [+] :: ...

US Moves To Assume Full Big Brother Status

from the BBC
In the film Minority Report, Tom Cruise heads a futuristic police team who have the technology to spot people who intend to commit serious crimes before the crime itself takes place.

The premise might seem far-fetched but it could be closer than we think.

The system in Minority Report goes horribly wrong

In the Pentagon in Washington, a team is working on plans to collect as much information about every single aspect of everyone in America as they can.

:: valis :: 12/14/2002 12:14:53 AM [+] :: ...

:: Friday, December 13, 2002 ::

Do You Feel Safe? A Chronicle Questionnaire

from The Austin Chronicle
In the USA of the New World Order, round-the-clock surveillance of everybody and everything is all the rage.

We've embarked on several permanent, terrorizing "wars on terror": war on Osama bin Laden, war on Saddam Hussein (and a handful of other people alleged to live in Iraq), war on al Qaeda ("your worldwide terrorism solutions group"), with Indonesia, Colombia, Syria, the Philippines, and Canada waiting in the wings.

We've got a brand-spanking new Dept. of Homeland Security bringing us "Total Information Awareness," to be "crisis-managed" by the unrepentant Contra-conspirator John Poindexter -- who makes an episode of 24 look like Sesame Street.

:: valis :: 12/13/2002 11:10:28 PM [+] :: ...

Surveillance Drones to Patrol US Cities

from Government Executive Magazine
Senator Warner: “I think it would be very important that the president initiate a study on the future use of UAVs by elements of the federal government other than the military..."
Also see: Giant, Unmanned Blimp Drones to Hover over America
Also see: Drones to Patrol Waters Off South Florida

:: valis :: 12/13/2002 02:16:13 PM [+] :: ...

BREAKING: Woman files lawsuit against President

by LeaAnne Klentzman of the Fort Bend Southwest Star
Margie Schoedinger of Missouri City, Texas has filed a lawsuit against George W. Bush in Fort Bend County Court. In her suit she is alleging "race based harassment and individual sex crimes committed against her and her husband." The suit lists numerous offenses and asks for actual damages, punitive damages and judgments against George W. Bush.

In her suit, among the many allegations, she has stated, "On or about, October 26, 2000, an attempt was made to abduct Plaintiff (Schoedinger) by three unknown assailants....

...Furthermore she states, "Throughout this conversation, she learned that there was no time that the Defendant (Bush) ever stopped watching Plaintiff’, nor did he stop having sex with Plaintiff. The sole concern of the Defendant and his representatives was whether Plaintiff could actually recall whether Plaintiff could actually recall, the individual sex crimes committed against Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s husband, utilizing drugs.

Section VII of the lawsuit states; "Whether or not Plaintiff’s husband was raped remains in question, as Plaintiff was drugged after she was raped and her husband was drugged before her rape. Plaintiff can only state that these men purported to be FBI agents raping her for the purpose of covering for how many times they had drugged her and allowed the Defendant to rape her in the same manner."
Additional Documentation: [PDF] [HTML]

:: valis :: 12/13/2002 02:44:13 AM [+] :: ...

:: Thursday, December 12, 2002 ::

When Dictatorship Comes, How Do You Know?

by Alan Stag
Most Americans would agree (I hope) that the victims of a totalitarian dictatorship have the moral, if not the legal, right, indeed the obligation, to use any means to overthrow that dictatorship....

...So, the question arises, how do you know when a system has become a totalitarian dictatorship, thereby liberating its victims to do whatever they can get away with? What are the signs? When did the Hitler system become totalitarian?

That's easy. Hitler imposed a totalitarian dictatorship on Germany on . . . when he . . . Hmm.

Notice that even in Hitler's case that isn't an easy question to answer. Suppose we're living in Germany and it is January 30, 1933. That is the day Hitler takes over. Are we living under a dictatorship? No, not yet. Remember that Hitler took power legally. President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor. On January 30, 1933, Hitler hadn't yet done anything dictatorial.

So, if we start the revolution on that day, we would be wrong. Hitler would have said we were breaking the law, and he would have been right. We do know that somewhere between that day and the day he started World War II in concert with his ally, fellow totalitarian socialist dictator Joe Stalin, September 1, 1939, he did impose a dictatorship on Germany.

:: valis :: 12/12/2002 06:49:32 PM [+] :: ...

Down the Memory Hole: Information Awareness Office Website Deletes Staff Biographies

From http://www.thememoryhole.org/
The government's Information Awareness Office--you know, the Defense agency that's running the Total Information Awareness Program, the huge database that will track everything about everyone in the US and beyond, helmed by convicted felon John Poindexter--has gotten a little camera-shy.

My guess is that the publication of Poindexter's phone number and address unnerved them a bit. On 26 November 2002, the biography pages of the people who run the IAO were taken off the agency's Website. Richard R. Smith retrieved them from Google's cache and posted them on his Website. They are mirrored below.

:: valis :: 12/12/2002 02:11:12 PM [+] :: ...

Digital Angel CFO may sell up to 100,000 shares

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - Digital Angel Corp. DOC.A Chief Finance Officer James Santelli may sell up to 100,000 of his shares in the telemedicine technology developer, according to a U.S. regulatory filing on Friday.

The South St. Paul, Minnesota-based company, a majority owned unit of electronic device maker Applied Digital Solutions Inc. ADSX.O , said in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing that Santelli entered into a regular stock trading plan for corporate insiders, called Rule 10b5.

Also see: Don't forget to check back for the "Chipmobile" schedule!

:: valis :: 12/12/2002 02:10:05 PM [+] :: ...

FLASHBACK: Taleban in Texas for talks on gas pipeline

BBC News: Thursday, December 4, 1997
"A senior delegation from the Taleban movement in Afghanistan is in the United States for talks with an international energy company that wants to construct a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to Pakistan.

A spokesman for the company, Unocal, said the Taleban were expected to spend several days at the company's headquarters in Sugarland, Texas."

:: valis :: 12/12/2002 10:43:36 AM [+] :: ...

U.S. probes terror ties to Boston software firm

A software company raided here by antiterrorism investigators was targeted because several employees already are under scrutiny for alleged terrorist ties and because it does computer work for the military, the Federal Aviation Administration and Congress and may have access to classified information.

Agents with the U.S. Customs Services and the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided the company, Ptech Inc., at 4 a.m. Friday, confiscating files and computer equipment. Based in a blue-collar suburb south of Boston, the firm has annual revenue of up to $10 million and specializes in software programs that help run corporate networks.........

Two other Ptech officials of concern to U.S. officials are Muhammed Mubayyid and Suheil Laheir, both of whom formerly worked for a Boston-based Islamic charity called Care International, which has been the subject of U.S. terrorism probes since shortly the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. (The Islamic charity isn't related to the Atlanta-based charity of the same name.)...........

Records indicate close ties between the Islamic charity and the Boston branch of Al Kifah Refugee Center, the Brooklyn branch of which was named by prosecutors as the locus of the 1993 conspiracy to bomb the World Trade Center.

Al Kifah was created by the CIA to recruit "mujahideen" for covert operations. http://www.thedubyareport.com/bushbin.html"Alkifah has been identified by an aide to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as a CIA front for transferring funds, weapons, and recruits to the anti-Soviet mujaheddin in Afghanistan."

http://www.fas.org/irp/news/1994/afghan_war_vetrans.html [Oct. 1994] "“The Al-Kifah, or Struggle, Refugee Center in New York, which used to recruit and raise funds for Mujahedeen headed for Afghanistan, last year announced it was switching its operations to Bosnia.

:: Black Jade 12/12/2002 04:15:18 AM [+] :: ...

:: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 ::

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:: valis :: 12/11/2002 01:29:56 PM [+] :: ...

So what did we learn about George W. Bush today?

  • Well, first we learned where he was August 1st 1973:
    Getting SUSPENDED from the National Guard [MORE]

  • Then we learned about another little incident:

    It says in this court document [PDF] [HTML] on the Office of the County Clerk, Fort Bend County Texas site that Dubya has been accused legally of having sex with a minor, and then using his powers as President to harass her into committing suicide.
Also see: Fort Bend County Newspaper Article
Got any other goodies? Aside from the male "sexmate" story, of course. (We can't talk about that, It's a "Matter of National Security".) Send them here.

:: valis :: 12/11/2002 01:28:47 PM [+] :: ...


Big Brother says no money for you if you're 'stressed'
AUTOMATIC teller machines of the future will have an iris scanner to verify identities, a security expert says...

...Rowley says the iris scan is the best option because people will not want a laser beamed into their eyes for the retina scan, while a fingerprint reader will wear out and become dirty...

..."It can sense if you're under stress - with the hand it's heat and with the eye it's jitters - and shut down," Rowley says. "But if it's a hot day and you've been running and you're hot and flustered and you go to the ATM to get money, it could think you're under stress and not let you in."

:: valis :: 12/11/2002 01:25:04 PM [+] :: ...

Secret Service Agents question High School student for wearing a controversial t-shirt, treated as a potential threat on the president

Nazi Youth to the Rescue: WHIO-TV, NEWSCENTER 7, Dayton, Ohio -
Secret Service Agents question a Bellbrook High School student for wearing a controversial t-shirt.

The shirt has a picture of President Bush on it and the words, "not my president."...

...From that point, the Secret Service took over the investigation and met with the student and essentially treated the situation as a potential threat on the president.

:: valis :: 12/11/2002 01:24:50 PM [+] :: ...

Bush Appoints Skull and Bones Buddy to Head SEC

Go back to sleep America. There is nothing to see here.
"The President intends to nominate William H. Donaldson of New York, to be Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission and upon confirmation designate Chairman, for the remainder of a five-year term expiring June 5, 2007."

Did you know that Prescott Bush dug up Geronimo's grave to claim the skull?
"The informant said that in May of 1918, Prescott Bush and five other officers at Fort Sill desecrated the grave of Geronimo. They took turns watching while they robbed the grave, taking items including a skull, some other bones, a horse bit and straps. These prizes were taken back to the Tomb, the home of the Skull and Bones Society at Yale in New Haven, Connecticut. They were put into a display case, which members and visitors could easily view upon entry to the building."

:: valis :: 12/11/2002 12:01:46 PM [+] :: ...

:: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 ::

Yes Lord Vader, Combat lasers becoming a reality

Futuristic laser weapons under development by the U.S. military are making the transition from fodder for science fiction to reality and could soon be ready to play a major role in protecting troops on the battlefields of the 21st century.

Successful test firings have become routine for the Zeus, which zaps unexploded mines and bombs, and the Mobil Tactical High-Energy Laser, MTHEL, a joint American-Israeli weapon designed to swat down small short-range rockets and even artillery shells in mid-air.

"We could study these forever, but that's not what we are paid for," said Maj. Gen. John M. Urias, deputy commander of the U.S. Space & Missile Defense Command. "We are here to get these (systems) into the hands of soldiers."
Click here for more info on ZEUS™

Also see: Quicktime Movie showing ZEUS™ clearing various UXO during field testing

:: valis :: 12/10/2002 09:17:04 PM [+] :: ...

US: Feds Flunk Computer Security 101, Yet Again

Total Information Awareness?
For the second year running, the federal government has flunked Computer Security 101. The 24 major agencies of the U.S. government performed so poorly this year that lawmakers charged with overseeing government efficiency said they want to tie agencies' funding to network security procedures and force them to buy software only from a list of qualified products.

Despite the redoubled attention to security since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, 14 of 24 federal agencies flunked in their efforts to improve network safety, according to the Computer Security Report Card, released last month by the House Subcommittee on Government Efficiency, Financial Management and Intergovernmental Relations. This fall, the subcommittee concluded that every major agency in the federal government houses significant network security weaknesses.

:: valis :: 12/10/2002 06:02:37 PM [+] :: ...

The Microwave Phaser: It's Not For "Them"; It's For You

The Pentagon has always craved a phaser. Now it's turning to microwaving as a potential means of singeing the enemy.

The Department of Defense's bland name for this electronic heat ray is the Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial (VMAD) system, a mouthful of jargon that yields few clues about the weapon's nature. Allegedly designed for an Orwellian task—"humanitarian missions"—the VMAD is a giant version of your microwave oven, without the safety box surrounding it. The generals want to move it around on a humvee.

What is the microwaver's target? It must be unarmed civilians, because as described, the VMAD wouldn't seem to offer much against terrorists or regular soldiers ready to fire back with conventional weapons.

What is certain is that the Pentagon's microwave projects lack oversight and common sense. In one manic, grandiose claim, the Defense Department calls VMAD "the biggest breakthrough in weapons technology since the atomic bomb."

:: valis :: 12/10/2002 05:47:57 PM [+] :: ...

Terrorists 'helped by CIA' to stop rise of left in Italy

from The Guardian:
US intelligence services instigated and abetted rightwing terrorism in Italy during the 1970s, a former Italian secret service general has claimed...

..."The CIA [Central Intelligence Agency], following the directives of its government, wanted to create an Italian nationalism capable of halting what it saw as a slide to the left and, for this purpose, it may have made use of rightwing terrorism," Gen Maletti told the Milan court. "I believe this is what happened in other countries as well."
1971 to 1975? That's just a little before the US created Al-Qaeda.

:: valis :: 12/10/2002 04:13:28 PM [+] :: ...

"How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in any individual wire was guesswork.

It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate, they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to."

— George Orwell, 1984

:: valis :: 12/10/2002 04:12:49 PM [+] :: ...

DARPA and Wetware

DARPA To Support Development Of Human Brain-Machine Interfaces
DURHAM, N.C. -- Devices including "neuroprosthetic" limbs for paralyzed people and "neurorobots" controlled by brain signals from human operators could be the ultimate applications of brain-machine interface technologies developed under a $26 million contract to Duke University sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

The contract is part of DARPA's Brain-Machine Interfaces Program (http://www.darpa.mil/dso/thrust/sp/bmi.htm), which seeks to develop new technologies for augmenting human performance by accessing the brain in real time and integrating the information into external devices.
Dances with Robots
Kazerooni and his colleagues have made what may be the world's most advanced motorized exoskeleton. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) regards exoskeleton technology as promising enough to deserve a $50 million, 5-year commitment to fund Kazerooni's lab and others. This spring, the agency awarded first-year grants under the program.
Imagine being able to land a jumbo jet without ever taking control of the stick. NASA scientists recently demonstrated the ability to control a 757 passenger jet simulation, using only human muscle-nerve signals linked to a computer.
from http://mirror.lcs.mit.edu
In a remarkable invention, US scientists have developed a biological computer made of leech neurons that can think for itself. The neuron computer works in a way similar to the human brain.
U.S. Military Admits to Plan to Create a "Warfighting" Cyborg
The Augmented Cognition program will explore the interaction of cognitive, perceptual, neurological, and digital domains to develop improved performance application concepts. The advanced applications will be tailored to military problems in order to demonstrate potential pay-off for operational users. Success will improve the way 21st Century warriors interact with computer based systems, advance systems design methodologies, and fundamentally re-engineer military decision making.

:: valis :: 12/10/2002 12:43:08 PM [+] :: ...

:: Monday, December 09, 2002 ::

Key Evidence to World Trade Center Investigation Feared Destroyed, Missing

"In the grand tradition of JFK's brain, the 18.5 minutes of Nixon's tapes, RFK's bodyguard's pistol, the Branch Davidians' front door, Vince Foster's X-rays, and the black boxes from numerous doomed airplanes, we now can add crucial WTC documents to the list of missing evidence." - d|i|s|i|n|f|o

:: valis :: 12/9/2002 11:35:25 PM [+] :: ...

:: valis :: 12/9/2002 11:25:59 PM [+] :: ...

New LibertyThink Originals Archive Section

by valis

  • 12/08 - The Fascists ARE the Socialists

  • 12/05 - Terrorism and the Feedback Loops of History

  • 11/25 - Inverting the Terrorist Paradigm - Part 1

  • 10/20 - Philip K. Dick's Black Iron Invisible Prison

  • 08/17 - Dark Victory: Anakin W. Bush?

  • 04/02 - Memetic Warfare: Welcome to the first war fought on the internet

    (Psst. Bookmark for later...)

    Also see: LibertyThink For Kids

    :: valis :: 12/9/2002 10:47:12 PM [+] :: ...

    Nuremberg, Germany, September 1937

    Los Angeles, California, August 2000

    :: valis :: 12/9/2002 08:13:09 PM [+] :: ...

    Vladimir Putin Creating Anti-USA Axis?

    Russia, China, and India – the anti-supremacy triangle?
    "Putin made it understood that he is interested in preserving a counterbalance, despite the USA’s policy of forcing the world to acknowledge that it is the only current superpower. Putin signed a declaration for the advantages of the multi-polar world order, which is completely opposed to the American New World Order."
    As I recently predicted here:
    "The last War on Terrorism didn't go so well for Germany. They were ultimately defeated, not by the "terrorists", but by a foreign alliance because of their response to terrorism.

    The foreign alliance felt justified in removing a hysterical empire from existence, who apparently could not deal with terrorism in a rational manner. Russia and China will feel the same justification when they attempt to do the same."
    Also see: U.S., Chinese Defense Officials in High-Level Talks

    This could get ugly.

    :: valis :: 12/9/2002 08:05:30 PM [+] :: ...

    PROMIS software: the centralized GNN resource

    An excellent resource by mustashio from GNN on all info relevant to PROMIS

    :: valis :: 12/9/2002 07:41:36 PM [+] :: ...

    LibertyThink: The Fascists ARE the Socialists

    by valis

    Harry Brown recently wrote in his column for WorldNetDaily:
    "America rules the world – by force. And that's ironic. Because for as long as I can remember, conservatives have been railing against the threat of world government. But now we actually have a form of world government – a government run by George Bush and enforced by the American military – and most conservatives are all for it."
    Thus lies the present quandary in American Politics. Do Republicans really support smaller government? Here are some interesting facts:
    • Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress from 1995 through 2001 during which time the federal budget grew from $1.4 trillion to $2.1 trillion (about $100 billion annually).
    • Social welfare programs under George W. Bush have grown by $96 billion in just two years, versus $51 billion under six years of Clinton, according to economist Stephen Moore of the Club for Growth. (And don't blame it on the Democrats, President Bush didn't veto any legislation during his first 18 months in office.)
    • The last Republican president to preside over a decrease in federal spending was Warren G. Harding who served from 1921 until his death in 1923. During that time federal spending decreased 38% from $5 billion to $3.1 billion.
    And now we have the new Office of Homeland Security, the biggest hybrid-bureaucracy-mutation known to civilized man, Corporate bailouts for the chummy elites, and the largest budget ever submitted to Congress, $2.13 trillion.

    What's going on here? Who are these "conservatives" running the show? Consider the following excerpt:
    The Fabian Society

    ..."The theoreticians who drafted this plan, (The Bretton Woods Conference; the creation of the World Bank, and the IMF 'International Monetary Fund' ), were the well-known Fabian Socialist from England, John Maynard Keynes, and the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Harry Dexter White.

    " The Fabians were an elite group of intellectuals who formed a semi-secret society for the purpose of bringing socialism to the world. Whereas Communists wanted to establish socialism quickly through violence and revolution, the Fabians preferred to do it slowly through propaganda and legislation. The word socialism was not to be used. Instead, they would speak of benefits for the people such as welfare, medical care, higher wages, and better working conditions. In this way, they planned to accomplish their objectives without bloodshed and even without serious opposition. They scorned the communists, not because they disliked their goals, but because they disagreed with their methods. To emphasize the importance of gradualism, they adopted the turtle as the symbol of their methods...... Across the bottom, the masses kneel in worship of a stack of books advocating the theories of socialism. Thumbing his nose at the docile masses is H.G. Wells who, after quitting the Fabians, denounced them as "the new Machiavellian." The most revealing component, however, is the Fabian crest which appears between Shaw and Web (prominent leaders). It's a wolf in sheep's clothing."

    - The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
    It's a wolf in sheep's clothing alright. In fact, it's one of the biggest frauds perpetuated on the United States and on the world itself. But then you say: I thought that the IMF and the World Bank were what the Socialist Left were protesting against. It's just good old fashioned capitalism, right? Wrong. In order to for a country to get accepted into the IMF, they must first standardize their wages, and what you are left with is not a free-market, but government control of the market.

    I was surprised to read the following quote on FreeRepublic, the online propaganda arm of the GOP:
    "You do raise a salient point - some folks are quick to promote their own expansion of the powers of the federal government, as long as it promotes their own particular agenda."
    Exactly, and do you know who's agenda is presently getting pushed through? The Council on Foreign Relations. John F. McManus from GoOFF writes:
    "The members of this small but extremely influential group are responsible for a parade of foreign policy disasters in China, Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba, and Africa. The group itself has always sought to lead the United States into a one-world socialistic system led by its members and their like-minded associates in other nations. Shouldn't you know about this organization and what its members are planning for the l990s?"
    Notice that he wrote: "in the 1990's". As one of their recommendations for Improving the U.S. Public Diplomacy Campaign In the War Against Terrorism, the Task Force on November 6, 2001 said that the Bush Jr. Administration should:
    "Disseminate stories of particular victims to convey the range of people killed in the 9/11 attacks—stress range of religions, races, income levels, etc. (Stress that bin Ladin has killed co-religionists by showing Muslims killed, counteract myth that Mossad was behind the attacks by showing Jews killed, etc.)"
    Talk about macro-managing reality. They are, I guess, in the business of counteracting myths. If it is indeed a myth, are they going to advocate debunking the Easter Bunny next? Very much in the same way, I imagine, that the Scientologists own the Cult Awareness Network.

    Speaking of counteracting myths, I leave you with a question:

    Who exactly are the neoconservatives? And why aren't they very conservative?

    :: valis :: 12/9/2002 06:27:42 PM [+] :: ...

    BREAKING: All Dutch Intelligence Wiretapping Equipment 'Leaking' Information to Israel

    According to anonymous sources within the Dutch intelligence community, all tapping equipment of the Dutch intelligence services and half the tapping equipment of the national police force, is insecure and is leaking information to Israel.

    How difficult is it to make a back-door in the Dutch Transport of Intercepted IP Traffic[1] system? The discussion focusses on the tapping installations for telephony and internet delivered to the government in the last few years by the Israeli company Verint[2].

    This company was called Comverse-Infosys[3] until half a year ago, but was quickly renamed when the FBI started several investigations against it and arrested some of its employees in the US on suspicion of espionage. (See pulled FoxNews stories, Politech, Cryptome or Google).

    People within the Dutch government got worried too. Especially because they had been warned as early as 1998 about the possible back-doors in the tapping equipment. The ex-ministers of interior ("Binnenlandse Zaken"), Peper and de Vries, could not comment. The minister of Justice at the time, Korthals Altes, was asked to report to parliament in december 2001, where he stated that the security measures meet the required level and that an investigation would be started if this, after all, was not the case. No investigation followed.
    Also see: Fox News spy story video

    :: valis :: 12/9/2002 04:31:34 PM [+] :: ...

    Audio Files: From the Mind of Aldous Huxley

    "Brave New World" was originally broadcast as the series premiere, in two parts, on January 27 and February 3rd, 1956. Aldous Huxley himself narrated this hour long adaptation of his dystopic novel of a quickly nearing future in which society manufactures babies for specific roles in life and people control and mellow their experience with the drug Soma...
    From scifi.com's Seeing Ear Theatre

    Also see: Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution, March 20, 1962
    Aldous Huxley discusses using terrorism to create willing slaves out of the population. Questions / Answers

    :: valis :: 12/9/2002 11:07:01 AM [+] :: ...

    :: Sunday, December 08, 2002 ::

    Remember: Osama bin Laden wants US to attack Iraq

    Bin Laden, Bush Serve the Same Master

    :: valis :: 12/8/2002 09:34:49 PM
    [+] :: ...

    Federal Judge Caves to White House Pressure, Lets Cheney Continue to Deceive and Mislead Public

    Yet more proof that the U.S. "justice system" has become a "tradable commodity" for the rich and powerful.
    "The Bush administration succeeded Friday in temporarily stopping a lawsuit seeking documents about the inner workings of Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force and its meetings with industry executives and lobbyists," reports AP. "A federal appeals court INDEFINITELY delayed Monday's deadline for the White House to produce task force documents or provide a detailed list of the documents it is withholding."
    Also see: Enron Reps Met With Cheney 6 Times

    :: valis :: 12/8/2002 09:06:59 PM [+] :: ...


    Chesa Boudin, the son of former Weather Underground leader and convicted terrorist Kathy Boudin is to be awarded a Rhodes Scholarship.

    :: valis :: 12/8/2002 07:26:22 PM [+] :: ...

    New Section: LibertyThink For Kids

    :: valis :: 12/8/2002 07:02:38 PM [+] :: ...

    Feds turn up heat on high-tech industry links to al-Qaeda

    Last night's raid of a Massachusetts-based software firm for possible links to al-Qaeda signals a shift in the FBI's focus on nongovernmental organizations and charities to corporate America, including the IT industry, experts close to the investigation said. ...........

    The company's client list reads like a who's who of the high-tech industry, including companies such as IBM, Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc., Motorola Inc., Sprint Corp. and The Mitre Corp.........

    customs officials and the FBI began investigating Yacub Mirza, a former member of Ptech's board of directors who also manages a number of other businesses in the U.S.

    "Mirza was acting on behalf of Yassin Qadi, the Saudi financier who was on the U.S. [terrorism] watchlist and whose accounts here are frozen," said Vince Cannistraro, the former chief of counterterrorism at the CIA. "Qadi is the guy behind Ptech.".....

    However, it's the company's work with the U.S. Department of Energy, the Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S. Department of Defense that has raised the most concern, experts said.
    According to http://www.dyncorp-sucks.com/oil_tree.htm,
    "Booz-Allen & Hamilton, in conjunction with the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, runs the Saudi Armed Forces Staff College, while O'Gara Protective Services (former U.S. CIA and Secret Service agents) protects the Saudi royal family and their property and provides Saudi forces with security training."

    :: Black Jade 12/8/2002 07:01:05 PM [+] :: ...

    Feds Look For Data On Saudi In Ptech Raid

    NEW YORK - When federal agents swooped into the offices of Ptech, a computer software firm outside Boston this morning, they were looking for information about a Saudi businessman who is thought to be an investor in the firm and who has connections to another company based in the U.S. and another in Canada.

    Yassin al-Kadi is on a Treasury Department list of wealthy individuals and entities that are thought by federal law enforcement officials and the CIA to be funneling money to Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda terrorist organization. Al-Kadi has denied the allegations.........

    In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, the Bush Administration designated al-Kadi as a terrorist entity, citing a relationship with a Saudi charity called Muwafaq Foundation, or "Blessed Relief" that is said by the government to transfer money from wealthy Saudi citizens to Al Qaeda.

    Al-Kadi also has been named in a lawsuit by survivors of the Sept. 11 attacks.
    The Blessed Relief is no stranger to the CIA or any other US government agency involved in Kosovo. This was one of the "charities" which supported the CIA's "freedom fighters." http://www.antiwar.com/orig/deliso5.html
    ""Bin Laden’s kind offer of "humanitarian help" in 1994 has been used repeatedly ever since to fund terrorism in Albania. Many terrorists have posed as "humanitarian workers" since. Secret KLA training camps, which the CIA and SAS also used, were created in Northern Albania by Iran and other countries "using Islamic educational institutions and projects for the development of rural communities as a front."

    Back in 1999, "a Saudi government audit acquired by US intelligence showed that 5 of Saudi Arabia’s top business executives ordered the National Commercial Bank (NCB), the kingdom’s largest, to transfer personal funds along with $3 million diverted from a Saudi pension fund to New York and London banks. The money was diverted into the accounts of Islamic charities, including Islamic Relief and Blessed Relief, that serve as fronts for Bin Laden."

    :: Black Jade 12/8/2002 04:27:01 PM [+] :: ...

    Return of the Iran-Contra Brigade

    The Bush administration is staffed by convicted criminals
    The selection of Elliot Abrams last week as President George Bush's director of Middle Eastern affairs triggered a cloud of controversy over both the administration's Middle East policy.

    Abrams pleaded guilty in 1987 to withholding information from about the Nicaraguan Contra case from Congress, before being pardoned by the first President Bush in 1992. Four officials now in the Bush administration worked for President Reagan in the mid-1980s, when money from arms sales to Iran was diverted to aid the Contra rebels in Nicaragua.

    :: valis :: 12/8/2002 04:22:46 PM [+] :: ...

    :: Saturday, December 07, 2002 ::

    What a Coincidence!!
    The Council on Foreign Relations IS the Shadow Government

    (pic via post-atomic)

    :: valis :: 12/7/2002 08:55:51 PM [+] :: ...

    Is That Really You? Check My DNA

    Retinal scans. Fingerprints. Face scans. In the post 9/11 world, these kinds of biometric measures are increasingly used in public places like government offices, airports and rental car kiosks.

    Every human cell contains DNA, the blueprint for all life, and that genetic code is unique to each individual...

    ..."VISA is currently eating about 2 percent of their transactions in fraud," he said. "All they have to say is 'Take a scrape of your cheek and mail it to us and we'll give you a credit card that has a better APR.'"

    :: valis :: 12/7/2002 08:09:34 PM [+] :: ...

    Project Bluebeam?: 5.6 Airborne Holographic Projector

    Brief Description

    The holographic projector displays a three-dimensional visual image in a desired location, removed from the display generator. The projector can be used for psychological operations and strategic perception management. It is also useful for optical deception and cloaking, providing a momentary distraction when engaging an unsophisticated adversary.

    • Precision projection of 3-D visual images into a selected area
    • Supports PSYOP and strategic deception management
    • Provides deception and cloaking against optical sensors
    Enabling Technologies (MCTL)
    • 4.1.4, Image Processing (holographic displays)
    • 10.1, Lasers
    • 10.2, Optics
    • 10.3, Power Systems

    Also see: Project Bluebeam: Good Lord! What in heaven's name is that?

    Also see: When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing


    Also see: "It was like someone flying up to heaven.''


    :: valis :: 12/7/2002 07:13:50 PM [+] :: ...

    Documents Show Postal Officials Knew Building Was Contaminated, But Kept Facility Open 4 Additional Days - Endangering Workers and Public


    Judicial Watch forced the USPS to turnover documents by court order, after the USPS failed to comply with a Freedom of Information Act request. The documents contained stunning, new information in a diary or log written by a senior Brentwood postal official. The diary reveals that USPS and U.S. government officials knew on Thursday, October 18, 2001, that “mail was leaking” anthrax spores into the environment of the Brentwood facility, and that a second anthrax spore swab test confirmed that the swabs “tested hot.”

    Despite this knowledge, USPS and U.S. government officials kept the Brentwood facility open (in violation of their own written emergency regulations) for an additional four days, until Sunday, October 21, 2001 – when news broke of the deaths of Mr. Curseen and Mr. Morris from inhalation anthrax. Judicial Watch’s complaint to U.S. Attorney Howard seeks a full and immediate criminal investigation for reckless endangerment, manslaughter, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy, among other applicable charges.

    Also see: FBI 'guilty of cover-up' over anthrax suspect

    Also see: Anthrax Missing From Army Lab

    Also see: Report: U.S. Expert Believed Behind Anthrax Attacks

    Also see: Agency hushed anthrax scandal

    :: valis :: 12/7/2002 06:07:09 PM [+] :: ...

    The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 22

    by Sherman H. Skolnick
    Helpful in measuring whether an "outside the box" scandal, can cause commotions within the "box", are historical records. The monopoly press keep the same, calling them "the morgue", the place where they save old news clips, sometimes so old they are on microfilm, microfiche, and similar retention devices.

    Do non-monopoly press sorts keep track that way? If not, why not? Internet search engines are helpful but limited. Did THEIR computers save the real stuff, the real possible negatives, revealing little-known happenings?

    :: valis :: 12/7/2002 12:26:57 AM [+] :: ...

    Who Controls The Federal Reserve System?

    By Victor Thorn
    Now that we know the Federal Reserve is a privately owned, for-profit corporation, a natural question would be: who OWNS this company? Peter Kershaw provides the answer in "Economic Solutions" where he lists the ten primary shareholders in the Federal Reserve banking system.

    1) The Rothschild Family - London 2) The Rothschild Family - Berlin 3) The Lazard Brothers - Paris 4) Israel Seiff - Italy 5) Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany 6) The Warburgs - Amsterdam 7) The Warburgs - Hamburg 8) Lehman Brothers - New York 9) Goldman & Sachs - New York 10) The Rockefeller Family - New York

    Now I don't know about you, but something is terribly wrong with this situation. Namely, don't we live in AMERICA? If so, why are seven of the top ten stockholders located in FOREIGN countries? That's 70%!

    :: valis :: 12/7/2002 12:06:42 AM [+] :: ...

    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

    -- Thomas Jefferson

    :: valis :: 12/7/2002 12:05:53 AM [+] :: ...

    :: Friday, December 06, 2002 ::

    Applied signs VeriChip distributor for South Korea

    The Global Beast System Marches On...
    Palm Beach technology company Applied Digital Solutions (Nasdaq: ADSX) said its microchip subsidiary has signed an exclusive, five-year deal with a City of Industry, Calif.-based import-export firm to distribute its products in South Korea.

    The VeriChip subsidiary said Global Integrated Technology will be able to market and distribute all applications of VeriChip products in South Korea, provided the distributor meets minimum purchase requirements and certain other conditions. Applied said GIT must purchase 5,000 VeriChips in three months.

    VeriChips are microchips that can be inserted under a person's skin and contain personal information. The agreement also calls for GIT to buy 216 VeriChip scanners, according to Applied. The scanners allow users to retrieve information stores in a VeriChip
    Also see: Florida Firm Seeks to Microchip Americans

    Also see: 'Digital Angel' lands in China

    Also see: Applied to sell $9M in VeriChips to Mexican firm

    Also see: Applied Digital again in trouble with FDA

    Also see: VeriChip Corporation Launches National "Get Chipped'' Promotion

    Also see: Digital Angel's Latest Partner: Microsoft MapPoint

    Also see: FDA Ruling - Subdermal VeriChip is Not a Regulated Medical Device

    Don't forget to check back for the "Chipmobile" schedule!

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 09:26:39 PM [+] :: ...


    Field Manual (FM) 3-19.40 depicts the doctrinal foundation, principles, and processes that MP will employ when dealing with enemy prisoners of war (EPWs), civilian internees (CIs), US military prisoner operations, and MP support to civil-military operations (populace and resource control [PRC], humanitarian assistance [HA], and emergency services [ES]). FM 3-19.40 is not a standalone manual, and it must be used in combination with other publications. These publications are pointed out throughout the manual, and a consolidated list is provided in the bibliography.
    Also see:

    Also see: INTERNMENT CAMPS: The Mechanics of Tyranny

    Also see: Concentration Camps in U.S.


    Also see: GULAG AMERIKA

    Also see: Concentration Camps on US soil: Full list

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 09:25:14 PM [+] :: ...

    Hollywood Gets Norway to Try Jon Johansen

    Teenager Prosecuted for Watching His Own DVDs on Linux Computer
    Oslo, Norway - The criminal trial against Jon Johansen, a Norwegian teenager who watched his DVDs on his Linux computer using a DVD descrambling program called DeCSS, will start in Norway this Monday, December 9. The trial is scheduled to last until Friday, December 13.

    "Jon owned the DVDs and he's never been accused of copyright infringement or assisting in copyright infringement," noted EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn. "Instead, he's facing criminal charges for taking the necessary steps to view his own DVDs on his own computers."

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 09:01:11 PM [+] :: ...

    Henry Kissinger In Hell - Because what we really need now is more murderous criminal masterminds in power

    It's getting so it's nearly impossible to follow which war-crimes monster or which convicted lying felon or which mysterious pro-corporate stable boy is heading what major investigative commission or sinister domestic-surveillance database or cramming what vile homeland-security bill with how many tons of conservative pork....

    ...In related news, Bush also appointed a squad of those evil hooded dark-rider things from "The Lord of the Rings" to look into the thousands of civilian deaths in Afghanistan. They promise complete unbiased reportage, as soon as they remove the skulls from between their teeth.

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 08:38:00 PM [+] :: ...

    John Hull--Simple Rancher or U.S. Government Terrorist?

    Affidavit: US planned to bomb its own buildings to "simulate terrorism"
    "Although I will reveal the full details of my intelligence background and activities only before a grand jury, trial jury or congressional committee, I will say that during and after my military service in the United States Army (RA11312792) I worked for or with the Army Security Service, the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Army's Criminal Investigative Division.

    This affidavit is limited to my activities from approximately 1971 through 1977 in Lakeland, Florida; Sao Paulo, Brazil and Albuquerque, New Mexico..."
    Also see: Oliver North & Co. Banned from Costa Rica

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 08:29:57 PM [+] :: ...

    Students for an Orwellian Society

    Because 2002 is 18 years too late.
    What is SOS?

    Students for an Orwellian Society (SOS) is a nationwide student group. Although SOS has always been a nationwide student group, there is evidence to suggest that it first appeared at Columbia University. The mission of SOS is to promote the vision of a society based upon the principles of Ingsoc, first articulated by George Orwell in his prophetic novel, 1984.

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 06:57:27 PM [+] :: ...

    Armey's Farewell Speech: Protect Personal Freedoms

    "And so the courage of America is being called upon more than at any time in my lifetime. And what I fear I hear is an echo chamber of voices in America that are saying, "Give us greater dominion over your personal liberties and we will make you secure."

    ...There are many authorities that we can extend to the government of this country that'll make us safer. But will we be free?"
    Also see: Armey leaves House with call for freedom: Conservative from Texas says Americans must not sacrifice liberty for security

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 05:30:30 PM [+] :: ...


    A little humor for you from clayman from LF
    Washington (RP) -- CIA sources have revealed al Qaeda plans to target particularly naive Americans with "insane conspiracy theories." Such theories, sources say, are intended to instill otherwise baseless trepidation into the hearts of citizens riddled with paranoia.

    "One such claim," a CIA spokesman who spoke on condition of anonymity stated, "is that Osama bin Laden has acquired technology that would allow him to transmute al Qaeda operatives into squirrels capable of gnawing through SUV brake lines."

    The official added that the credibility degree of al Qaeda-spun theories ranges from "psychotically implausible" to "just enough to keep the irrational neurotic."
    In response to: Terrorist Planning To Poison Americans?

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 05:08:43 PM [+] :: ...

    Mass. Tech Company Raided for Alleged Terror Links

    A Massachusetts high-tech firm that has sold millions of dollars in software and services to the FBI, the White House and other sensitive federal agencies was raided by federal agents early this morning because of allegations it is secretly funded by a U.S.-designated terrorist financier.
    "Maybe along the lines of INSLAW, as "The FBI has used Ptech’s software for financial tracking and internal budgeting" sounds remarkably similar to PROMIS. It may be they developed a really great piece of software that the govt. wanted." Hmm...

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 01:27:21 PM [+] :: ...

    Former NYC Mayor Giuliani Donned Black Cape, Joins Portuguese Brotherhood

    from the Associated Press

    PORTO, Portugal (AP) - Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani donned a big, black, floppy hat Thursday when he was inducted into the Port Wine Brotherhood during a visit to Portugal.

    Giuliani wore the brotherhood's traditional black cape as well as its trademark hat with a broad rim and shoulder-length ribbon at his initiation ceremony in this northern Portuguese city.

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 01:20:55 PM [+] :: ...

    A Brief (But Creepy) History of America's Creeping Fascism

    by Maureen Farrell
    "Public health officials want to shut down roads and airports, herd people into sports stadiums and, if needed, quarantine entire cities in the event of a smallpox attack".- the Boston Herald, Nov. 8, 2001

    "Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he deems to be 'enemy combatants' has moved him from merely being a political embarrassment to being a constitutional menace." -the Los Angeles Times, Aug. 14, 2002

    "The Bush administration is developing a parallel legal system in which terrorism suspects -- U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike -- may be investigated, jailed, interrogated, tried and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system. . . . " - the Washington Post, Dec. 1, 2002
    These days, it's hard to read anything without thinking, "this can't be true." We're living in an age of secret bunker governments and stealth legislation, however, and unlikely scenarios are tempered with the realization our old reality is gone. This America differs drastically from the country we knew two years ago, when tales of felons ogling our e-mail would have been capped with a punch line. Yet here we are, scratching our heads, while guardians of the public trust shill for the state.

    When Chris Matthews responds to Christopher Hitchens' charges against Henry Kissinger by braying about how "our very free notion of the first amendment," allows Hitchens to say "anything he wants about somebody," (as if Hitchens were making things up), our airways are either populated by the misinformed or by those paid to propagandize.

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 12:41:39 PM [+] :: ...

    Government officials in sex trafficking ring arrested

    Horrifying testimony of woman sex-slave traded for a Mercedes shakes political establishment of Yugoslav republic
    When police in the tiny republic of Montenegro swooped on a suspected pimp accused of running a major sex trafficking operation, they ran into an embarrassing problem.

    The man they were about to put behind bars was none other than the country's deputy state prosecutor.
    In every case, from England to France to Portugal - Europe's elite are caught running sex slave and paedophile rings (via The Propaganda Matrix)

    :: valis :: 12/6/2002 12:35:46 PM [+] :: ...

    :: Thursday, December 05, 2002 ::

    Terrorism and the Feedback Loops of History

    by valis
    I predict that history will repeat itself again and again.

    The last War on Terrorism didn't go so well for Germany. They were ultimately defeated, not by the "terrorists", but by a foreign alliance because of their response to terrorism.

    The foreign alliance felt justified in removing a hysterical empire from existence, who apparently could not deal with terrorism in a rational manner. Russia and China will feel the same justification when they attempt to do the same.

    "But the terrorists want to take away our freedom"

    If the purpose of terrorism is to destroy liberties, then that can only be accomplished by the reactionary measures imposed. If the reaction is to destroy liberties, couldn't that reaction and those that support it be considered terrorist accomplices or phase two of the terrorist agenda?

    My solution to terrorism would be just the opposite; use the same tactics of those used by the media to quell "terrorist" anti-war protests, or those used by MLB when a fan streaks naked accross the field: IGNORE THEM.

    Terry Gilliam's movie Brazil (1985) was an attempt to explore reactionism and inverting the terrorist paradigm.

    Terrorists don't destroy liberties. That's impossible. It's the governments that do.
    Also see: Inverting the terrorist paradigm: Part 1 - Reactions to death

    :: valis :: 12/5/2002 11:40:03 AM [+] :: ...

    I.N.S. Deporting 'Magic Boy' Rudy Dekkers

    "The I.N.S. is acting to place the prime suspect in a wider-ranging 9/11 conspiracy investigation out of the reach of the Independent Investigation."

    At the instigation of Bush Administration officials the Immigration and Naturalization Service is preparing to deport the man whose Venice, FL. flight school served as a magnet for Mohamed Atta's terrorist cadre, effectively placing him beyond the reach of the upcoming 9/11 investigation, the MadCowMorningNews has learned.
    Also see: Venice Airport Used for Covert Ops: What they're hiding down in Venice, Florida

    Also see: "A Lear Too Far": Terror Flight School Owners' Plane Seized for Heroin Trafficking

    Also see: Atta & Girlfriend's Wild 3-Day Party in Key West

    Also see: Key Witness 'Disappears' in Venice FL

    Also see: Magic Dutch Boy Escapes Fiery Plane Crash

    Even stranger, both Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris were providing celebrity endorsements to Hilliard's operation well after the company's Lear (N351WB) had been busted by DEA agents armed with machine guns.

    :: valis :: 12/5/2002 09:04:50 AM [+] :: ...

    Photgrapher Arrested For Taking Pictures of Vice President's Hotel

    An amateur photographer named Mike Maginnis was arrested on Tuesday in his home city of Denver - for simply taking pictures of buildings in an area where Vice President Cheney was residing. The following is Maginnis's account of what transpired:
    As he was putting his camera away, Maginnis found himself confronted by a Denver police officer who demanded that he hand over his film and camera. When he refused to give up his Nikon F2, the officer pushed him to the ground and arrested him.

    After being brought to the District 1 police station on Decatur Street, Maginnis was made to wait alone in an interrogation room. Two hours later, a Secret Service agent arrived, who identified himself as Special Agent "Willse."

    The agent told Maginnis that his "suspicious activities" made him a threat to national security, and that he would be charged as a terrorist under the USA-PATRIOT act. The Secret Service agent tried to make Maginnis admit that he was taking the photographs to analyze weaknesses in the Vice President's security entourage and "cause terror and mayhem."

    When Maginnis refused to admit to being any sort of terrorist, the Secret Service agent called him a "raghead collaborator" and a "dirty pinko faggot."
    Welcome to the new Amerika

    If you are reading this you are part of a Subversive Terrorist Network

    Turn Yourself In and Get It Over With

    :: valis :: 12/5/2002 09:04:31 AM [+] :: ...


    by Sherman H. Skolnick 11/29/02

    Carried over from the greatly troubled 20th Century is a hush-hush group of events that is virtually impossible to be dealt with by the American monopoly press. After you study this, the how, when, where, and why of it, may become clear to you...

    ...Starting October, 1980, Daddy Bush, running for Vice President on the Reagan/Bush ticket, arranged a treasonous deal with the Iranians at the time, holding 52 U.S. Embassy hostages in Teheran. The Iranians agreed, in a Paris suburb meeting, to hold the U.S. hostages until the Reagan/Bush ticket was elected by getting the edge over incumbent Jimmy Carter...

    Another, little-known part of the treasonous Daddy Bush/Iran deal, was Bush's promise to them that the then new administration would take no action if the Iranians counterfeited foreign currencies, INCLUDING THAT OF THE UNITED STATES.

    So, the Iranians bought printing apparatus from Germany, similar to that used by the U.S., to print superior quality bogus Federal Reserve Hundred Dollar Notes. Through corrupt means, the Iranians even obtained the special U.S.-contract only, linen type paper used for printing the hocus pocus money.

    The big secret, forbidden to be discussed by the oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press is that there is, because of Iran and others, over 800 billion dollars worth of these superior quality Federal Reserve Notes, masquerading, of course, as the "U.S. Dollar". Some of it, circulating by way of Iran. Some is being circulated by a joint deal between the Russian mafiya (former KGB officers) and a faction of the Colombia dope cartel. Some by blowback (spy lingo) is coming back to the U.S....

    :: valis :: 12/5/2002 09:03:45 AM [+] :: ...

    I want my country back

    by Harry Browne
    World government

    America rules the world – by force.

    And that's ironic. Because for as long as I can remember, conservatives have been railing against the threat of world government.

    But now we actually have a form of world government – a government run by George Bush and enforced by the American military – and most conservatives are all for it...

    :: valis :: 12/5/2002 06:39:27 AM [+] :: ...

    Bill O'Reilly: Warmonger

    Bill Moyers is too diplomatic to say it, so Libertythink will:

    Bill O'Reilly is a warmonger. And a media whore.

    In the aftermath of 9/11 Mr. O'Reilly, from his battle station at Fox, was calling for the United States "to bomb the Afghan infrastructure to rubble, the airport, the power plants, the water facilities, the roads." He went on to describe Afghanistan as "a very primitive country" and to say "taking out their ability to exist day-to-day will not be hard. Remember the people of any country are ultimately responsible for the government they have. The Germans were responsible for Hitler, the Afghans are responsible for the Taliban. We should not target civilians but if they don't rise up against this criminal government, they starve, period."

    :: melior . 12/5/2002 01:29:51 AM [+] :: ...

    :: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 ::

    Homeland Security Act: The Rise of the American Police State (Parts 1, 2, & 3)

    t r u t h o u t | Report By Jennifer Van Bergen
    (*Editors Note | This is the first part of a three-part series on the Homeland Security Act (HSA). The first part reviews the origins of the Act in the Hart-Rudman Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. Tomorrow, Part 2 will discuss Cheney's plan for global dominance and how that relates to homeland security. Wednesday, Part 3 will detail some of the HSA provisions themselves and briefly discuss what worries civil libertarians.)
    Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

    :: valis :: 12/4/2002 10:21:07 PM [+] :: ...

    Bosnian Muslim spied for Al Qaeda: U.S.

    SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) - A Bosnian Muslim arrested by U.S. troops in Bosnia on suspicion of spying on a U.S. base is linked to the Al Qaeda terrorist network, peacekeepers said today.
    Sabahudin Fijuljanin, 41, was arrested Oct. 26 by U.S. troops from the NATO-led peacekeeping force based in Tuzla, northeastern Bosnia, when they saw him allegedly spying on their base.

    During an investigation, the troops found an anti-tank weapon and several passports in Fijuljanin's home.

    "We have information which links Fijuljanin to Al Qaeda," said Lt. Cmdr. Yves Vanier, a spokesman for the peacekeepers......

    Since the terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, several people in Bosnia have been questioned about possible links to international terrorism. Six of them - all Algerians - were arrested and handed over to the U.S. government. They still are reported to be in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

    Earlier this year, Bosnian authorities raided several Islamic charities operating here and closed three of them: the Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, the Global Relief Foundation and Bosanska Idealna Futura - a branch of the Chicago-based Benevolence International Foundation.
    Those guys are going to be put away at Guantanamo, far away from investigative reporters, who would love to ask them how they ended up in Bosnia and who their mentors really were. But the truth does slip out here and there. The Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation and the Benevolence International Foundation are named as defendents in a suit that the families of the victims of 9-11filed against the Al Qaeda network. The CIA and their Saudi partners in crime were using these "charities" as a money laundering machine for the Bin Laden organization to finance covert operations. Khalid Bin Mafouz (BCCI) named in 9/11 suit

    A BIF attorney is griping that these faithful servants of the CIA are getting a raw deal. U.S. Indicts Head of Islamic Charity in Qaeda Financing "Mr. Piers, the lawyer for Benevolence International, said in an interview that the Justice Department was seeking to "rewrite history" in portraying Mr. Arnaout as a financier of terrorists. He said Mr. Arnaout's activities in war-torn regions like Afghanistan in the 1980's and Bosnia in the 1990's came on behalf of many of the same rebel fighters the United States was backing then. "

    :: Black Jade 12/4/2002 08:33:31 PM [+] :: ...

    CIA Has OK To Kill Americans Working For Al-Qaeda

    Targeted Assassinations now in the USA
    "The authority to kill U.S. citizens is granted under a secret finding signed by the president after the Sept. 11 attacks that directs the CIA to covertly attack al-Qaida anywhere in the world. The authority makes no exception for Americans, so permission to strike them is understood rather than specifically described, officials said."
    Anywhere in the world, huh? I assume that would include inside of the US as well.

    So if jaywalking is a terrorist crime under the Patroit Act, all they have to do is find that all terrorism is connected with al-Qaeda, and they've just legalized gunning people down in the streets of downtown USA.

    :: valis :: 12/4/2002 07:04:54 PM [+] :: ...

    Bush Family Dipping Into Security Pie

    Marvin P. Bush, one of George W. Bush's three younger brothers, is co-founder and partner in Winston Partners, a private investment firm in Alexandria, Va. Winston Partners in turn is part of a larger venture capital entity called the Chatterjee Group, headed by venture capitalist Purnendu Chatterjee........

    Inevitably, many companies are aggressively marketing services to make businesses ``Patriot Act''-compliant: that is, they sell computer systems to enable banks to argue successfully to Uncle Sam that they're not laundering money for terrorists. One of the most aggressive is Sybase Inc., which developed a ``Sybase PATRIOT compliance Solution'' months ago. Sybase, which said it wanted foreign banks as customers (it already had a deal with the People's Bank of China), landed Sumitomo Mitsui Bank in time for the October 2002 compliance deadline.

    This is where Winston Partners comes in. The Chatterjee Group, including Winston Partners, owns 5.5 million shares in Sybase (Chatterjee businesses also have been paid thousands more shares in Sybase). SEC filings show that Winston Partners LP owns 1,036,075 shares in Sybase; Winston Partners LDC holds 1,317,825 shares; and Winston Partners LLC owns 1,221,837 shares. The shares owned by the subsidiaries are collectively managed in funds for Winston Partners by Pernendu Chatterjee. There is also a Chatterjee Charitable Foundation.
    Another interesting point according to WInston Partner's website is Sami F. Al-Bashir, who "held the positions of Credit Analyst and then Portfolio Manager (Alternative Asset Management) at National Commercial Bank in Saudi Arabia." http://www.winstonpartners.com/he/he_teamlist.html

    The National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia is a defendent in the suit against the Al Qaeda network, which was filed by the families of the 9-11 victims.

    The Chatterjee Group is an "affiliate of George Soros Ltd." http://www.womeninc.com/wpo/agendas/nov6agen.htm

    :: Black Jade 12/4/2002 07:03:10 PM [+] :: ...

    MP3 AUDIO: Alex Jones Interviews Trina Magi

    MP3 AUDIO: Alex Jones interviews Trina Magi, past President of the Vermont Library Association. Magi has said,
    "We think that if you have to start wondering what your reading list might look like to an FBI agent then you might just start to censor yourself and not read the things that you want to read. And the moment you have to begin thinking about that, you are no longer free to be an informed citizen."
    Also see: Patriot Act Stirs Opposition In Burlington, VT

    Also see: Alex Jones discusses Homeland Security, Real Video, 17:28

    :: valis :: 12/4/2002 06:46:50 PM [+] :: ...

    Guantanamo Prisoners Seek U.S. Appeals

    Detainees in the war on terrorism are fighting for access to American courts, contending they should not be held at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, without seeing a lawyer and without being charged with a crime.
    The Bush administration was arguing in a federal appeals court here Monday that 12 Kuwaitis, two Australians and two British Muslims captured in Afghanistan and Pakistan in the months following the Sept. 11 attacks are ``unlawful combatants.''
    Siding with Justice Department lawyers, U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ruled four months ago that the Guantanamo detainees have no right to court hearings, meaning the military can hold them indefinitely without filing charges. ........

    As for the detainees in the appeals court case: ........

    There is little doubt that Australian David Hicks, 26, had joined the Taliban when he was captured by U.S.-backed Northern Alliance forces in Afghanistan, Australian Prime Minister John Howard has said. Hicks' family denies that he trained with al-Qaida. Australian newspapers have published photos of Hicks as a freckled 10-year-old schoolboy alongside a picture of him as a bazooka-toting soldier taken during a stint in Kosovo, where he fought with Muslims in the Kosovo Liberation Army.
    Some of those Guantanamo prisoners are going to be locked up and isolated from the world for a long, long time. Many of them have some interesting stories to tell, such as their training in CIA camps in Kosovo and Bosnia. Al Qaeda is still training the CIA's Kosovo "freedom fighters" in the US-occupied sector of Kosovo. Bin Laden Puppetmasters Smoked Out In Balkans

    :: Black Jade 12/4/2002 06:45:24 PM [+] :: ...

    Poll: Bush Jr. Trashing Worldwide Respect For US

    A poll of people in 44 countries, the Pew Global Attitudes Survey, has found "strong global consensus that the United States disregards the views of others in carrying out its foreign policy." Understandably, resentment of Bush Jr.'s "F*ck You World, we don't care what you think" attitude is widespread, along with deep distrust of the US motives for attacking Iraq, even among the people of NATO member nations like Russia, Germany, France and Britain.

    The poll found a clear trend worldwide in the rapid erosion of respect for the US over the two years of the Bush Jr. Administration.

    Not surprisingly, nations with a large Muslim population had the
    highest rates of disapproval:
    Do you have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States?

    - Egypt: favorable, 6 percent; unfavorable, 69 percent
    - Jordan: favorable, 25 percent; unfavorable, 75 percent
    - Lebanon: favorable, 35 percent; unfavorable, 59 percent
    - Pakistan: favorable, 10 percent; unfavorable, 69 percent
    - Turkey: favorable, 30 percent; unfavorable, 55 percent

    So what, you ask? Consider this: aside from weakening the US position across the board in negotiations with other nations, the cowboy diplomacy of Runnynose Bunnypants may be the single greatest factor in the steadily worsening loss of support for the war against terrorism.
    Do you support or oppose the U.S.-led war on terrorism?

    - Egypt: support, 5 percent; oppose 79 percent
    - Jordan: support, 13 percent; oppose 85 percent
    - Lebanon: support, 38 percent; oppose 56 percent
    - Pakistan: support, 20 percent; oppose 45 percent
    - Turkey: support, 30 percent; oppose 58 percent
    One can only hope that, like the US presence in Afghanistan, the people of the world continue to separate their feelings about the US people, from their anger at the US government.

    Also see: Australian PM John Howard's Bush Jr. imitation is not well received either.

    :: melior . 12/4/2002 05:39:04 PM [+] :: ...

    FLASHBACK: Supressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Lead Directly into the CIA's Highest Ranks

    CIA Executive Director “Buzzy” Krongard managed firm that handled “PUT” options on United Airline Stock
    FTW - October 9, 2001 – Although uniformly ignored by the mainstream U.S. media, there is abundant and clear evidence that a number of transactions in financial markets indicated specific (criminal) foreknowledge of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In the case of at least one of these trades -- which has left a $2.5 million prize unclaimed -- the firm used to place the “put options” on United Airlines stock was, until 1998, managed by the man who is now in the number three Executive Director position at the Central Intelligence Agency.
    Remember this? Funny, they don't talk about 9-11 insider trading on the news anymore...

    :: valis :: 12/4/2002 01:08:50 PM [+] :: ...

    New US Constitution to be written by private orgs (Brookings, Carnegie, etc.)

    According to continuityofgovernment.org, the official website of The Continuity of Government Commission:
    In the fall of 2002, the Continuity of Government Commission was launched to study and make recommendations for the continuity of our government institutions after a catastrophic attack. September 11th raises the possibility that foreign enemies might seriously disrupt the filling of vacancies in Congress, presidential succession, and achieving a quorum for the Court so much so that our basic institutions might not function in a normal constitutional manner.
    This is a long but very important story. Read more for who is backing COG, what COG intends to do, and for a transcription of a portion of a radio interview with Howard Phillips, the leader of the Constitution Party who got sixth place for U.S. President in the 2000 election with 100,000 votes (behind Bush, Gore, Nader, Buchanan, and Browne).

    :: valis :: 12/4/2002 01:07:27 PM [+] :: ...

    Bombs, Democracy, and Double Standards

    On the 4th of July [Geez, talk about a loaded date! - Editor] Hacktivismo announced it would release Camera/Shy, a steganography application. Ever since we've been bombarded by journalists wanting to know, "Could this application be used by terrorists?" Last year the boogiemen were child pornographers. Next year they might be extraterrestrials. Who knows?

    We know we're in the business of providing technical solutions for democracy activists, not assisting bomb throwers and weenie wagers. Camera/Shy actively benefits the democratic experience wherever freedom is under siege. But can Cisco and the other software titans make the same claim? How are they helping the democratic franchise by selling censorware to the People's Republic of China? Or are they allowed because, unlike us, it isn't their business to care about these things?

    And Another Thing
    While the so-called leaders of the free world are doing nothing to open up the Internet, we're doing this with no money and in our spare time. Just think of what we could do with a budget. Currently our R & D division is running off an Atari and a Casio keyboard. I can hardly wait until we can afford a copy of Windows 95.

    Oxblood Ruffin
    Resident Windbag
    Also see: Software license tied to human rights

    Also see: Hackers Fight Censorship, Human Rights Violations

    :: valis :: 12/4/2002 01:06:23 PM [+] :: ...

    Gallup Poll: Homeland department draws poll skepticism

    WASHINGTON -- The first national opinion poll regarding the newly created Department of Homeland Security since President Bush signed the law establishing it last week indicates that former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, who has been tapped to head the massive new bureaucracy, has his work cut out for him.

    Only 13 percent of Americans polled by the Gallup Organization say they have confidence that the new department will make them "a lot" safer. Nearly 4 in 10 Americans expect that the new department will not make the country any safer.

    Frank Newport, editor-in-chief of the Gallup Poll, said in an interview that from a public relations standpoint, Ridge "has two strikes against him. As the war [against terrorism] has gone on without Osama bin Laden being caught, there's been a growing cynicism that anything will be effective against terrorism. And there has always been a healthy skepticism about the effectiveness of government bureaucracy. [Ridge] has a tough row to hoe."

    :: valis :: 12/4/2002 11:56:08 AM [+] :: ...

    Saudi Foreign Minister 'Will Never Believe' US 911 Story

    One day after the nomination of Henry Kissinger as chairman of the 9/11 investigation commission, Prince Nayif bin Abdul Aziz, Interior Minister of Saudi Arabia, was interviewed by the Kuwaiti newspaper Assiasa. In the interview, which was republished in the Saudi daily Asharq Al-Awsat on Nov. 28, Prince Nayif expressed his doubts about the official story that Al-Qaeda carried out the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Here are some excerpts:
    "You, in the media, have to think about how to protect your nations and your youth against terrorism. You have to learn how to protect your faith against being stamped as terrorism by a group of suspicious and dubious people. I am personally one of those who suspect that these terrorist organizations have relations with foreign intelligence organs which have an anti-Arab and anti-Islamic tendency. At the top of those [foreign intelligence] is the Israeli intelligence, because they [the terrorists] tried to assail us from within our bases and from within our faith and principles, Islam and the Palestinian cause. I am supposed to believe that 19 young men, of whom 15 are Saudis, managed to conduct this operation, and that bin Laden and Al-Qaeda group did that independently. This is impossible. I will never believe that. If they have this capability, then they must be supermen or probably have some heavenly power."

    I'm beginning to think that there are so many factions and "sleeper cells" in every government, that the WOT needs to be fought out James Bond-style to possibly be effective. Just attacking countries or governments 'pre-emptivly' won't seem to do the trick to win a war on terrorism. This were the tactics used in the last war on terrorism in a little country called Germany. They did not win.

    :: valis :: 12/4/2002 11:54:59 AM [+] :: ...

    Thought Police on Patrol in the UK

    The boundaries of crime seem to be expanding.

    :: valis :: 12/4/2002 11:06:07 AM [+] :: ...

    :: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 ::

    Will Kissinger Screw Rummy?

    Various people have explained why Henry Kissinger is a bad choice to run an investigation into what went wrong on Sept. 11. He's a liar. He's an apologist for corrupt regimes. Through his consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, he has a commercial interest in not shaking things up ...it's still possible that Kissinger may—emphasize may—prove a smart choice to run the commission precisely because he's the same Machiavellian schemer he always was. The 9/11 committee carries great potential to become a vehicle for Kissinger's revenge against his bitterest bureaucratic foe.

    That would be Donald Rumsfeld...

    ..."We have ways of dealing with those clowns," Kissinger said.

    :: melior . 12/3/2002 05:09:34 PM [+] :: ...

    LibertyThink Makes the Cut: Remains in top 10 Blogs of War Hostiles List

    Wow!! We make the top 10 Blogs of War Hostiles List as the only libertarian site, grouped with the liberals such as IndyMedia, ANSWER, Michael Moore, PETA, and ELF, (yes I know, but they don't know the difference.) LOL!!

    As the Fascists battle the Socialists for control, I'd like to direct both parties to the latest column by Ron Paul, MD (R), TX:

    Our Incoherent Foreign Policy Fuels Middle East Turmoil
    UPDATE: We have been removed. They must have resolved their own confusion.

    :: valis :: 12/3/2002 04:08:40 PM [+] :: ...

    Applied Digital again in trouble with FDA

    If ADS continues to market VeriChip for applications the FDA considers medical, the agency could seize the company's inventory, impose civil penalties and obtain an injunction against further marketing of VeriChip, the letter said. "Violations of the [Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act] are also punishable by criminal penalties. The FDA expects ADS to correct these violations immediately."
    Also see: Florida Firm Seeks to Microchip Americans

    :: valis :: 12/3/2002 02:59:17 PM [+] :: ...

    Kissinger to Kill Bush Politically with 9/11?

    from The Propaganda Matrix Yahoo Group
    From a visitor in Germany....

    Hello Paul,

    There is something that you can't know. In a private TV station, there was a Kissinger interview recently. It was done in German, Kissinger speaks very good German.


    My bad, I didn't record it :(

    Anyway, the interesting part was this: The interviewer spoke about the whole Bush administration, 9/11 issue, Kissinger made a rather strange remark, if I remember correctly it was something like "...yes, but maybe he isn't president any more soon." The interviewer stumbled, but didn't ask any further about that.

    :: valis :: 12/3/2002 02:58:49 PM [+] :: ...

    Court Considers Morpheus Peer-to-Peer Software Case

    from The Electronic Frontier Foundation:
    Lawyers Cite Consumer Rights and Technology Innovation

    Los Angeles - Attorneys argued in federal court today over a copyright lawsuit brought by entertainment companies against StreamCast Networks, maker of the popular Morpheus peer-to-peer (P2P) software.

    "This case is broader than StreamCast and P2P technology,"said Steve Griffin, Streamcast's CEO, who attended the hearing. "It is about the rights of consumers to share information freely and technology companies to innovate freely."
    Also see: EFF: Documents related to Metro-Goldwyn Mayer v. Grokster case

    :: valis :: 12/3/2002 05:15:36 AM [+] :: ...

    Our Incoherent Foreign Policy Fuels Middle East Turmoil

    by Rep. Ron Paul, MD (R), TX
    Thousands of American troops already occupy Afghanistan, and perhaps hundreds of thousands more are poised to attack Iraq. The justification given for these military invasions is that both nations support terrorism, and thus pose a risk to the United States.

    Yet when we step back and examine the region as a whole, it’s obvious that these two impoverished countries, neither of which has any real military, pose very little threat to American national security when compared to other Middle Eastern nations. The decision to attack them, while treating some of region’s worst regimes as "allies," is just the latest example of the deadly hypocrisy of our foreign policy in the Middle East.

    :: valis :: 12/3/2002 04:55:20 AM [+] :: ...

    FBI 'guilty of cover-up' over anthrax suspect

    from NEWS.scotsman.com
    AMERICAN investigators know the identity of the killer who paralysed the US by sending anthrax in the post but will not arrest the culprit, according to leading US scientists.
    From Last June, Dr. Rosenberg goading the FBI to go after Hatfill.
    "Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was observed entering the lab building at night was Langford's predecessor, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded Zack being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992"
    -- "Anthrax Missing From Army Lab", The Hartford Courant, January 20, 2002
    By JACK DOLAN And DAVE ALTIMARI, Courant Staff Writers

    Also see: Report: U.S. Expert Believed Behind Anthrax Attacks

    :: valis :: 12/3/2002 04:43:33 AM [+] :: ...

    Information remains inconclusive on Moussaoui's 9/11 role

    from The Star Tribune:
    "I'm amazed that the government has never once sought to find out from Moussaoui who the people are in the United States that he was in touch with," said Ed MacMahon, one of Moussaoui's court-appointed standby defense attorneys.

    :: valis :: 12/3/2002 04:06:03 AM [+] :: ...

    Think the government won't turn you into a slave? Think again.

    Michigan's 7th district congressman, Nick Smith, has cosponsored HR 3598 called the "Universal Military Training and Service Act of 2001." This bill authorizes the federal government to force six months of military training onto every male from age 18 to 22.

    At first glance HR 3598 appears to be an absurdity destined for the ash heap. The military has no use for millions of conscripts. They would be a nuisance, burden and expense. Giving real training to millions of conscripts would mean that many of the military's present personnel would have to be switched from being soldiers to being trainers. One might conclude at this point that even Congress is not so out of touch with reality as to seriously consider such legislation.

    :: valis :: 12/3/2002 03:57:01 AM [+] :: ...

    :: Monday, December 02, 2002 ::

    Study Says Marijuana Does Not Lead to Hard Drugs

    Countering a basic principle of American anti-drug policies, an independent U.S. study concluded on Monday that marijuana use does not lead teenagers to experiment with hard drugs like heroin or cocaine.

    The study by the private, nonprofit RAND Drug Policy Research Center rebutted the theory that marijuana acts as a so-called gateway drug to more harmful narcotics, a key argument against legalizing pot in the United States.

    :: valis :: 12/2/2002 04:30:05 PM [+] :: ...


    by Ian Williams Goddard
    The question was recently put to me in the course of an Internet dialog regarding conspiracy theories, "Ian, can you give examples of conspiracy theories which have been proven true?" Toward the satisfaction of this question I offered the following:

    IAN: If we define "proven true" as "that which is accepted by the Govt. Media," and thus by the majority of people, I'd be hard-pressed to point to a conspiracy "proven true." If we define "proven true" as "consistent with facts," then there are many conspiracy theories proven true, such as:

    :: valis :: 12/2/2002 03:54:37 PM [+] :: ...

    Bush Family Ordering Release of Convicted Cuban Terrorists

    The brother of President George Bush, the Florida governor, Jeb Bush, has been instrumental in securing the release from prison of militant Cuban exiles convicted of terrorist offences, according to a new book. The Bush family has also accommodated the demands of Cuban exile hardliners in exchange for electoral and financial support, the book suggests.

    :: valis :: 12/2/2002 03:29:40 PM [+] :: ...

    Ong's Hat: The Oldest Urban Legend

    I just recently began reading Ong's Hat and I have a considerable amount of questions for the thinking community: Consider the following quotes from the aforementioned book:
    "According to the original legend, the community at Ong's Hat was built upon the foundations of the Moorish Science Temple and the Moorish Orthodox Church, both of which are considered heretical Moslem sects. (which sought to counterbalance the forces of Islam)

    Whether it is true or not, one of the most incredible stories of Ong's Hat concerns Wali Fard, an African-American from Chicago who is a legend in his own right. After traveling throughout Asia and experiencing exotic initiations from different mystery schools, Fard amassed a fortune from trading in carpets and other well known Afghan exports (we can assume hashish and opium).

    The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan induced him to return to America in 1978. Fard laundered his earnings by buying about 200 acres in the New Jersey pine barrens and set up the foundation for that which became known as The Institute for Chaos Studies and the Ong's Hat Legend.

    In 1931, a black circus magician named Noble Drew Ali founded an Islamic heretical sect and called it the Moorish Science Temple. In the 1950's various jazz musicians and poets who belonged to this sect founded the Moorish Orthodox Church, tracing their spiritual ancestry to various "Wandering Bishops" loosely affiliated with the Old Catholic Church and schisms of Syrian Orthodoxy. In the 1960's the Moorish Orthodox Church remained a presence at Millbrook, New York at Timothy Leary's commune...

    ... The popular press has characterized Osama bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks. In actuality it is far more complicated. We are dealing with a secret society that goes back thousands of years and might take ten, twenty, or even one hundred years to put an assassin in place to commit an execution.

    This modus operandi is the gravest danger for the United States of America at this particular time. The terrorists could not have hit a more significant symbol than the trade towers. The only way way for them to hit a more dramatic target and to strike terror in the heart of America would be a carefuly trained assasisn to strike at the heart of the president himself. This means a person who is very close to him. This would be the most demoralizing we could suffer as a nation. Whether it plays out or not, and I certainly hope it does not, this is how the sect works.

    One of the top programmer/hackers in the world is an Arab with sympothies to terrorists. He facilitates an intimidating message to the White House when the terrorists revealed to our government that they knew exactly where the president was at the time of the attacks because they had broken the security codes. They were sending a message to the president himself.

    :: valis :: 12/2/2002 04:20:04 AM [+] :: ...

    :: Sunday, December 01, 2002 ::

    Seal of Distraction

    In a candid statement to the press, Ridge explained, "It took us over a year, but I think the motto we finally agreed upon accurately reflects our main mission. Namely, every time the President's rubber stamp Congress is about to do something unimaginable - like pass legislation restricting freedoms or rolling back environmental laws, or handing gigantic payoffs to special interest groups - we'll announce a heightened alert status to distract public awareness and knock everything we're doing off the evening news."

    :: melior . 12/1/2002 11:37:26 PM [+] :: ...

    CIA: Latest odds on next US terror strike

    Sen. Bob Graham, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said... U.S. intelligence agencies now were predicting a 75 percent chance or better of attacks inside the United States in the event of any attack on Iraq that threatens Saddam Hussein.

    Does this war make you feel safer?

    :: melior . 12/1/2002 10:57:35 PM [+] :: ...

    Bush administration creates Memory Hole Press

    LA Times via Google cache
    Since it's the threat of obscurantism we're hoping to thwart, let's be blunt: The Bush administration's plan to strip the Government Printing Office's authority is a threat to democracy.

    Office of Management and Budget Director Mitch Daniels wants to transfer control of information management from the printing office to individual Cabinet agencies. That would spell the end of the current system, in place since the Jeffersonian era, which requires executive branch agencies to send their documents and reports to neutral librarians, who then make them available to the public both online and in 1,300 public reading rooms nationwide.

    Daniels would replace that system with a more secretive one in which individual agencies would manage -- and possibly sanitize -- their own electronic databases.

    Currently, a federal agency such as the Pentagon can't delete an embarrassing passage from a historical document without first going through the hassle of asking each reading room to obscure the passage with a black marker.

    If Daniels gets his way, all an agency will have to do is call up the document in Microsoft Word and quietly hit Control X to delete the passage for eternity.

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 04:11:16 PM [+] :: ...

    7 Arrested For Protest Of President, Brother

    "They're trying to cleanse America,'' Redner said after his release Saturday night from Orient Road Jail on a charge of trespassing after warning. "To me, it's what the Nazis used to try to do. In this country, you have an absolute right to protest.''

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 04:10:26 PM [+] :: ...

    Make your city or town a 'Civil Liberties Safe Zone'

    From The Bill of Rights Defense Committe
    15 cities and towns have passed resolutions; more are underway in 24 states!

    Congratulations to #15: Eugene, OR, for its unanimous City Council vote on November 25!

    "We support repeal of parts of the USA PATRIOT Act and Executive Orders that infringe on Constitutional rights. This web site documents and supports local efforts to restore civil liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, which have been threatened by the Act and Orders."

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 03:25:57 PM [+] :: ...

    An old fox back in the White House

    Who better to investigate an unwarranted attack on America than the man who used to instigate America's unwarranted attacks? Who better to ferret out US government duplicity and manipulation than the man who engineered secret wars, secret bombings, secret wiretaps and secret coups, and still ended up as a Nobel Peace Prize winner?

    If you want to get to the bottom of something, you don't appoint Henry Kissinger. If you want to keep others from getting to the bottom of something, you appoint Henry Kissinger.

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 03:24:43 PM [+] :: ...

    Hitler's Enabling Act

    On March 23, 1933, the newly elected members of the German Parliament (the Reichstag) met in the Kroll Opera House in Berlin to consider passing Hitler's Enabling Act. It was officially called the 'Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich.' If passed, it would effectively mean the end of democracy in Germany and establish the legal dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.

    The 'distress' had been secretly caused by the Nazis themselves in order to create a crisis atmosphere that would make the law seem necessary to restore order. On February 27, 1933, they had burned the Reichstag building, seat of the German government, causing panic and outrage. The Nazis successfully blamed the fire on the Communists and claimed it marked the beginning of a widespread uprising.

    On the day of the vote, Nazi storm troopers gathered in a show of force around the opera house chanting, "Full powers - or else! We want the bill - or fire and murder!!" They also stood inside in the hallways, and even lined the aisles where the vote would take place, glaring menacingly at anyone who might oppose Hitler's will.

    Just before the vote, Hitler made a speech to the Reichstag in which he pledged to use restraint.

    "The government will make use of these powers only insofar as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures...The number of cases in which an internal necessity exists for having recourse to such a law is in itself a limited one." - Hitler told the Reichstag.
    Also see: This Week in Fascism

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 03:08:38 PM [+] :: ...

    T.I.A. - Bringing Paranoia to the People

    Are you bored with your life of reasonable, rational thought?

    Do you long for the simplicity and excitement of paranoia? (Flash Video)

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 02:35:45 PM [+] :: ...

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 02:25:15 PM [+] :: ...

    License To Chill -- Hackers Hamstring Rights Violators

    Press Release from cDc:

    SUMMARY: International hacker organization issues software license that allows the group or its licensees to take human rights violators to court.

    CROSSHAIRS: This story is important for anyone interested in hacking, human rights, information security, open-source software, Internet censorship, international law, international politics, or technology transfer.

    LUBBOCK, TX, November 25 -- Hacktivismo, an international group of hackers and human rights activists, today issued the Hacktivismo Enhanced-Source Software License Agreement (HESSLA). The license offers open-source transparency, enhanced by legal remedies both for Hacktivismo, as licensor, and for end-users...

    ...The most novel innovation in the license distributes enforcement power instead of concentrating it in Hacktivismo's hands. If a private citizen happens to violate the license, then Hacktivismo is in charge of enforcement. But the situation is different if the violation is by a government or a governmental official. When Governments subvert human rights, and try to use Hactivismo-licensed software as part of any aspect of such a project, then the license empowers end-users act as enforcers too.
    What? Out of the government's hands and into that of the private citizen?

    Expect the next round-up to be that of 'electronic terrorists'.

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 01:50:09 PM [+] :: ...


    The Bush administration is developing a parallel legal system in which terrorism suspects -- U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike -- may be investigated, jailed, interrogated, tried and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system, lawyers inside and outside the government say.

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 12:29:40 PM [+] :: ...

    "What a Drag It Is to Write Checks" -- The Cashless Society Will Save You from the Arduous Task of Signing Your Name

    What a pain it is to write a check these days -- all those forms of identification. But now, technology makes it possible to identify customers using their fingerprints. In a flash you can pay for groceries safely.

    We've all been there-standing in the supermarket's check out line, digging for identification to prove we are who we say we are. Now there's a better way and it's at the tip of your fingers.

    "We use a finger identification system to identify customers for their payment process," Garry Huddleston of Kroger Food Stores.

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 05:16:32 AM [+] :: ...

    Military Smokescreen: Who Commanded our Air Force to 'Stand Down' on 9-11?

    Of all the peculiarities, unanswered questions, and things that simply don’t add up about the 9-11 terrorist attacks, the one aspect that keeps nagging at me revolves around our military’s incredible lack of response to the hijacking of four airliners. Anyone who investigates this matter will soon find that the United States Air Force and the FAA both have established procedures that have been in place for at least 25 years regarding planes that veer abnormally off course.

    Specifically, federal law MANDATES that the Air Force must dispatch a plane to investigate why a certain craft has strayed from its predestined route. These interceptors are only allowed to shoot an airliner from the sky under orders from the President, but that doesn’t negate that they are still required to investigate the situation in a timely manner.

    Yet, on 9-11, NO ONE FOLLOWED ORDERS! Why? Who gave these orders? Plus, Washington, D.C. has the most restricted air space in the country, yet from 9:03 a.m., when the second tower was hit, to 9:47 a.m. when the Pentagon came under attack … when the Air Force KNEW that a jet was headed toward the Capitol, no planes were dispatched to intercept it. Who gave the orders for these planes to ‘stand down,’ and, God forbid, were some even called back after they had taken off?
    Answer: Because they thought it was a game.

    :: valis :: 12/1/2002 04:01:59 AM [+] :: ...

    "Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."

    - Adolf Hitler

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