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Tuesday April 18 2:54 PM ET Bush Complaint Against Parody Web Site Dismissed

Bush Complaint Against Parody Web Site Dismissed

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Election Commission said Tuesday they had dismissed a complaint by George W. Bush (news - web sites)'s Republican presidential campaign against a Web site that parodies the Texas governor.

The Bush campaign filed the complaint against Zack Exley of Somerville, Massachusetts and the Web site he started,

The Web site concentrates heavily on rumors of youthful illegal drug use by Bush, including featuring a doctored picture of Bush with a straw up his nose.

The complaint said the Web site really was acting as a political committee and therefore should abide by the registration and financial disclosure rules governing such committees.

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Exley responded that except for legal fees he had spent very little money on the Web site and the Texas governor was the one whose comments drew attention to the message.

Exley said he had no intention of trying to influence the presidential election and was only expressing his opinion about what he called past ``indiscretions.''

In dismissing the complaint the FEC said it found ``no evidence of serious intent'' to violate the law and considered the matter ``less significant relative to other matters pending before the commission.''

Exley's Web site is one of many political sites that sound official but have no connection whatsoever with a political candidate or party.

Bush's official Web site is

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