Georgy Bush
The Lyrics

By Don Clinchy

To read news articles about the Bush references in these lyrics, click on the highlighted text.

Hey there, Georgy Bush,
Swinging ’round the country fancy free,
Nobody you meet could ever see
The cluelessness there -- inside you.

Hey there, Georgy Bush,
Why do all the issues pass you by?
Could it be you don’t care why,
Or is it the cash you’ve raised?
You’re always taking money, but never taking a stand
And when you do, you are just a pan -- dering nitwit.

Hey there, Georgy Bush,
There’s a spoiled rich kid deep inside.
Bring out all the dirt you hide,
And oh, what a change there’d be.
The world would see
The true Georgy Bush.

(Instrumental bridge)

Hey there, Georgy Bush,
Whining ’bout a website parody,
What’s the matter, don’t you understand
The First Amendment -- well, we do!

Hey there, Georgy Bush,
Geography is something you don’t know
Slovakia’s a place, but no
It is not Slovenia.
You’re always mispronouncing the names of foreigners, too;
The Grecians are saying, "Shame on you -- dumb Texian!"

Hey there, Georgy Bush,
You won’t contradict the NRA;
Massacres must be okay
At home, work, and even school,
Guns are cool
With you, Georgy Bush.

(Instrumental bridge)

Hey there, Georgy Bush,
Dreamin’ of the leader you could be,
Here is the reality:
You’re nothing without your name.
Don’t be so cocky just because you’re ahead at the start;
Money can’t buy America’s heart -- just ask Steve Forbes.

Hey there, Georgy Bush,
There’s a right-wing puppet deep inside.
Makes us want to run and hide,
And it’s such a shame to see
That you could be
Our next president.

Ad lib and fade:
(Hey there, Georgy Bush.)
Drop out, Georgy Bush.
(Hey there, Georgy Bush.)
Go home, Georgy Bush.
(Hey there, Georgy Bush.)
Give up, Georgy Bush.

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