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The Monkey Bite Archive

Every Tuesday through Friday, we post a new Monkey Bite on our frontdoor for your edification. This could be a little news item, a link to a useful site, a handy coding tip, or just some random piece of information we think might be of interest to Web developers. Expired Monkey Bites are stored right here, growing tastier and more sophisticated with each passing day.

This month's Monkey Bites:


Apple's new Internet Developer site launched this week, and it dishes up a wholesome array of articles and resources aimed at getting your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, fonts, and graphics to render consistently, regardless of which operating system or browser a user is running -- just the thing to keep your site from falling off its platforms.


All those Net artists have not been laboring in vain -- at last, they've been recognized by a real medium: television! Jason Spingarn-Koff's documentary, which includes interviews with RTMark and Steve Dietz, the curator of the Walker Art Center, among others, is available via RealPlayer, thank heaven.


Of course you've got your computer's desktop set up just the way you like it, with the cool little launcher bar, the snazzy wallpaper, etc. (We will save the "desktop wallpaper is an oxymoron" discussion for another time, please.) But do you ever suspect that maybe your setup isn't the best possible setup? Do you peer discreetly at your coworkers' screens to see how they've got their icons arranged? Glut your voyeuristic hunger once and for all: Kaliber 10000 has a huge gallery of designers' desktops.


Bembo's Zoo is delightful for children and font geeks alike. And you know who you are, wolf-whistling at those sexy Bezier curves ....


Too broke to get a copy of Flash? Or perhaps you're just waiting for version 6. Either way, now, through the miracle of the Web, and Flash Generator, you can create Flash movies without Flash! Check out D.Film's Movie Maker. It's great for those moments when you're not doing anything else!


We are confronted by fonts for almost the entirety of our waking lives, except when we go camping or something. And you know enough about them to, say, choose a nice appropriate one when designing a site. But can you hold your own in the font conversation that's inevitable at any really good party? Learning to distinguish 11 varieties of Bodoni is one way to impress people, but font dilettantes may wish to start by reading an article like this.


The Argus Center for Information Architecture has a lot of interesting ideas and helpful resources on the subject of information architecture.


Tips for Paranoid Surfers, vol. MCCLXVII: Anonymizer has a new competitor. SafeWeb provides privacy, security, and peace of mind as you wade through this dangerous Web of ours.


Every year, somebody gives you a gift unexpectedly, and you didn't get anything for them. The gift's useless, but still.... Now it's a week later and you have to reciprocate. How about a vanity hex color? Browsers don't understand these color names, unlike, say, Aliceblue, but -- all together now -- it's the thought that counts.

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