Vote for your favorite ®™ark Fund from this month's "Featured Projects" list!

A donation the "Protocol Prone" exhibition budget will be made to the ark Fund deemed the most worthy by you, the exhibition visitors. Click in the box next to he project of your choice and click on "Vote NOW!!"
$1000 needed to build new 'robotic objectors' that will paint slogans automatically.
Create a social movement whose ultimate goal it will be to manifest, through the power of popular will, genital warts on George W. Bush. The would-be president will be infected with this unpleasant condition through mass mailings, a web site, and the creation of art depicting Bush with the condition. In this age of plutocracy our aim is to point out the uselessness of the voting booth in actualizing real, material changes, and to explore new possibilities for democracy.
Plant enticing pornographic videotapes in porn stores everywhere, with models such as (a super-well-hung) Ronald MacDonald, (a dementedly horny) Barbie, etc.--in other words, any trademark character which depends on its assumed virtue.
Devise coupon stickers for free packs of cigarettes and glue them onto boxes of children's cereal (and other products) manufactured by tobacco companies. Do this in such a way as to obtain wide coverage in the media for the fact that some tobacco companies are also trying to sell to children noxious or unhealthy products other than cigarettes.
Produce a documentary linking the increasingly harsh realities of the American workplace and economy to the rise in mental illness within the American population. Perhaps compare with European rates; perhaps also discuss 'official' corporate solutions--Prozac etc.--within this context. Film must be scheduled as part of a major regional film festival.
Create a new map or globe of the world that shows multinational corporate borders, vectors and free trade zones instead of national boundaries. Map must make it into a grade-school geography textbook, or globes must be sent to several elementary schools nation-wide; either event must be reported upon extensively in the mainstream press.
Get a famous sportswear manufacturer (or any other large corporation) to agree, on broadcast or other public media, to sponsor the high-quality education, health care, etc. of a U.S. baby who would otherwise not have access to same--in exchange for having the baby tattooed with the company's logo in the womb or at birth.
to alter ordinary supermarket greeting card displays to reflect concerns that are never reflected in such displays (e.g. the virtues of eating free-range pork meat, the marriage of one's non-native boyfriend, or the execution of one's soulmate). Amount offered will depend upon specific project. (Cards may also simply be added to displays rather than altered in manufacturing.)
Using any hamburger fast food chain's cartoon characters, create a small booklet or sheet explaining with bright smiling faces, with graphic photos, and in vivid detail, how cows are drugged, abused, and slaughtered to make hamburgers. Add it to the food bag or, better, in the special toy package. If necessary, stage angry parent reactions so that the media covers the story.
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Voting runs until May 28th.