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Fags in video games
James slams homosexuals again

I love video games. Damn near anyone can tell you that. I also hate homosexuals. Damn near anyone can tell you that, too. When the two collide, it makes me hate fags more and start to dislike video games, too. You ask where these things are present. Well, let's take a look, shall we?

we're here!  we're queer! First example: Tidus in Final Fantasy X. For starters, FFX is a pretty gay game. It took them 10 versions to finally have speech? And they're all gay. Especially Tidus. Look at this fag. He shaves his legs, wears stupid pants, has an open shirt... Look at his face! What a fuckin' poofer. I want to punch him in the face, then rape Yuna. That fucking tease. Anyway, Tidus is gay.

Remember SimCopter? Probably not. And here's why. Aside from the terrible graphics, a few days of the year, the guy sims of the city would all get together and make out. Fuckin' scary shit. The story behind it is that a gay programmer thought it would be cool to throw that little easter egg into it. Consequently, he got fired, excommunicated, shot, burned, and fed to dogs. Well, not really. But he should've. So he put that in to protest, or something. gave him 5 grand for doing this. various gayness
Top Left: The hug. Center: Anal Action.
Top Right: Hugging. Lower Left: The chase
Left: black homosexuals.  Right: More gayness Something tells me that the entire Sims franchise is into ass-packing. Look at these fags. Jerry found these off a website that promotes homosexuality in The Sims. Fuck, you can find anything these days. First, gay video game sites. What's next, people having sex with horses? Jesus fuckin' Christ. Anyway. In The Sims, you can try to get gay couples. Why? A design flaw, no doubt. Fuckin' gay video games. Look at the blackies in that picture. They're all in the hot tub, enjoying each other. What the fuck are video games coming to these days? If I wanted black gay (which I don't), I'd go rent Gay Niggers From Outer Space. Fuck off.


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