contextin' art


Context in Art- Since 2002

Contextin' Art is a mini-portal for the exploration of the context of art. The economic, political and social forces shaping the histories of art are visualized as artworks themselves. With "Contextin' Art", visitors can visually browse the often invisible relationships between art, electoral politics, and economic philanthropy.
Contextin' takes cues from previous generations of artists engaged in "institutional critique" and "conceptual art," as well as calls from contemporary artivists to interrogate the desire for "techno-formalism" within institutions.

Separate "things," "forms," "objects," "shapes," with beginnings and endings are mere convenient fiction:
there is only an uncertain disintegrating order that transcends the limits of rational separations.
The fictions erected in the eroding

Robert Smithson, "A Sedimentation of the Mind"


copyleft 2002 Artofficial Construction Media All rights vacant.