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Category: Start / e-Activism

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®TMark  Popular
Description: ®TMark is a brokerage that benefits from "limited liability" just like any other corporation; using this principle, ®TMark supports the sabotage (informative alteration) of corporate products, from dolls and children's learning tools to electronic action games, by channelling funds from investors to workers for specific projects grouped into "mutual funds."
Added on: 15-Sep-2001 hits: 876 | Report broken link  Popular
Description: works to encourage electronic activism and civic participation by providing a collection of simple, easy-to-use progressive electronic actions and tools for the eActivist.
Added on: 28-Oct-2001 hits: 142 | Report broken link

The Virtual Activist 
Description: In this virtual classroom, NetAction will teach you how to use email and the Web as effective, inexpensive, and efficient tools for organizing, outreach, and advocacy.
Added on: 15-Sep-2001 hits: 80 | Report broken link

afterworld v 2 . 0 
Description: afterworld v 2.0 is a self published personal site, dealing with technology, personal enlightenment and the quest for knowledge. 6 gigs of text files ranging from physics to philosphy and martial arts are online, as well as IT/Security information. a small comunity is located around the server, on hotline; hxd:// check out the web bbs as well as the live chat. expand your mind and open your eyes. -dr. parallax
Added on: 21-Nov-2001 hits: 67 | Report broken link

Description: Protest.Net is a collective of activists who are working together to create our own media. By publishing a public record of our political activities on the web we are taking a stand against the established media. We are standing up and showing that serious activism is alive and well at the dawn of the 21st century.
Added on: 15-Sep-2001 hits: 64 | Report broken link

Description: Tao Communications is a regional federation comprised of local autonomous collectives and individuals. We organize networks in order to defend and expand public space and the right to self-determination. We create knowledge through independent public interest research, and distribute it freely through participatory education.
Added on: 15-Sep-2001 hits: 53 | Report broken link

Description: NetAction is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting use of the Internet for effective grassroots citizen action campaigns, and to educating the public, policy makers, and the media about technology policy issues.
Added on: 28-Oct-2001 hits: 48 | Report broken link

Electronic Frontier Foundation 
Description: EFF is a non-profit, non-partisan organization working in the public interest to protect fundamental civil liberties, including privacy and freedom of expression in the arena of computers and the Internet.
Added on: 15-Sep-2001 hits: 40 | Report broken link

Description: Very extensive online progressive magazine and community of alternative news, opinions, discussion forums, resources and more from Z Magazine.
Added on: 28-Oct-2001 hits: 31 | Report broken link

Description: Openflows provides news, analysis, network facilities, and the tools of Open Source Intelligence to support group, organization and community development.
Added on: 28-Oct-2001 hits: 27 | Report broken link

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