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Too Much Television!

bullet.gif (1145 bytes)TV Turnoff Network - Imagine A TV Free Nation! Act on Your Fantasy.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)TV FREE UK - "Whitedot" Campaign to Rid England of the Tellie
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)The KILL Your TV Site - Great links to research on TV effects.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)KILL Your TELEVISION - Ron Kaufman's anti-TV pages - contains network ownership info and recent Nielsen Ratings. Different from above site with similar name.
TV & Children's Development - An Essay about the Effects of TV Viewing on Children
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Impact of Violent TV - A Research Report about the Impact of  Virtual Violence on Human Behavior
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Center for Research on the Effects of TV - Cornell University and Ithaca College Collaborative Effort
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)COOL Pages To SURF - For TV Addicts Only. If ya love TV.....
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)SEARCH da Web - for info on TV addiction

Culture Jamming

bullet.gif (1145 bytes)ADBUSTERS - Anti-Consumerism - Great Graphics (strongly recommended).
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Billboard Liberation Front - Monkeywrenching the Cultural Environment with Spraypaint.
The Yes Men - Imposters Radically Lampooning Corporate Globalizers into Lethal Embarrassment.
Not The World Bank - A Yes Men Project Often Mistaken for the World Bank Site.
Illegal Art - Copyrighting Popular Culture Criminalizes Artistic Expression.  Outlaw Artists.
Tag SUVs! - Tag the Gas Guzzlers with "I'm Changing the Climate" bumper stickers?
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Negativland - Punk Advertising Deconstruction-Reconstructionism
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Badvertising - Tobacco Advertising is Evil.  Learn More.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)RTmark - Read about the Barbi Liberation League and other cultural resistance movements!
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Tom Tomorrow's Comics - Comical Media Analysis (strongly recommended).
Space HiJackers - "Anarchitects" working to liberate corporate space and cultural intrusions. 
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)SEARCH the Web - for Culture Jamming Info

Media Criticism

bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (F.A.I.R.) - Media Watchdog Group (strongly recommended).
War Media Criticism - "Critical Media Literacy in Times of War"
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)The Daily Howler - Bob Somerby's US National Media Criticism Site.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)HYPE / Ctr. for Blacks and the Media - "Monitoring the Black Image in the Media."
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Gay & Lesbian Media Watchdog (GLAAD)- Monitors Homophobia in News and Entertainment.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)American Newspeak - Highlights Orwellian Thought in the Media.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Columbia Journalism Review - Media Criticism on a Short Leash.  
Rocky Mountain Media Watch - Great Model for local (Denver) Media Criticism & Activism
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)CURSOR - Minnesota Based Media Watch - Local and International
Gender/Race/Ethnicity in Media Links - From the Univ. of Iowa - It's not, But Hey, They Bought Got Their Domain First

Also See Journalism Resources below.

Media Organizations

bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Media Education Foundation - Producers of Dreamworlds II, Pack of Lies, Still Killing Us Softly, etc.
Media Scope - "Raising Awareness about Media and Society." Violence, Sexism etc.
Action Coalition for Media Education - Media Literacy Combined With Activism. Usual Suspects.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Voters Telecommunications Watch - Wading Through the Muck.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility - Monitoring Techno-Abuse of Civil Rights.
Center for Democracy and Technology - Fights to Preserve Democratic Values in the Digital Age.
Minority Media Telecom Council - Fights for Diversity on the Public Airwaves.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)People for the American Way - Public Interest Advocacy Group.  Goreheads.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Center for Democracy & Technology - Trying to Preserve Democracy in a Brave New World
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Union for Democratic Communication - International Academic Association Challenging Corporate and Government Media Domination. On-Line Newsletter. Good People.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Jesuit Communication Project - Face it, Consumerist Culture is Spiritually Bankrupt.
Media Watch - Challenges Abusive Stereotypes with a Focus on Gender.
Coalition for Noncommercial Media - Buffalo NY Based Group Fighting Privitazation of Public TV
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)IGC - Institute for Global Communications
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Citizens for Independent Public Broadcasting - "Reclaiming Public Broadcasting for the Public Interest"
Alliance For Community Media - Promotes Public Access and Media Literacy
Assn of Ind. Video and Filmmakers - Offers Support & Resources for Media Artists.
Media Access Project - Public Interest Lawyers Fight to Make Broadcast Media Responsive to Public Interest.

For More Info on Political Advocacy Organizations see bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Mike's Picks Page. 

Also see Journalism Resources, Media Literacy, Censorship, Propaganda and other sections on this page for topic specific media organizations.

Journalism Resources

bullet.gif (1145 bytes)American Journalism Review - Links to 9,000 media organizations. On-line articles.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Investigative Reporters and Editors - Searchable resources for investigative journalists.
Reporters Committee For Freedom of the Press - Fighting to Protect and Restore Press Freedom
RCFP Report on Post 9-11 Info Access - What We've Lost and What it Means
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Society of Professional Journalists - Organization for Working (and aspiring) Journalists.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Journalism Resource Links - A List of Websites for Journalists to Utilize.
Journalist's Tool Kit - Research, Databases, Style Guides, Law, Ethics, Jobs.
Independent Media Institute - Formally the Inst. for Alternative Journalism.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Committee to Protect Journalists - International Lobby for Human Rights for Journalists. 
Center for Investigative Reporting - Produces Investigative Reports.  Conducts Workshops.
Fund for Investigative Journalism - Provides Grants ($) for Independent Journalists. 
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Canadian Journalists For Free Expression - Working to Protect Free Speech Globally.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Project for Excellence in Journalism - Journalists trying to Raise Standards.  Columbia U.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Society of Professional Journalists - Protect Journalists and Improve Journalism.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Journalism Net - Links to Mainstream News Organizations, Info for Journalists, etc. Commercial site.
International Guide to Newspapers - Links to Daily Papers with Websites
St. Louis Journalism Review - Good Academic Criticism
Newspaper Assoc. of America Links - Links to News Organizations On-Line
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Editor and Publisher Magazine - These People Sell Ad Space On Their Cover. Their Website, However, Has Useful Links and Info. .
Follow the Money - Center for Responsive Politics Databases on Money and Elections

PR / Propaganda Studies

bullet.gif (1145 bytes)The Institute for Propaganda Analysis - Propaganda Theory and Practice.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)PR (Public Relations) Watch - A Critical Watchdog of the PR Industry.
Disinfopedia - "Total Disinformation Awareness" Encyclopedia of Propaganda
Propaganda Review Magazine - Current Propaganda from  the Institute for Propaganda Review. 
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)PRSA Code of Ethics - From the Public Relations Society of America. 
PR Firms - Links to the Largest Global Public Relations Companies.

Also See GENERAL Above

Media Ownership - Corporate Info.

bullet.gif (1145 bytes)CJR's Who Owns What - From Columbia Journalism Review.
100,000 Watts - Radio/TV Ownership Info by City.  Comprehensive but limited to US.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Monopoly Media Index - A Project of the Media Education Foundation.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)MultiNational Monitor - Excellent Resource for Researching Trans-National Corporate Crime. Searchable Links.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Corporation Watch - Monitoring the Power Behind the Power.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Who Owns the Networks? - A guide to the big boys by Ron Kaufman.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Foundation Influences - Read About Political Foundations and Their Influence Over US Media.

For More Info On Corporate America See bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Mike's Picks Page.

Media Literacy

bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Media Literacy Resources - From Project LookSharp
The Center for Media Literacy - Workshops, Teacher Training and Classroom Resources.
Citizens for Media Literacy - Aides Activists & Journalists.  Produces Media Criticism. 
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Media Education Foundation - Clearinghouse for Media Lit. Materials.
Cultural Environment Movement - Coalition of 250 Organization Working For Media Reform in the Area of Gender, Class, Ethnicity etc.  Positive: George Gerbner.  Negative: High Dues.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Media Literacy On-Line Project (Univ of Oregon) - Comprehensive list of Media Lit. Links etc.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Canadian Assoc. Of Media Education Organizations - Canadians are Pioneers in the Field.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Media Awareness (Canada) - Media Literacy Tools for Parents, Teachers & other Troublemakers.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Just Think - Media Literacy Resources for Kids.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)SEARCH the Web - For Up to Date Media Literacy Resources

Censorship Issues

bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Index on Censorship - A Comprehensive List of Incidences of Censorship.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Project Censored - Top 25 censored stories - annual. (Recommended)
Secrecy News - Federation of American Scientists Project on Govmt. Secrecy Monthly Report
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Electronic Frontier Foundation Censorship Alerts - Activism Alerts From The Wild Webheads
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)National Coalition Against Censorship - Hush Now
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Blue Ribbon Campaign - Act To Oppose Web Censorship. Now!
Center for Cognitive Liberty - Exposes Diverse Manifestations of Censorship.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Article 19 - Global Campaign for Free Expression.  Censorship News.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Banned Books On-Line - See Them and Read Them Here.
Banned Books -- List from American Library Association 
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)American Civil Liberties Union Free Speech Site - News of ongoing court cases.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Center for Democracy and Technology - Exploring the future of Democracy in a Wired World
Fired by WBNS-TV - Anchor/Reporter Chris Shumway's personal story of TV news censorship.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)SEARCH the Web - For Up to Date Resources on Censorship


bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Mediachannel - "Eye on Global Media." Highly Recommended and Getting Better by the Moment.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Noam Chomsky Archive - Chomsky's Articles and Entire Books On-Line and Free. Chomsky is the best! Let him set your mind on fire. Scam access to a free printer for this one.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)The Michael Parenti Archive - Articles and Info about Books. He'll never be a Chomsky but we gotta give him credit for trying. Worth a peek.
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Movie Info Database - Search for Info About 200,000+ Movies.  Plots, Casts, Who, When, Where etc.

International Media Resources

See "Mike's Picks" Page.

Alternative Media

For a Comprehensive List of Alternative Newspapers, Magazines, Radio Stations & News Services, Please See bullet.gif (1145 bytes)Mike's Picks Page

Also See Misc. Organizations above.


bullet.gif (1145 bytes)The Museum of Television and Radio - Broadcasting History (focus on US).
bullet.gif (1145 bytes)National Public Radio - Following the Boston presidential debates they gave more coverage to a cartoon character running for president than they did to Ralph Nader.

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"Who can protest and does not, is an accomplice in the act"
-   The Talmud (Sabbath, 54 b.)

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