Boomtime, 45 The Aftermath
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Insufficient memetic defences can lead to serious cultural damage. Make sure that all information is properly digested before merging with your installed Plex.
Your safety is our number one concern.

Muti products are made from onle the finest quality raw materials. Our agent constantly scour the planet looking for the newest and best.
You can be sure that the paranoia, fear, doubt, hope, prejudice, love, hate, joy, dispair, flesh, blood, sex, ejeculate, hair, toenails, spit and everything else, is fresh fresh fresh.

Isn't it good to know you can always rely on MUTI? We sure think so!

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MUTI produces so much great content that we don't always know what to do with it. This is our little holding cell for downloads that we have yet to categorise. Take a look, some of it is pretty yummy.

Artists for the War
We must create to destroy!
Destroy The Internet
Too many different ideas!
The MUTI Corporation
Made For TV
Pop Culture
Bang Bang Bang
The Left Overs
Jump to project page Krap
Simple things become ominous if you make them really big! If you can, we recommend downloading the Corel file, and printing it out really really huge.
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Jump to project page Cultural Homeopathy
An introduction to one of MUTI's Voodoo techniques.
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Jump to project page Messiah
Oh, how wise, how great, the one who will save us from heathens and hippies.
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Jump to project page Destroy It Yourself
Take action. You can promote a move back to good family values and earn brownie points in the hereafter by promotingthe crusade against the internet. Download and print out now !
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Jump to project page Save The Virgins
So few men have chance to make use of their right to bed a virgin on their wedding night. Let us work to stop this madness!
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Jump to project rtmark
Sometimes people try to make corporations seem bad by misleading innocent consumers.
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War war war war war war war
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Jump to project Nothing So Strange
The assassination of Bill Gate's in 1999 sent shockwaves through the western world. The first movie brave enough to deal with the tragedy is currently doing the underground film circuit in the US.
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Jump to project Alternative Currencies
These poor bastards really do believe in some alternative - go take a look and laugh at their silliness.
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Accounting Scandal 20021027022503
In a shock report today, MUTI, one of the world's Most Respected(tm) admitted to having altered it's books in a manner that could, in some circumstances, be seen as slightly unethical.
DorkBot 20021009165310
Greenman will be presenting the first official deconstruction of Truth Manufacturing techniques at October's London Dorkbot meeting.
Freelance Services 20020904202133
The price on Greenman's head.
Is this all true ? 20020814182904
MUTI often makes some quite controversial stands on touchy subjects. This is one of our explanations.

The Open-Source Brand
The MUTI brand is open for public use, as long as the url is included with all branded releases. All material on this site may be reproduced and redistributed at will.