Where To Go

A selective guide to lively sites for alternative news, field trips into the belly of the beast and political and social humor. Now even find books on Newspeak. (To escape the frames just add "gone.html" to the main address and do the click thing.)

Adbuster's Culture Jammer's Headquarters -- Guerilla war against the media

Billboard Liberation Front -- Very subversive. See their Guide for Billboard Improvement

Culture Jamming -- "Hacking... in the Empire of Signs," a fine essay

Communication Guerrilla -- European culture jamming and pie tossing --some in English

Joey Skaggs -- Classic prankster headquarters

ŪTMark -- supports the sabotage (informative alteration) of corporate products

Sites from the Lunatic Fringe -- Visit Right wing "funny farms"

Capital Steps -- Satirical Washington D.C. singing group

The Firesign Theatre -- Classic radio broadcasts in audio (how strange)

UK Laughter Link -- Scripts from Black Adder, Fawlty Towers, Red Dwarf, etc.

Michaelmoore.com -- Reports on his new show "The Awful Truth"

Affluenza -- John Degraaf's great PBS show on overconsumption

See Span Run -- Genuinely witty anti-social commentary by Sue D. Nim

Stay Free -- Covers commercialism running amuck.

The Daily Muse -- Irreverent romp over the daily news

The Cranky Media Guy Magazine -- Blue collar commentary about things that suck

Jumbo Dump -- Killer one-liners on current events

dummy.down -- "Satire in the age of greed"

The NetEnquirer -- "This ain't your mama's tabloid"

Suck -- "a fish, a barrel and a smoking gun"

Satire -- Quarterly Review with an official S.Q. Test (Satirical Quotient)

The Onion -- Off the wall takes on the news

SuBBrilliant News -- Off the other wall takes on the news

Dubya's Daily Diary -- Words from our Special Ed. Poster Child

Joe Lavin's Humor Column -- Dave Barry in a straight jacket

Reliable Snore -- Satirical pot shots at Washington D.C. upper crust

The Comedy Catch -- Mucho links to comedy sites

The Comedy Zone -- Reviews and links to obscure humor pages

Harper's Weekly Review -- A choice summary of obscure happenings

News of the Weird -- Chuck Shephard's weekly account of bizarre happenings

The Wolfe Files -- "News You May Have Missed" from ABC's Buck Wolfe

Julienne.com Weblog and Trite Amusements -- Good spot for offbeat happenings

BizBlues Records -- Catch Marketing Mike and the Suits

misc.activism.progressive -- An articles only newsgroup. Very good.

Institute for Global Communications -- Big index of groups changing the world

WebActive -- Fine summaries of progressive sites

MediaChannel.org -- Global Network of media watchers

Jay's Left List -- A directory of progessive resources on the Net

Alternet -- Source of articles for alternative weeklies

Alternative Newsweeklies in North America -- List and links

Disinformation -- "The subculture search engine"

Information Subway -- The Non-Corporate Newswire

Progressive Newswire -- Reports via numerous activist groups

Alternative Press Center -- Big index of neo-hippy papers

Idealist -- Search for non-profit and volunteer opportunities

Oneworld.net -- Search for news by country or topic

Common Dreams News Center -- Good collection of progressive columnists

Working for Change -- Progressive news center from Working assets

Arts & Letters Daily -- Links to intriguing news, views and reviews

Quarterly Review of Doublespeak -- E-mail for information. Not on line. Put out by the National Council of Teachers of English.

PR Watch -- News on the PR industry from authors of "Toxic Sludge is Good for You"

Corporate Accountability Project -- Explore corporate "dirt"

Corporate Watch -- Tools for investigating multi-national corporations

The Pandora Project -- Tracks corporate PR Strategies against activists

Executive Paywatch -- Follow the pay increases of your favorite CEO's

Consumerama -- Guide to corporations and the people who oppose them

National Labor Committee -- Reports on U.S. sweatshops in foreign countries

McSpotlight -- Covers McDonald's and all your favorite multinational corps

ACLU News -- Civil liberties newswire

Project Censored -- Carries the Top 10 Censored Stories of each year

Propaganda Analysis -- Learn the best techniques from WWI to Newt

Paper Tiger TV - Public access TV shows "smashing the myths of the information industry"

Free Speech TV - "A progressive voice in the media revolution"

The Consortium -- CIA centered investigative reporting

Culturewatch -- Keep tabs on Un-American Right-wing activities

Engaged Buddhists "Think Sangha" -- Papers on Liberation from Consumerism

Noam Chomsky Archive -- 8 megs of subversive texts via Znet

FECInfo -- Explore campaign contributions

The Coin-Operated Congress -- Mother Jones site for Congressional "owners"

Center for Responsive Politics -- For customized searches on money and votes in Congress

Project Vote Smart -- "One stop shopping" on government issues

Defense Link -- Fresh press releases fron the Pentagon

Congressional Email Directory -- Includes web sites and direct email forms

Congressional Record -- Daily doses of our representative's wisdom

Legal.Online -- Complete guide to finding court opinions

President George W. Bush -- All his latest speeches

The Nation -- "Unconventional Wisdom Since 1865"

Mother Jones -- Get the MoJo newswire

Z Magazine -- Great archive of past articles plus link to Left on Line

In These Times -- Good investigative reporting

Fair -- Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting

Tom Paine.Common Sense -- Good muckraking

Mutinational Monitor -- A Ralph Nader site for tracking corporations

Washington Free Press -- Good Northwest investigative reporting

Eat the State! -- Bring your own ketchup for Northwest and national barbecues

The Progressive Review -- Has a great current events page

Progressive Populist -- Down home radicalism with archive of Populist speeches from 1890's

Counterpunch -- Fine muckraking from Alexander Cockburn & Co.

Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly -- Rich source on Mother Earth abuse

Albion Monitor -- "The news you are missing"

Utne Reader -- The Readers Digest for those with an I.Q. over 80

Green Left Weekly -- Great coverage of environmental issues from Australia

Findarticles.com -- Search engine for magazine articles

Opinion Pages -- Searchable data base for current op-eds

Washington Post -- My favorite on-line establishment paper

New York Times -- Link directly to their Contents page

Los Angeles Times -- Connect to their News section

San Jose Mercury News -- Link to their large Breaking News section

AP National Wire -- Good summary format for news stories

Oddly Enough from Reuters -- Human interest stories

Seattle Times -- Here so I can get my Mariner baseball scores

NewsMax.com -- Links to articles from newspapers across the U.S.

PR Newswire -- Get PR handouts direct from corporations (searchable database)

American Demographics/Marketing Tools -- "Consumer Trends for business leaders"

Business Week -- "The world's best-selling business magazine"

Advertising Age -- "It's all about marketing and media"

Political Junkie -- Search site for political search sites, etc.

WWW News Resource Page -- Everything including genuine right-wing sites

Google, WebCrawler, Lycos, Yahoo, Find-It!, Alta Vista, Starting Point

For those who still go slumming amongst the ruins of pre-Web technologies. There are no links so you may have to physically move your bod to a library or book store.

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