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Subject Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on.....  
Posted by Glory Roads (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 12:46 AM

I am sitting here looking at two passes to the Seattle listening party next Monday night. Whoo hoo! But this means I will have to call in sick to work, both Monday and Tuesday, because this is a six hour drive from where I live. Somebody tell me it's no big deal, will ya? I have lots of sick time built up, I never get sick. I deserve this, don't I? I hate being so good all the time....

All my vacation time is already spoken for, preapproved for my trip to GL Summer Camp in NJ. So it's sick or not at all.

I need evil lessons.

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: Glory Roads]  
Posted by ryancoke (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 12:48 AM

Every review I've seen of the listening sessions has been lukewarm. They're only playing 1/2 of the album.

It's not worth the trip or the guilt.

11/14ths Pure Fan!

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by Glory Roads (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 12:49 AM

That wasn't the answer I was hoping for.....

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by ryancoke (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 12:50 AM

Now I feel guilty for being so negative about it.

woo hoo for You!

Have a good time. Start sniffling.

11/14ths Pure Fan!

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by ryancoke (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 12:53 AM

It sounds like a good time. Someone else can do your job for you while you go listen to the cd.

11/14ths Pure Fan!

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by ryancoke (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 12:54 AM

That came out all wrong too.

11/14ths Pure Fan!

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by ryancoke (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 12:55 AM


11/14ths Pure Fan!

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by ryancoke (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 01:00 AM

11/14ths Pure Fan!

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by ryancoke (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 01:02 AM

11/14ths Pure Fan!

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by Glory Roads (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 01:02 AM

Thanks, Cokey, you're very helpful today. You don't have to think quite that hard, it's ok.

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by PattyC (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 01:03 AM

I'm not gonna be in help either, GR. I would not call in sick to hear half of the album. I'd save calling in sick for concert possibilites. I am one of those people who HATE to call in sick.

Wastin' my summer, prayin' in vain

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: PattyC]  
Posted by ryancoke (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 01:06 AM

Patty! Don't be such a wet blanket. She should go! It's only about 12 hours driving plus 2 sick days plus it might mean she won't use sick days for concerts which will free up some tickets!

At least she'll be able to wear make-up. Not like PRR who had to rough it in Austin.

Have fun, GR!

11/14ths Pure Fan!

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: Glory Roads]  
Posted by ryancoke (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 01:08 AM

Ok, GR, here's the real answer.

On the night that the listening party takes place, and at the time they're about to start playing the cd, if you're not there, how will you feel?

11/14ths Pure Fan!

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by ryancoke (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 01:09 AM

If you think you'll feel like shit and you're missing out on something and it affects your attitude at work those two days, then you should go.

11/14ths Pure Fan!

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: ryancoke]  
Posted by bushmanj (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 01:36 AM

It would be insane to travel that far to hear 1/2 of the album. It would be insane to travel that far to hear the entire album.

Use your sick days to stay home and sleep in.

"Face the flag, son. And thank God it's still there."

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: bushmanj]  
Posted by CmonMrTrouble (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 01:47 AM

For my own part, I would not drive all that way to hear 6-7 songs. Two of which you will have heard already (if your luck holds).
Use the 2 sick days to drive to Phx or SLC for a show
Meet ya there

We were brave, we were crazy, we were mostly......Young

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: CmonMrTrouble]  
Posted by Glory Roads (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 02:31 AM

Well, let's see......I haven't heard, Glory, it's morally wrong to call in sick when you aren't. I have heard, you're an idiot to like B**** that much. I have heard, call in sick later for other better things that will mean more.

I will say however that realistically there isn't much chance of getting to shows near here soon, because there probably won't be any. And by the time there actually are some near me, I will have more vacation time built up.

I'll let you know Tuesday what I decided. And whether anyone used the second pass I have.

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: Glory Roads]  
Posted by CeeJay (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 02:36 AM

Sick days are not just for being sick. They are needed for those "mental health days" too.

But personally, I wouldn't make the drive to hear the album. A live show, well now, that's another story. But I wouldn't feel guilty about using mental health time - unless there's something pressing going on at work and you pawn it off on someone else. THAT would make me feel guilty.

It's alright, it's alright,Yeah

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: Glory Roads]  
Posted by Mr. Promise (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 04:22 AM

GR, don't listen to 'em. Take the days off... you only live once... treat yourself.

This from someone who has flown to the US not once, but twice, to see some B**** shows. I always use the deathbed argument: "Yes, I'm glad I went to work those two days instead of the great adventure of driving all that way to listen to 1/2 an album". Stuff like the latter is what life is all about.

Strawberries for Mr. Promise

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: Mr. Promise]  
Posted by Lisa (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 05:01 AM

You're absolutely right, Mr. P. I've made life-altering choices by thinking, When I'm 90 and sitting in my rocking chair on the porch of the Home for the Aged and Insane, reviewing my life, am I going to think, Gee, I'm glad I made that safe, "right" choice, or will I think DAMN, I wish I'd gone for it? Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith...

But I digress. The listening party: hell, GR, it's no big whoop to miss work. I'm sure you're normally a paragon of virtue and industry there. Go. If nothing else, it'll be a fun story to tell people (or to try and hide because it's so embarrassing, LOL.)

Plus, I really want to read your review.

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: Lisa]  
Posted by Glory Roads (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 05:31 AM

Well, I've put a little thought into it today, since the UPS man in the big brown van arrived at my door. The question in the beginning was not whether to go or not, but how to manage the work situation. But it did develop into whether or not to even go, since it seems there are more than a few people who have been less than thrilled with what they have heard at the listening parties, and it's so short, and so far away.

But what it comes down to is what I want, and whether I think it's worth expending the effort to get myself 300+ miles to attend it. And it may be a disappointment when it's all said and done, I don't have a way to predict that. I do know that I have only been to three B**** events in my life, all of them shows. This won't be a show, but there will be real B**** fans there, and I don't have any of those in my life. That's enough to make me want it. So I'm going, assuming I can get past that phone call to work.

I'll try for a review, Lisa, but I can pretty much already tell you that I'm gonna love it all.

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: Glory Roads]  
Posted by gkid8 (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 07:41 AM

In reply to:

Sick days are not just for being sick. They are needed for those "mental health days" too

Yep. Go. Have fun. Drive safely. Call us when you get there.

Come on up, lay your hands in mine

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: Glory Roads]  
Posted by Chaplain51 (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 09:29 AM

ya should go g.
chappy called off work witout a second thought.

course chappy would call off work eben if dere wuz no listenin' party.

i don't wanna go to mary's place.

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: Lisa]  
Posted by Mr. Promise (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 09:42 AM

Exactly, Lisa.

Glad you're going GR. Looking forward to your review too. Take copious notes.

Strawberries for Mr. Promise

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Subject Re: Oh man, I have such a guilt trip going on..... [re: Mr. Promise]  
Posted by Madman Drummer (Member)
Posted on 07/06/02 10:20 AM

Maybe this'll help:

"I called up my boss,
I told him I was sick
Can't help you son, but you gotta work late

Sometimes I wonder what am I gonna do, gotta find a cure for the Summertime Blues"

Maybe the listening party will be the cure

it's all right to have a good time

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