-LUMPEN _magazine - hq radiomatica lumpenvision - links

SUPERSPHERE -live shows - live radio - short films - zines -

---WTO--- November 30, 1999 Seattle Anti-World Trade Org Info

-A to Z Chicago- couple hundred places worth visiting in Chicago

- OLD LUMPEN - lumpen from 1996. Our first web page!



email accepted at ed@lumpen.com or ed@supersphere.com

copyleft 2000

































®™mark has turned into RtmarkShell to spotlight the Shell.com website and Shell's raison d'etre.

From the site:

Shell.com itself may possibly be the most expensive website ever produced. It is considerably more convoluted and intricate than ®™mark.com. There are many redundant ways to access most pages, a complexity that gives the illusion of personality, openness, and generosity. On any given page, the arrangement of navigation information prevents an immediate assessment of your location within the site--a quality common to the great public parks, and to entertainment websites, but not to corporate sites. Shell.com's forums and many interactive features also give an illusion of openness, complexity, and depth. But these are indeed an illusion. While you will find words like "heart," "caring," and the like in abundance, you will find no hard information--for example, Shell.com's reason for being.

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Melinda is kicking ass over at ausgang. Make sure t o check out Francis Frump and Mr. Corpulent.

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Now sound Easy Music from Jet Set Radio is now working.

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Greetings. Recent remodeling occured to help people wander into related projects and highlights in the lumpen www folder. For the curious, Lumpen back issues are still not up. Sorry. Also, in case anyone is wondering... Lumpen, the print version, will now come out bimonthly until further notice.

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A large number of progressive groups in Chicago are planning to celebrate May Day using Seattle-style organizing and demo tactics. Check out what is going on over here.

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MARCH 7th. 2000. Dutch superstars, Arling and Cameron, will be spinning with Get Easy! Sound System boys, Mr. unlucky and DJ Leduece, at Funky Buddha Lounge. Go to the recently created in Dreamweaver Easy site for more info and a review of A&C's latest album.

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For some reason everyone I work with at supersphere is now using the lumpen server to house their projects. I just found cocaine illustrated. The cover looks nice.