May 17 Next time you're at a a steak house, think of this when they say "prime aged beef". Still it's not enough to make me be a vegetarian.
One of my favorite new yorker articles of all time, about why we shop the way we do -gabe
May 16 Here's a lovely essay about elvis -- ranks with greil marcus's 'presliad' and lester bangs's obituary.
Download 'marble madness'
May 11 Christ, even the corporate goat-fuckers who build the things admit it: SUVs are bad. And here's this for good measure. – rob
When is the sun going to set today? And what is civil twilight?
May 9 My god, a dictionary of Cricket terms. how did the Telly Tubbies work their way into it? And who the hell is Sir Donald George Bradman?
Ladies and Gentleman! Tonight's grudge match, Where's Waldo vs. Carmen San Diego! Who will get terminated by the Terminator T-1000? Or check out Nostradamus vs. Dionne Warwick.
May 8 Hang out in hamburger land with Hamburger Harry. And if you have 33,000 bottle caps to spare, send them here.
Win more contests, this site has the blue prints for success as well as 60 uses for salt, 60 uses for vinegar, and 80 uses for old newspaper. (For some reason every bit of text on the site is underlined.)
May 5 If you like intelligent, hilarious comics this is the place. Some of my favorites are Overheard @ the Rave and Dolphin Brother. For those of you trying to find meaning in San Francisco circa 2000 The Guy I Almost Was is a must-read. Warning this site is very addicting. – alex
Nessie turned us on to this one. I have no idea why he was looking and I really don't want to know.
May 4 Unfortunately far too late for St. Patrick's Day, but right on time for a little Cinco de Mayo revelry.
And on that note, shouldn't Spock eat more salsa?
May 3 What better thing could there be to do with your time than read Turkish Humor! If that turns you on, check out this guide to learning practical Turkish! Then learn how to talk dirty... are you feeling abazan? -jeff
How many foods can you think of that start with the letter Y Q or W?
Fan of chicken fried steak, James B. Saunders Jr. knows where to get the goods, Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse.
May 2 Satisfy that hankering for some High Energy Particle Physics. Or, build your own large-scale Tesla Coil, Lorentz Gun, or other interesting high pulsed-power devices. -jeff
Get your daily dose of teenage relationship advice.
All grown up with nothing to do? Get a grip and move on.
April 28 The Bay Guardian's resident alt-rock legend, Victor K, set himself up a little cottage industry.
What's in a (or your) name?
April 27 Celebrate Mayday! Phone in sick to work and enjoy your leisure!
Ever feel that there is a big scary head waiting just around the corner? There is. (Another delightful website from Norway) -jeff
The greatest use of Web technology ever. Isn't it ironic, dontcha think? – rob
April 26 After seeing the AMC bio on Peter Sellers, I searched for info on the obscure, unreleased film "A Day at the beach." Finding hardly any info (except in Danish) I'm adding it to my film Holy Grail list (along with "The Day the Clown Cried"). -seth
Add this to the files, the Michigan state police vs. "I am the beast six six six of the lord of hosts in Edmond Frank Macgillivray Jr now." Also: Kent © NORMAN vs. Ronald REAGAN, et al. -jeff
You can get live real audio broadcasts of the state legislature, including committee hearings. Question is, can you take it?
April 25 If you expect a worst case scenario, you might need some uncommon sense.
Where the hell am I? Check out this very extensive archive of current and historical maps of California. -jeff
What is asdf? This site doesn't offer any insight. -seth
April 24 Happy Easter everyone. Hope you all got giant stone heads in your baskets.
San Francisco has got some dumb laws. You didn't think you could walk your elephant down Market Street without a leash did you?
Now I've seen it all. Hey, whaddaya want fer nothin'?
April 21 Learn to Throat-sing like those adorable vocalists from Tuva. -jeff
There's a world of wanna-be rockstars, out there and Ralph the Roadie is trying his damndest. While his tour stories are pretty pathetic, at least no one's tried to kill him or anything. – beth
The biggest list of drug slang I have ever seen.
April 20 Celebrate 4-20 online. Read up on the history of cannabis
Sha-Zam! You be tha pimp! Dress Dolemite in the supa dope pimp builder, or browse tha funk in the ebonics primer. -jeff
Sick of your personal information being exploited? Fight back with Junkbusters -seth
April 19 What up wit tha Wu Name? A timeless classic for the 12 people on the internet who have yet to use it.
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly... perhaps she'll die -jeff
April 18 Hey look – an actual indie rock band. Didn't those fall out of fashion like five years ago. That said, "Something to Write Home About" should be album of the year. – rob
Wanna get spun? Check out this database of practically every roller coaster in North America. .– jeff
World peace be damned. What everyone needs is an online slinky. Warning, you will never get any work done after you go here.
April 17 Visa, library card, mama's speghetti recipe... you never know what you'll find in Jeremy's Wallet .– jeff
Fuck I hate SUVs. – rob
April 14 Word Up! What's that flip-hop sound beating a smooth groove all round the room? It's no other than Radioactive, the human beat box.– cicely
You know, instead of kvetching about what is going to happen when Warren Hinckle runs the Examiner, you could just ask him. – rob
This one's got hot buzzwords like "sexilicious" and "swageriffic." Best of all it's a real girl band site with real cuties. – dennis
Oh, the lonely, sad life of the gigolo. He may be “very WEALTHY,” but he still uses Geocities. – seth
Every so often you stumble across the most useless, pointless thing on the Web and it holds your attention like crazy. I must admit, I have a pathetic, pathological need to read Mayor Willie Brown's appointment calendar every day. And I thought I was alone -- until Tim Redmond told me he was sick too. – rob
April 13 Who cares if Bobby Knight did or didn't choke that player. The guy is a punk and should have been canned five years ago. That said, Spree is a working class hero worldwide – you should never hurt a kid. Choking the boss however ... – rob
What's a roach? Indiana Prevention Resource Center on-line dictionary for street drug slang.
Everything in your life seem too ordered and predictable? Get over to Potatoland quick-like. --jeff
Yo, where the true playas at? I have no idea where all of them are, but I know for goddamn sure one of them is here
April 12 Poetry in motion. Check out Youth Speaks to get the skinny on the upcoming Brave New Voices 2000 youth poetry slam.
What do you get for the person who has everything? A penis pillow, naturally.
Jesus, do we have to forgive Tipper for everything?