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The clockwatcher

Work Unlimited

Esther Addley

Wednesday April 5, 2000

Perks for pets

Rene Castro, an instrument sterilisation supervisor from New York, was devastated when his cat Mitsu developed a nasty downstairs infection, requiring a $1,700 hysterectomy. It was a particular blow since Princess, his Maltese dog, needed $750 worth of attention last year after slipping a disc falling off the sofa. So he and his co-workers at Lenox Hill hospital were thrilled when the company added pet insurance to the list of optional benefits offered to favoured workers. "Everyone went crazy," said an emotional Castro.

As the US economy powers onwards and upwards, firms are having to offer ever more imaginative benefits to attract and keep top talent, hence the booming pet insurance. Specialist pooch pamperers Veterinary Pet Insurance Inc has been offering pet policies since 1982, but says the benefit has taken off only in the past year. "The role of the pet has truly evolved," said a spokeswoman.

Bring down the economy

If you are reading this on the way to work, you have just missed your chance to bring down the corrupt capitalist world order. As the anarchists among you will already know, today is World Phone in Sick Day, a chance to sock one in the eye to Big Brother, while supping soup in front of Richard and Judy.

Decadent Action, the "consumer terrorist organisation" behind the campaign, wants "to damage the economy by costing employers millions and contributing to inflation" on the first day of the financial year. But all is not lost if you are on the Tube: if you must go into work, suggests a US website, "do something pesky". Their suggestions include subscribing your employer to a dozen munitions or white supremacy mags, sending bogus messages that viruses have destroyed your computer system, and dressing your pet in a tie for the day. Now that's decadent.



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