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    Jordan wears black armband to "support the worldwide resistance"
    posted by Infidel Castrato on Friday September 27 2002 @ 03:54AM PDT
    Sports jordanMichael Jordan wears armband to "support the worldwide resistance"

    Posted at 10:13 PM EST

    By Sue Doughnem

    Basketball superstar Michael Jordan, who recently announced that he will return for a second season with the Washington Wizards, has decided to display solidarity with a variety of causes by wearing a black armband during games.

    After discussing his new season with the Wizards at a press conference, Jordan was asked about the significance of the black armband he had been spotted wearing.

    "It's in the tradition of silent but visible protest," Jordan said, "like the Tinker kids, Tommie Smith, and John Carlos."

    Jordan was referring to the famous Tinker v. Des Moines free-speech case in which two high school students won the right to wear black armbands in school as a protest against the Vietnam war, as well as the two black US athletes who gave the Black Power salute during the 1968 Olympics.

    jordanWhen pressed by reporters to explain what the armband represented, Jordan continued: "Well, a variety of things, actually. Number one, I'd like to express some solidarity with the people protesting against the IMF and World Bank. I mean, read the stories in the paper -- they all talk about what the protesters are doing, and not why they're protesting. So I thought I could draw some attention to that."

    Jordan went on to say that he supported the Palestinian struggle and was firmly against what he called "US imperialist antics" in the Middle East.

    "What are we doing there? Come on, y'all. Oil. Oil, and old scores to settle. That's it!" Jordan said.

    However, it was Jordan's scathing words for his employer, Nike, which were most surprising. His voice rose and he counted his reasons on his fingers as he spoke.

    "You know, most of all, I feel bad for dealing with Nike, for so many reasons. It bothers me that they are still using child labor. It bothers me that they have inundated the Third World with billboards advertising their high priced shoes made for pennies by little kids. And I'm talking about the Third World in the US, in the inner city, as well as in Asia and South America, you know?"

    Jordan also said that he felt some responsibility for speaking out since he had been employed as a Nike spokesperson for so long.

    When asked what would happen with his current Nike contract as well as his millions of dollars in assets from Nike endorsements, Jordan paused and rubbed his head before replying.

    "I'm not sure yet. I've been thinking about setting up a foundation or fund that would grant this money to nonprofits and other grassroots groups fighting hard on these issues. Something's gotta be done with all this money, that's for sure. I want to support the worldwide resistance."

    Nike spokesperson Maria Eitel said in a faxed press statement that the company was "sorry to see Michael turn his back on our lucrative partnership." The company denied using children in their factories or tolerating sweatshop conditions despite recent reports by groups like Global Exchange citing Nike for low standards and labor violations.

    Myrna Shinbaum, public relations director for the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, said that Jordan was "obviously anti-Semitic" and vowed that any celebrity who came out in support of the Palestinian cause would be "utterly closed off from public life forever."

    Jordan later said that he was sorry for upsetting people, but that he felt obligated to "finally follow my conscience instead of the almighty dollar." He strongly urged all other Americans to do the same.

    RTMark Press Services and Thermic Inc. contributed to this story.

    < IRAQ: \\\ IMMEDIATE ACTION ALERT \\\ | No-fly blacklist snares political activists >

    EvilPanda writes on Friday September 27 2002 @ 12:05PM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    Is this for real???
    y54 writes on Friday September 27 2002 @ 12:25PM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    no just for laffs
    Lemming writes on Friday September 27 2002 @ 10:28PM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    I gotta admit, I thought it was genuine until half way through :)
    writes on Friday September 27 2002 @ 12:51PM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    in general writes on Friday September 27 2002 @ 12:59PM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    well it's about time we got a professional athlete on our side. Especially on of the caliber of Mr. Jordan. He rules. Now we can really win that critical support of the masses. And we can use Jordan to explain ourselves to the sympathetic public. I just knew he would come around. And thank god too, we are in definite need of a celebrity martyr. Anarchists and Jordan, hand in hand, at last.
    Oh Yeh! writes on Friday September 27 2002 @ 01:20PM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    Yeh, and Bush Has Converted to Islam, the Vatican has decided to give its wealth to the poor and release its vast historic and religious records to the public, Bill Gates commited suicide last night shortly after donating all his money to the "Free and Critter Defense Fund", Ted Turner has donated his media empire to indymedia and his vast land to Rainforest Action Network. . .

    If this is intended as a joke, a little chuckle, if this is intended as a prank - I hope it has confused many a corporate reporter.

    foo writes on Friday September 27 2002 @ 02:58PM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    yes, this is a joke, RTMark is a bunch of merry pranksters, check their website
    RTMark Press Services writes on Wednesday October 02 2002 @ 08:44AM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    RTMark didn't actually have anything to do with this story.
    makeda writes on Monday September 30 2002 @ 09:02AM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    Good for Mr Jordan. We need a spiritual revolution. If we do not change the greed inside it happen over and over again.

    wailflower writes on Monday September 30 2002 @ 04:55PM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    Say what???
    j writes on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 01:16PM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    hey, it is a fake for sure
    John Tinker writes on Tuesday October 01 2002 @ 11:10PM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    A friend from Global Exchange, an organization mentioned in the spoof, called me up tonight to tell me the news. For a moment I was quite excited, thinking that I would be able to meet Michael, and maybe he would donate a few bucks to my website or something.
    John Tinker writes on Wednesday October 02 2002 @ 12:35AM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    There were three students involved in the case. Chris Eckhardt was also part of it. Actually, there were about a dozen who wore armbands, but the rest had to drop out of the case, most because their parents feared for their jobs, for good reason.
    fern j. writes on Wednesday October 02 2002 @ 06:29AM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    It's about time. I use dig the hell out of Michael, but his politics concerning people of color were silent. I was hoping and praying that he did not forget his roots. He's a very fortunate man (should say lucky) that he's able to touch a lot of people and this is another way of doing it. AVARICE is running rampant in our country and the rest of the world and it has got to STOP!!!!! If it's true, GO MICHAEL.
    fern j. writes on Wednesday October 02 2002 @ 06:29AM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    It's about time. I use dig the hell out of Michael, but his politics concerning people of color were silent. I was hoping and praying that he did not forget his roots. He's a very fortunate man (should say lucky) that he's able to touch a lot of people and this is another way of doing it. AVARICE is running rampant in our country and the rest of the world and it has got to STOP!!!!! If it's true, GO MICHAEL.
    RTMark Press Services writes on Wednesday October 02 2002 @ 08:42AM PDT: [ reply | parent ]
    Sorry to be spoilers, but RTMark didn't actually have anything to do with this story. It's very funny, though, except for the Shinbaum bit, which is in rather questionable taste....

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