Web Tip: rtMark
  They like to appear in the guise of brief-casing wielding executives. But their business has little to do with shares, profits and corpoarte expansion: The people behind Rtmark themselves as an investment fund for critical media-activism. Their creations include hoax websites on US presidential candidate George Bush, New York mayor Rudi Guiliani and oil giant Shell. They're were also behind the project "The Barbie Liberation Foundation". They altered the speech boxes in talking barbies in order to make a statement about the conventional gender roles imposed on us. Rtmarks own webpage looks like your regular site for brokers until you take a closer look at the invitation to invest in their form of sabotage. They say it's not a destructive tactic - they want you to think twice about the image a company or public personality have created for themselves. Rtmark`s motto is something along the lines of " If they can lie, we can too" or to put it In their own words:

¿TMark is a brokerage

that benefits from "limited liability" just like any other corporation. Using this principle, ¿TMark supports the sabotage of corporate products, with no risk to the public investor.

Link zur rtmark

rtmark Geschichte bei ORF On Kultur

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