
H. Ackroyd & D. Harvey
S. Anker
D. Ashbaugh
Aziz + Cucher
B. Ballengée
C. Borland
N. Burson
H. Chadwick
K. Clarke
K. Cottingham
B. Crockett
H. Danuser
C. Davis
M. Dion
G. Gessert
R. Howland
N. Jeremijenko
R. Jones
E. Kac
J. Lackey
J. LaVerdiere
I. Manglano-Ovalle
K. Mihail & T. Kim-Trang
L. Miller
S. Miller
F. Moore
A. Rockman
® ™ark
B. Rubenstein
N. Rule
C. Rupp
G. Schneider
L. Stein
E. Sutton
C. Wagner
C.M. Weems
G. Wight
J. Zweig

Biotaylorism, 2000

Microsoft powerpoint presentation, dimensions variable

®™ark is pleased to announce its newest mutual fund, the Biological Property Fund, managed by Dr. Jacqueline A. Stevens. Projects in this fund highlight the dangers of the high-stakes industry of biotechnology, which promises to improve corporate life while ensuring great risk for human life.

These mutual funds direct public attention to the biotechnology-corporate partnerships scavenging the Third World and the interiors of bodies for valuable genes, without addressing long-term social, health, and environmental consequences of genetic patents, alterations, and population branding.

Projects call attention to how biotechnology is shifting public attention away from corporate responsibility for environmental damage and social inequities and toward genetic essentialism: recoding genes to benefit corporations by “improving” productivity, race, class, and sex. This is a volatile, high-risk fund that promises dramatic short-term and long-term yields.

click here to visit ®™ ark's website

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