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Latest US Headlines 
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Congress sends law to White House by e-mail for first time (CNN/ALLPOLITICS) Email has the potential to make the legislative process more efficient. Will Congress take advantage of the power of the Internet and Email technology? (July 16, 1999)
Defense Department flirts with online voting (Scripps Howard) A select group of military families living overseas will participate in an Internet voting program sponsored by the Defense Department. The pilot program should make it easier for Americans living overseas to participate in the 2000 Election. (July 15, 1999)

Candidates Try Asking for Money Via E-Mail (New York Times) Rebecca Fairley Raney writes about the presidential candidates' email efforts to raise funds online. McCain and Dole have had some success in this department; yet their email letters appear to be traditional direct mail messages packaged in an online form. How about something new and exciting? (July 15, 1999)

Online Bandits Hit Rudy (Village Voice) RtMark is at it again; this time developing - a parody of Rudy Giuliani's Senate Campaign website, (July 14, 1999)

Free-for-all at Free Republic (Salon) Conservative web users are mixing it up on FreeRepublic.Com. This website has lost some of its most well-known supporters in recent weeks and site visits are way down. Is FreeRepublic a valuable political discussion site, or is it simply a sounding board for right wing extremists? (July 13, 1999)

Heavyweights on Web form their own lobby (Sacramento Bee)The NetCoalition.Com Lobbying Group gives Silicon Valley Internet companies a "unified voice" in Washington, D.C. (July 13, 1999)

Latest World Headlines 
More China Government Bodies Set Up Web sites (Reuters) The Chinese Government plans to put 60 percent of its departments online by the end of 1999. This Website plan is part of China's efforts to spread governmental information and foster e-commerce. (July 13, 1999)

Web boosts human rights activism (Philanthropy Journal) Amnesty International believes the Internet has benefitted human rights work due to its ability to quickly spread information around the world. (July 12, 1999)

UN: Internet Helps Create Parallel Societies (Reuters) A new United Nations Human Development Report emphasizes the "shrinking global village" that the Internet has unintentionally fostered. Can underdeveloped countries find ways to keep pace with the rapid growth of industrialized nations? Perhaps the Internet can help, but only after installing telephone lines and cables in impoverished areas. (July 12, 1999)

Freedom Fighter For China Keeps Internet Hopping (San Francisco Chronicle) Ignatius Ding, born in China and living in San Francisco, is one of the key players in the pro-democracy movement in China. The Tiananmen Square Massacre spurred him to help create an Internet-based network of democracy supporters. (July 8, 1999)

Scots Parliament opening to be Webcast by MSN (The Register) The Scottish Parliament will be reopened on July 1, for the first time in 300 years, with a live webcast of the opening ceremonies sponsored by Microsoft. (June 25, 1999)

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  HOTSPOT: MoveOn sticks to its word to remember pro-impeachment supporters by helping challengers raise a lot of money. More: See Show Me The Money section of NetPulse.
By Andy Brack

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by Thomas Kennedy

Republican House Impeachment Managers are using the Internet to defend themselves and other candidates like them who they say are seeking to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law.  
The PoliticalSpin: 

As politicians move online, political action committees are sure to follow. This website represents one of the first Party and Internet-based PACs. MoveOn.Org is an Internet-based, bi-partisan organization that is raising money to support candidates of all parties that did not support the Clinton Impeachment. The Republican House Managers are apparently responding to that effort with an online Republican defense of their own. The HouseManagers2000.Org website shows politicians and campaign managers that candidates can simultaneously defend and promote themselves online. We will wait and see if the House Managers' efforts are successful in the next round of elections.

Last week, 13 Republicans established a Virtual PAC - political action committee - with the intention of raising money "to protect and reelect vulnerable candidates against the Clinton White House's sworn vengeance." The website does not provide evidence of the Clinton Administration's plans for retaliation against the Republican House Managers. According to a CNN/FN story last week, the White House has denied having plans to specifically target Republican House Managers in the 1999 and 2000 elections. The website incorporates Shockwave technology and resembles the site of its designer, Gen-X Strategies, a conservative Internet consulting firm. Website viewers may access video clips, biographies, and Impeachment Trial statements of the 13 House Managers. The Press Room and Newsletter sections are empty - clear signs that the website is still in its infancy. If you would like to join the PAC, there is an online donation page, as well as a section inviting viewers to sign up and help defend the Constitution.


events around the net
 Internet & Politics Workshops -- Friday, July 16 through Sunday, July 18, 1999 -- University of California-Davis' Political Campaign Management Institute. Kim Alexander of the California Voter Foundation will be hosting "The Net and the Next Wave of Political Activism" Workshop from 10:45am - 12:15pm Saturday, July 17, which will explain how to take advantage of the Internet to build a successful grassroots political campaign. The complete schedule for the Institute is available here.

 Wednesday, July 14, 4:15pm -- Steve Forbes will participate in a live on-line chat hosted by MSNBC at their web site,

 July 22-24, 1999 PNN's conference series on Nonprofits and Technology will be held in San Francisco, CA. This is your chance to meet nonprofit leaders and discover how the Internet is changing the way they do business. Check out the conference website.

 The Frontier of Internet Politics -- A Conference on E-Politics in 2000 and Beyond. September 16, 1999 -- 2:00-5:00pm. Ronald Reagan International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC.

 American Association of Political Consultants Off-Year Conference. At the Radisson Hotel, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Sunday, Nov. 14th to Wednesday, Nov. 17th. Ph. (202) 544-9815. E-mail.

 ONLINE CONVENTION. College Convention 2000 is a forum for students to debate and vote on nominees for president. It also lets users have their say on hot-button issues such as abortion, gun control, campaign finance reform and more. It offers one college credit to delegates. The convention for students will be Jan. 21-23, 2000, in Manchester, N.H.

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