From November 1999 thru June 2000 Pseudo Programs, Inc. ran an Internet TV show called,
=JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness. It quickly became the number one rated weekly show on Pseudo. Though it's run was relatively short, it indeed was a phenomenon. I had the fantastic pleasure of working with the most talented and creative crew who weren't afraid of experimenting and breaking the "rules" of production. I am currently trying to resurrect the show and the prospects are bright. Thanks to all of you for your support!

See you soon,


is needed to view the Real Video Streamed episodes.

....................................................................................................... Be like Ronny, watch the show! .

Broadcast Date: 6.19.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 27 - Impact Addict
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

This was sadly, the last episode of the show at Pseudo. The "Impact Addict" David Leslie joined us to review some footage
of his antics. Also, "Toecutter" was featured in a video review from BME. "Toecutter" likes to subtract parts of his appendages.
MUST see this clip! He subtracts part of his finger with a very sharp chisel and hammer.


Broadcast Date: 6.12.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 26 - Random
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

The demented world of the Rocky Moonie Show, and the brilliant world of ®™ark , a culture jamming organization that
sponsors acts of corporate sabotage! Watch the stupid stunt car driver die from suffocation on smoke and fumes from his
attempt to crash a car thru 4 flaming busses. What a dumbass!


Broadcast Date: 6.5.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 25 - Body Modification
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Laura "Thugz" Foy did it! We faked it once on an earlier episode, but this time it was for real! She pierced her nipple LIVE
and I got my lip pierced. (youch) LIVE for all of you!!! You can't say that we don't go all out for the fans of the show! We also
show THEE most insane commercials from Japan and the US television. For more advertisement fun be sure and check out Fun was had by all!

Broadcast Date: 5.22.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 24 - Zines
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

We had the best and worst of Zines. Before Al Gore invented the internet a popular way of creating communities distributing
propaganda ranging from kiddie porn to punk rock music scenes was the infamous "Zine". In this show we have a look at some
of the more sick Zines. Also we showed the bizarre vid clip extravaganza. The man Stile from called in and
told us what his favourite Zines are as well. Plus kooky news updates from Laura "Thugz" Foy!


Broadcast Date: 5.16.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 23 - Psychics
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

We had Astrologer Yvonne Morabito (who was fully hot) from giving readings to our viewers and chat
audience as well as this total freaky dude, Intuitive Psychic Consultant Louis Freire reading flowers! This freako comes
into the studio wearing this wizard costume pointy hat and all! We arranged a surprise visit from Rocky Moonie and had him
test the veracity of their "Psychic" powers with the "Rocky Moonie Psychic Challenge". Don't miss the distraction clip of the
ballooning accident.


Broadcast Date: 5.2.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 22 - End of the World Show
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

End of the World May 5th, 2000 is the end of the world according to some. We started out the show discussing
End of the World conspiracies predicted to occur on 5.5.00 and quickly turned to the "Snak-Girl" show. See bikini clad
Snak-Girl covered in peanut butter! The Distraction video was the ever popular: Train Girl. Watch as this hapless lass gets
hit by a train!


Broadcast Date: 4.25.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 21 - Open Lines
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

We had viewer submitted videos, plenty of call-ins from the freaks in IRC. Oh my must see the Sybian
demonstration video we reviewed!!! Watch as we try to get Laura "Thugz" Foy to kiss her girlfriend that dropped by the
studio. Don't miss the distraction clip of the bungie jumping drunk students accident.


Broadcast Date: 4.18.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 20- Birthday Surprise
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

As promised, we reviewed the campy spoof DUCK! The Carbine High Massacre. (very gorey) Remember the show
"Eight is enough"? Remember the stoner middle child named Tommy...well he has been born again and is now fighting for
your childrens souls as BibleMan. Perhaps the funniest video we have seen in a while! Rocky Moonie paid us a special
visit to give yours truly a Birthday surprise also naked wrestling woman and much, much, MORE!.


Broadcast Date: 4.11.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 19- Alcohol
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Laura "Thugz" Foy did the entire show with her pants around her ankles as did the entire studio crew! Drink much?
Laura was lit and had another one of her girlfriends in studio. (yes we did try to get them to make out!) Be sure and watch
the "Trepanation" (def: drilling holes in ones own head) video produced for us by Kari Krome!! Wake the neighbors and
phone the kids, another must see episode!


Broadcast Date: 4.4.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 18 - Drugs
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Ben-Her from called in and fool us with his female voice. Nichole was the special co-host in place of
Laura "Thugz" Foy who was MIA. We reviewed the box-office bomb called "The Omega code" and show a clip from
the stinker. Don't miss the Distraction clip of a disturbed man blowing his head off with a double barreled shotgun.


Broadcast Date: 3.28.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 17 - Free Energy
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

We talked to Joshua Gulick about everything from string theory to Hermes caduceus experiments. Be sure and see his web
site! The call-ins were merciless in giving the poor fellow a hard time. It's not easy being a genius. Don't miss the Distraction clip
of a vietnamese gang executing hostages in a botched bank robbery attempt.


Broadcast Date: 3.21.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 16 - Kooky Konspiracy
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

You want the truth? You can't handle the truth! Robert Sterling from, the Internet’s preeminent
conspiriologist, gives it to us straight. Be sure not to miss the "Wall of Vagina" video brought to us by, none other than,
"The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black"! Funny callers and a good time had by all!


Broadcast Date: 3.14.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 15 - Non-Lethal Weapons
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Pete Shapiro and Laura "Thugz" Foy had birthdays this week. Uncle Goddamn extravaganza! There are these hicks that
for fun light their poor uncle on fire when he is drunk. Guess it's really boring out in the sticks for hicks. Movie review of
Mission to Mars
. OMG did this movie suck! Be sure and catch the cock fights galore in this weeks distraction!


Broadcast Date: 3.8.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 14 - Back From The Dead
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Stile is hangin' in there! It would seem that Stile from has committed suicide. Angel from the ECW and
"Die Hard" Derek Gorden from "And Justice for Brawl..." joined us in the studio for a candid discussion on serial killer
madness. Nichole joined us as our in-house serial killer expert as well as Janine. Check out the Christian scare films from the 50's.


Broadcast Date: 2.15.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 13 - Valentines Horror Show
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

What a washout of a show. Me and me girlfriend are on the rocks and it's Valentines day. blech. I hate holidays. We did get
to see Laura "Thugz" Foy make out with the co-co-host Melanie for $20.00 (American)!! Thanks to a bet by Stile from Tons of callers and the ever popular "Fuck-Fu" video clip!! must watch the distraction of the
poor store clerk who dies from a gunshot point blank by robbers. The most disturbing sounds of a dying person I have ever heard.


Broadcast Date: 2.8.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 12 - Scientology-a-go-go
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Lot's of people are afraid of discussing Scientology-a-go-go. Not us! You would not guess how many celebrities are
Scientologists. It's shocking. Xenu herself called in to say what's up. Don't miss the distraction clip of a crazy elephant
squishing helpless trainers at a circus bizarre.


Broadcast Date: 2.1.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 11 - Porn auditions
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Man. My head is still reeling from all of the excitement. Dougmor from called to say hello and regale us
with tales of sexy orgies and swinging chix who want to be on his web cam having sex.. Phone lines were crazy too from all
the pre-pubescent boys in IRC. WAYYYYYY before he got onto MTV, we had an exclusive screening of
Johnny "jackass" Knoxville doing what he does best on video...spraying himself in the face with pepper spray, zapping
himself with a tazer and a stun gun. Funny shit and you saw it here FIRST!!


Broadcast Date: 1.26.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 10 - Theoretical Physics
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Jeff Allen from the DEFINITIVE HOW TO website on costume and prop building was on to discuss building various
authentic Star Wars costumes. And the "WWF Royal Rumble bikini contest" video shocker where Mae Young drops
her top to win the contest!!. Can't for get to watch the Cutey Honey Anime clip. (her super power is getting naked)


Broadcast Date: 1.19.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 9 - Covert Surveillance
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Possibly the LAST show? We have been informed that this might be the last show here at Pseudo Programs, Inc. Excellent
show...many cool toys for spying on you friends and family. Did Laura "Thugz" Foy pierce her nipple LIVE? Watch and
find out! See the elephantitus testicled man in the Distraction clip.


Broadcast Date: 1.12.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 8 - Last Show? / UFO's
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

I am still in negotiation about the fate of the show. Again, I wanted to thank all of you who wrote in to voice support for the
=JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness show! Pseudo's own James Bray and Jim Downs joined us to discuss their personal
experiences with UFO's. We played the ever popular "Exploding Varmints" video clip. Plus, watch those kooky muslims
saw off hands of thieves and skewer themselves in wacky rituals in this weeks Distraction. Must see!!


Broadcast Date: 1.5.00 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 7 - Y2K Fallout
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Where the hell is the Y2K bug? What a washout. We ask the really hard questions like... "what the hell do I do with all
of this dried food"? and... "can i cancel the sell order of all my stock that i liquidated"? Also Kari Krome came on and
showed us all a video she made about "Trepanation". Justin from called in too.
Weirdness at its best!


Broadcast Date: 12.22.99 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 6 - Secret Societies
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

Masons, Templars, Church of Satan, you name it we got it. Is the White House really at the tip of a inverted pentagram?
Watch this episode to find out the truth about Washington D.C. Anderson Slade and Nichole joined us to discuss Magick
the Ark of the Covenant and all things secret. We had a clip from the Mason laden movie "The man who would be king"
and a nasty running of the bulls Distraction clip that was well gorey. Excellent show.


Broadcast Date: 12.15.99 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 5 - Kooky Columbine Kids
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

We have 5 Unruly Janitors, R. "Bud" Dwyer shooting himself in the head for a Distraction, Chinese missiles in Panama,
many call-ins, and all kinds of other weirdness. Including an awesome film review of "Blood sucking freaks". Stile from calls in and says he is going to be a pr0n star and gives the 5 Unruly's a seriously hard time.


Broadcast Date: 12.8.99 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 4 - Super Snuff
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

We have live call-ins from Dr. Don a.k.a. Dr. Snuff of and from the Stile of
(who was on camera via video conference connection) to find out about fantasy snuff video. Sharkey from
called in as well. Weirdness at its best.

Broadcast Date: 12.1.99 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 3 - Millennium Madness / Prophesy
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

We have live call-ins from riot torn Seattle and have Jim Downs in studio to discuss the WTO protests. Don't miss the video
review of "The seven signs of Christ's return"!! Stile of joined us via video conference. This weeks
lesson: Don't sit too close to bears in this weeks Distraction.Weirdness at its best.


Broadcast Date: 11.24.99 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 2 - Mind Control
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

MKULTRA, Project Monarch, lone gunmen, Co-Pilot a Manchurian Candidate? If you know from whence I speak then
this episode is for YOU! We show the video that was banned from the internet by the FBI. Jim Downs was co-hosting. We
had a call-in from a freaky dude who claims that he is being controlled by the government via a brain implant. Also be sure
not to miss one of the most disturbing Distraction clips I have ever seen.


Broadcast Date: 11/17/99 =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness - Episode: 1 - Y2K
- Play video (T1-DSL-Cable) / Play video (Dial-up Modem)

What's in store for us come January 1, 2000? Laura "Thugz" Foy joins me for the first episode of the
=JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness show! We discussed he best and worst places to be during the Y2K roll over, along
with startling scenarios. We told you how to set yourselves up for a possible power failure. Also an in depth video review of
"Exploding varmints Part 1". The first of many insane shows!!!