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Some dull big corporate company has changed it's name to "Monday". They make a site about it called introducingmonday.com. However they forgot to register the co.uk one. So someone else has registered it for them and filled it full of crap. Ho ho.
found by Freddy Woo

Badphotoshoppery claims to be a celebration of 'poor graphics skills.' I think they're completely missing the point - this stuff should be lauded, not mocked.
found by Fraser

You know that wobbly bit at the back of the throat? Why not peirce it? - bloody hell these are extreme and unpleasant photos.
found by rob

This man is called Randy Bender - nothing more. You probably have to be English to find this funny.
found by mrbongo

How lesbian imagery is used to market products - interesting list of print and TV ads. My favourite is the Beefeater gin advert. Beefeater? Amazed that they got away with that.
found by rob

Surely the cruellest of all sports? Someone must stop the awful rise of cat boxing.
found by Fraser

Have a little drink - celebrate Friday by watching our animation of a tramp singing about drinking. We especially like the bit at the end which was added by Weebl, a chappy on the b3ta board.
found by rob

It's our 43rd weekly newsletter - woo and indeed, yay. Huzzah, hoopla and general rejoicing.
found by rob

The Japanese seem to excel at producing kittens animations, for some reason. The latest is a strange yet cute marriage of flash and ascii.
found by Fraser

If you don't like the view from your kitchen window, simply build a magnificent cityscape just outside. It looks best at night.
found by Fraser

I've watched this movie twice and still don't really understand what's going on. It features pigs, economic growth, and alludes to sex. It's also beautifully made. (Quicktime).
found by Fraser

Ever wanted to produce a spoof page in the style of CNN or other major sites? Reamweaver software apparently makes this very easy indeed, although they probably can't do much about the lawyers letters that will almost certainly follow...
found by Fraser

Oh dear - we've accidentally encouraged someone to submit fake reviews to Amazon - b3ta reader JC writes, "I followed your link to the 'over-the-top' reviews of David Hasselhoff's compilation album on Amazon that you currently have posted on your site, and thought I'd add a review of my own. I was quite surprised when they published it. It's the one entitled 'Spangling Muckchuck' under the name 'Kim McKeown'. I hope it elicits a wry chuckle."
found by rob

Every month, armytank.com execute a defenceless stuffed animal. This is barbarism at its very worst.
found by Fraser

Crap jet fighter model made from a spliff - this is the work of B3ta reader Paul Summers. Er... thanks Paul.
found by rob

Austin Powers and the Powerpuffs in Octopuffy is not Enough - made by b3ta reader Daniel DeFabio and features J-Lo, Mini-ME & Puff Daddy. To be honest the references are too American for us UK minds to understand it, however it's very nicely drawn so we're gonna link to it.
found by rob

Can you solve the puzzle of this site? - b3ta reader Paul writes, "There is a purpose to this site but I have left it down to you to find that out." We are stumped. Can you do better?
found by rob

A visual zoom from the biggest to the smallest objects in the universe - this old but gold link is still a show stopper.
found by rob

American B3ta Party (29th Jun 2002) - board member Captain Kimbo is holding a B3ta day out at Disneyland. If you are from that neck of the woods and fancy a day out then make sure you register interest at his website.
found by Kimbo

Two polar bears. One million nine hundred thousand square kilometers of frozen arctic wilderness. Where are they? Track them live on the web.
found by Fraser

Ladies with odd hair - we really like the before and after pictures at the bottom of the page.
found by rob

Do you (uk) people notice the stuff about BT Broadband this week? This adsl guide also looks cool. Forgive me if this is all old news...
found by pep

While we're on an art tip, I so want some of these Escher paving stones.
found by pep

think you're an artist? Not until you've made pictures out of beans and crops
found by pep

Huzzah! It's the weekly B3ta Newsletter - we think this one rocks. It's called Football Vs Art. And if you don't like it then you smell of wee wee.
found by rob

Anatomically Correct Teddy Bear
- you can pull all it's guts out. Designed to help communicate to a frightened child what surgery is about. Would have scared the shit out of me.
found by rob

Eskimos have over 500 words for snow, and I have over 500 words for Hasselhoff being FANTASTIC - the reviews at Amazon for David Hasselhoff are suprisingly enthusiastic.
found by Dan

For god's sake someone buy me a pixter so I can pretend it's a Palm pilot and have more fun in meetings than everyone else.
found by pep

Got a blog? Want to be a journalist? Maybe you need special lessons in blogging then.
found by pep

This young lady is selling her soul on Ebay - if you are rich and stupid then please help add to her student grant. Currently the price is £50, we wonder if it'll get any higher? (EDIT: The price reached over £100,000, and Ebay have taken it down.)
found by rob

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