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Conservo-Freepos go wacko over White House parody site

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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:23 AM (ET)
Conservo-Freepos go wacko over White House parody site

I think it's damn funny.

They don't:

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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Oh, that's FUNNY!!! AngryWhiteDemocrat Aug-09-02 1
   Funny, that Loonman 08/09/2002 4
 This response is even better... CSal1172 Aug-09-02 2
   never trust copyright info from a freeper fromVT 08/09/2002 33
 What bothers me about the freepers fundyclown Aug-09-02 3
   When you see someone being targeted Maeve 08/09/2002 19
       I try to Loonman 08/09/2002 21
       Don't forget to send them here GinaMaria 08/09/2002 56
 This site..... DumpGump Aug-09-02 5
 the best part northzax Aug-09-02 6
   ya... maybe no U problems, but I hate to think salin 08/09/2002 11
 Exasperating Loonman Aug-09-02 7
   Typical of their infantile mindset mreilly 08/09/2002 12
 "The writing would indicate a non-native english speaker." Oracle Aug-09-02 8
 what assholes youngred Aug-09-02 9
   They don't care Loonman 08/09/2002 13
       I know youngred 08/09/2002 16
 disturbing.... alpizzy Aug-09-02 10
 Idiot filth moron hypocrites Rabrrrrrr Aug-09-02 14
   I think... alpizzy 08/09/2002 17
 I Read Some Freeper Comments... I LAUGHED At... arwalden Aug-09-02 15
   Hilarous! Loonman 08/09/2002 18
   I sent the link to the Freeper Thread proud patriot 08/09/2002 20
   That was my favorite too ktscarlytt 08/09/2002 29
 gutbuster of a hysterical post Loonman Aug-09-02 22
   paranoia, paranoia everybody's coming to get me youngred 08/09/2002 24
   Oh My God! Do They Think The REAL WH Site Has Been Hacked? arwalden 08/09/2002 25
   BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHHA! Zephyrbird 08/09/2002 39
       They tend to be pretty stupid, yes. :) joshcryer 08/09/2002 40
 Cut And Paste Freeper Comments arwalden Aug-09-02 23
   Ever notice? Loonman 08/09/2002 26
   On that last note... alpizzy 08/09/2002 27
 If you do write to the site's creator HeartSick Aug-09-02 28
 Freepers have no sense of humor. joshcryer Aug-09-02 30
 Well if they HATED Waronevil.com ... Trajan Aug-09-02 31
   Too bad it doesn't try to copy the actual whitehouse.gov joshcryer 08/09/2002 34
   Whitehouse.org is much funnier! XanthaS 08/09/2002 57
 The Ineffective LuminousX Aug-09-02 32
   I know, and everyone is always complaining about liberals... joshcryer 08/09/2002 35
       Puh-leeze Loonman 08/09/2002 36
           I know, but don't you notice that? Or is it just me? joshcryer 08/09/2002 38
   I never really knew what a freeper was johnhorne 08/09/2002 37
       this is even mild youngred 08/09/2002 41
           Most Annoying Part LuminousX 08/09/2002 42
               usually those are youngred 08/09/2002 50
 They are so worked up LuminousX Aug-09-02 43
   Digital harrassment laws might be applicable here. joshcryer 08/09/2002 44
   And the Ironic Twist LuminousX 08/09/2002 45
       Tee hee. joshcryer 08/09/2002 46
       That's rich Loonman 08/09/2002 47
   Horribly tasteless Loonman 08/09/2002 48
       guess whatever the second thread salin 08/09/2002 55
   SlimeBags! HeartSick 08/09/2002 58
   That thread has been pulled proud patriot 08/09/2002 60
 There's a certain ironic symmetry cradledem Aug-09-02 49
 Laura's campaign Wells Aug-09-02 51
   didnt rchsod 08/09/2002 62
 You guys are missing the funniest part.... snooper2 Aug-09-02 52
 lol ma21385 Aug-09-02 53
   Thanks! Loonman 08/09/2002 54
 I called Peter up and humorously enough... trafalgarsquared Aug-09-02 59
 Wow! great site ElGallo Aug-09-02 61
 speaking rchsod Aug-09-02 63

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AngryWhiteDemocrat (1460 posts) Click to EMail AngryWhiteDemocrat Click to send private message to AngryWhiteDemocrat Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:31 AM (ET)
1. Oh, that's FUNNY!!!
But you've gotta feel bad for the freepers...they spent YEARS not making fun of Clinton and being good little boys and girls, and now us libruls have crossed the line of decency.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

Theodore Roosevelt


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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:36 AM (ET)
Reply to post #1
4. Funny, that
Strange how when the shoe's on the other foot, they don't find it as funny...
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CSal1172 (237 posts) Click to EMail CSal1172 Click to send private message to CSal1172 Click to view user profile Click to send message via ICQ Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:34 AM (ET)
2. This response is even better...

To: rintense

The fact that they are using copyrighted photos without permission of the photgrapher might be their downfall.
Speaking of sites that use copyrighted photos without permission...I hope you didn't mention that you read about this on FreeRepublic.

16 posted on 8/9/02 8:05 AM Pacific by drjimmy
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just more of the do as I say, not as I do.

"I didn't put that stupid, f---ing moron cowboy in the White House. You know, the guy who can't speak three sentences without making up a new word" - Henry Rollins

"A liberal is a man or woman or child who looks forward to a better day, a more tranquil night, and a bright, infinite future" - Leonard Bernstein

And that'sThe Bottom Line because, dammit, someone has to say so!

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fromVT Donating Member (104 posts) Click to EMail fromVT Click to send private message to fromVT Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:10 PM (ET)
Reply to post #2
33. never trust copyright info from a freeper
US government works are not protected by copyright:

Therefore, I don't think anything on the White House site is copyright protected, since it's likely to have either been built by government employees.

Leahy, Jeffords, and Sanders: Vermont's own trifecta!

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fundyclown (81 posts) Click to EMail fundyclown Click to send private message to fundyclown Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:35 AM (ET)
3. What bothers me about the freepers
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-02 AT 11:38 AM (ET)

Is that they published this guys name, etc on the web.

OTOH, their outrage is so funny, as is their cluelessness.

I can't believe they abbreviated Secret Service SS. It's so rich and I'm sure they didn't know how perfectly Hitleresque that is:

"Hopefully the SS is all over these guys."


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Maeve Donating Member (4478 posts) Click to EMail Maeve Click to send private message to Maeve Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:12 PM (ET)
Reply to post #3
19. When you see someone being targeted
You might want to copy the Freep info and forward it to the person. Give them the ammunition to fight, if they want to (as well as a heads-up on the planned attack)

Dia idir sinn agus an dúramán.
God be between us and the stupid one.
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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:14 PM (ET)
Reply to post #19
21. I try to
I try to whenever I can. People say "so that's where all the nasty, expletive-filled emails are coming from!"
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GinaMaria Donating Member (2347 posts) Click to EMail GinaMaria Click to send private message to GinaMaria Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 04:06 PM (ET)
Reply to post #19
56. Don't forget to send them here
http://www.democraticunderground.com/ where they will make plenty of friends who appreciate their humor.



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DumpGump Donating Member (609 posts) Click to EMail DumpGump Click to send private message to DumpGump Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:37 AM (ET)
5. This site.....
has been around a long time. I wonder why the Freeps just got wind of it. Serves them right, "whatsoever a political party soweth, that shall it also reap". If you look in the dictionary under the word "hypocrite", the first definition is "Freeper".
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northzax Donating Member (2079 posts) Click to EMail northzax Click to send private message to northzax Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:39 AM (ET)
6. the best part
is when they think that Hampshire college gives a rat's behind about this...or when they point out the inherent contradiction in crying 'copywrite' given their little, er, problems.

knowing hampshire, I bet there aren't a whole heck of a lot of freepers there...

any hampshire folks here?


Anyone who thinks the Earth is less than 10,000 years old needs psychiatric help.
-Francis Crick

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salin Donating Member (7847 posts) Click to EMail salin Click to send private message to salin Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:57 AM (ET)
Reply to post #6
11. ya... maybe no U problems, but I hate to think
of the level of harassment this guy is about to get.

"We expect there to be transparency. People who have something to hide make us nervous...." GWB in Alaska - discussing Iraq.

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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:45 AM (ET)
7. Exasperating
They think they can put nasty stuff about the Clintons and Gore, but when someone else does it, it's high treason.

Pathetic and sad.

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mreilly (599 posts) Click to EMail mreilly Click to send private message to mreilly Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:00 PM (ET)
Reply to post #7
12. Typical of their infantile mindset
We all knew types just like them in elementary school; bullies who felt it was perfectly okay to go after whomever they pleased. But if someone dared to fight back or give them the same treatment, then the bullies lost their minds. It was so unfair! These types of idiots are no different, and coming from a childlike perspective as they do, it's no surprise to me.

"The White House and their supplicants in Congress are trying to create their own corrupt system whereby politicians and select corporations can run the game, free from competition, oversight, or environmental, health and labor regulations."
-John Passacantando, Greenpeace Director


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Oracle Donating Member (239 posts) Click to EMail Oracle Click to send private message to Oracle Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:50 AM (ET)
8. "The writing would indicate a non-native english speaker."
Must be an Arab terrorist...

Really funny stuff on that right-wing chat forum.

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youngred Donating Member (5406 posts) Click to EMail youngred Click to send private message to youngred Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:55 AM (ET)
9. what assholes
they print the guys name adress, and e-mail and tell each other to harass him. I hope the Secret Service pays them a visit instead of this kid. BTW Freepers shouldn't be throwing stones considering their copyright abuses

The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation.
~Albert Einstein

Proud member of the resistance here since April 12, 2002 and on my own since March 29, 1983

Quote of the Day:
Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.
— Karl Marx

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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:01 PM (ET)
Reply to post #9
13. They don't care
Most of those bottom feeders live to harass people.
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youngred Donating Member (5406 posts) Click to EMail youngred Click to send private message to youngred Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:06 PM (ET)
Reply to post #13
16. I know
but they're still assholes with such damn sad-excuses for lives.

The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation.
~Albert Einstein

Proud member of the resistance here since April 12, 2002 and on my own since March 29, 1983

Quote of the Day:
Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.
— Karl Marx

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alpizzy (49 posts) Click to EMail alpizzy Click to send private message to alpizzy Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 11:56 AM (ET)
10. disturbing....
Of all their replies this is the one that shows thier true colors and is the most disturbing...

Boy, that is very poor grammar. How did this punk ever get into college?


34 posted on 8/9/02 8:13 AM Pacific by dubyaismypresident

What an a**hole!

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Rabrrrrrr (223 posts) Click to EMail Rabrrrrrr Click to send private message to Rabrrrrrr Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:02 PM (ET)
14. Idiot filth moron hypocrites
Though I have to agree with the freepers in that the fake whitehouse site really isn't all that funny. I'm glad there is a parody site, but I wish it were funnier and more sharp-witted.

Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes. -Edgard Varese, composer (1885-1965)

If we don't discipline ourselves the world will do it for us. - William Feather

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power. -Lao-Tzu, philosopher (6th century B.C.)

The price of power is responsibility for the public good. - Winthrop W. Aldrich

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alpizzy (49 posts) Click to EMail alpizzy Click to send private message to alpizzy Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:06 PM (ET)
Reply to post #14
17. I think...
it was intentional.
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arwalden (1274 posts) Click to EMail arwalden Click to send private message to arwalden Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:05 PM (ET)
15. I Read Some Freeper Comments... I LAUGHED At...

... the comments where they say things like:

"Oh, I'm all for free speech and everything, but this crosses the line! I'm calling the WH secret service!"

Oh My Gay Stars!

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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:11 PM (ET)
Reply to post #15
18. Hilarous!
"Those evil libs, they've gone too far!!!"

When they've gone that far and much farther.

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proud patriot Donating Member (8303 posts) Click to EMail proud%20patriot Click to send private message to proud%20patriot Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:13 PM (ET)
Reply to post #15
20. I sent the link to the Freeper Thread
To every email on that thread .

Saying Here's where the hassle started .Guess
the people from this site can't take a joke .


Proud member of the Grassy Knoll Society
Bay Area Chapter

Question Everything

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ktscarlytt (39 posts) Click to EMail ktscarlytt Click to send private message to ktscarlytt Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:42 PM (ET)
Reply to post #15
29. That was my favorite too
They're so ignorant and self-centered they think First Ammendment applies only to speech they approve of, obviously.

"I'm calling the WH secret service!" What a pathetic TIPS wannabe.

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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:16 PM (ET)
22. gutbuster of a hysterical post
Break out the thorazine:

To: Constitution Day; Hillary's Lovely Legs; Howlin

They have gone over the edge with this, bump.

This is gross criminal behavior in my opinion - since the White House Website also is the source for major links to other websites that provide critical information in this time of WAR.


44 posted on 8/9/02 9:07 AM Pacific by Freedom'sWorthIt
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youngred Donating Member (5406 posts) Click to EMail youngred Click to send private message to youngred Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:19 PM (ET)
Reply to post #22
24. paranoia, paranoia everybody's coming to get me
if they want to talk about bad parody maybe they should consider hillary's lovely legs. great name asswipe, think it all up yourself?

The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation.
~Albert Einstein

Proud member of the resistance here since April 12, 2002 and on my own since March 29, 1983

Quote of the Day:
Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.
— Karl Marx

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arwalden (1274 posts) Click to EMail arwalden Click to send private message to arwalden Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:24 PM (ET)
Reply to post #22
25. Oh My God! Do They Think The REAL WH Site Has Been Hacked?
Someone needs to show them how to read a URL.

-- Allen

Oh My Gay Stars!

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Zephyrbird Donating Member (322 posts) Click to EMail Zephyrbird Click to send private message to Zephyrbird Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:25 PM (ET)
Reply to post #22
This just goes to show that we ARE the party of intellectuals!!

Obviously, the gene pool over there is comprised of the shallow end, yes?

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joshcryer (187 posts) Click to EMail joshcryer Click to send private message to joshcryer Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:26 PM (ET)
Reply to post #39
40. They tend to be pretty stupid, yes. :)

Re-elect Gore in '04!

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arwalden (1274 posts) Click to EMail arwalden Click to send private message to arwalden Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:17 PM (ET)
23. Cut And Paste Freeper Comments
Thought you might enjoy reading these...

Isn't that maybe illegal? As in using the logos and things? Maybe an attorney can let us know. You know, liberals really are slime.

I've emailed the WH web team. The fact that they are using copyrighted photos without permission of the photgrapher might be their downfall. Interestingly enough, the site is hosted on a Hampshire College server, and is owned by a student there.

Someone though it would be useful to post the WHOIS information about the domain's owner. Along with email and phone number. --- What charmers they are, eh?

The children's page is EXACTLY what I pointed out to the WH web team. Hopefully the SS is all over these guys. I'm all for free speech, but this has crossed the line.

Read the next one carefully

The fact that they are using copyrighted photos without permission of the photgrapher might be their downfall.
Speaking of sites that use copyrighted photos without permission...I hope you didn't mention that you read about this on FreeRepublic.

I don't think it's a parody at all. I think it is malicious.

Didn't some guy take the White House name and turn it into a porn site? Must have been Clinton in his spare time.

Oh My Gay Stars!

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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:27 PM (ET)
Reply to post #23
26. Ever notice?
Ever notice they repeat "trial lawyers are ruining the country" mantra in their sleep but are the first to mention a possible lawsuit in ANY situation where they feel slighted?.
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alpizzy (49 posts) Click to EMail alpizzy Click to send private message to alpizzy Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:30 PM (ET)
Reply to post #23
27. On that last note...
maybe he doesn't understand the meaning of the word malicious.
OR maybe something is only malicious it's said about his camp.
Oh! I get it now!

What an idiot!

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HeartSick (151 posts) Click to EMail HeartSick Click to send private message to HeartSick Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:41 PM (ET)
28. If you do write to the site's creator
You might suggest he reconsider his "whitehousekids.gov" page, unless his links go the actual site.

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joshcryer (187 posts) Click to EMail joshcryer Click to send private message to joshcryer Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 12:53 PM (ET)
30. Freepers have no sense of humor.

Re-elect Gore in '04!
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Trajan (774 posts) Click to EMail Trajan Click to send private message to Trajan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:01 PM (ET)
31. Well if they HATED Waronevil.com ...
They will SURELY hate


Which is a HILARIOUS parody website that is a tad more savage in their satirical rhetoric ....

a clip from : http://whitehouse.org/firstlady/enron-crafts.asp


Reaching Out: The First Lady's Message to Victims of the Enron Collapse

Gals, wondering what to do with your worthless Enron stock certificates? .... Decoupage!

That's right, Decoupage - the French art of dressing up surfaces with attractive scrap paper! .. It seems like a whole mess of folks out there are sitting on Enron Stock Certificates, wondering what to do with them. Well, as your First Lady and Chairlady of the Washington chapter of Bringing Integrity To Christian Homemakers, I feel as if it is my responsibility to reach out to you all and help. " ....


Gotta love that stuff, .... figures the feckless haters of freedom at Freeperville have a tough time with freedom of speech .... perhaps they can convince ASSCroft to bring back the guillotine to defend Freeper Honor ??? ...

Hmmmmmmmm ? .... I wonder: .... DID ASSCroft REALLY have to drape those naked statutes ? .... couldnt he have found some of his friends at the Taliban to BOMB those statutes out of existence ?? ... He didnt seem to mind those priceless 'heathen' bamiyan statutes of Buddha being blown to smithereens, ... and THEY were clothed ....

AH: .. the Naked human form is SUCH an AFFRONT to freedom ya know .....

" ...Arguments, like men, ... are often pretenders ... ", Plato

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it with religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal

"He is YOUR God, They are YOUR rules, YOU Burn in Hell." -- Ephemera Buttons and Magnets

"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." -- Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein: The Human Side.

"Blasphemy? No, it is not blasphemy. If God is as vast as that, he is above blasphemy; if He is as little as that, He is beneath it." -- Mark Twain, a Biography

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joshcryer (187 posts) Click to EMail joshcryer Click to send private message to joshcryer Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:11 PM (ET)
Reply to post #31
34. Too bad it doesn't try to copy the actual whitehouse.gov
They should emulate whitehouse.gov as best as possible.

Re-elect Gore in '04!

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XanthaS Donating Member (124 posts) Click to EMail XanthaS Click to send private message to XanthaS Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 04:09 PM (ET)
Reply to post #31
57. Whitehouse.org is much funnier!
And I'll bet a lot of people go there accidentally.
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LuminousX (471 posts) Click to EMail LuminousX Click to send private message to LuminousX Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:10 PM (ET)
32. The Ineffective
Wow, this site stirred up a hornet swarm for the Freepers, which is sad because it is a subpar site. Did they get this upset over whitehouse.org? Probably not because they knew they couldn't do much to an adult who has his/her own webhost, but they do know they can call up a college and tie up its time concerning this. The Freepers are hoping that they can be such a nuisance that the college just tells the guy to take the website down to stop the calls.

All this bluster over nothing, just so they can feel like they are bigshots. People operating at this level are anything but bigshots and if the student needs a place to put his website, I've got a list of good hosts.

Writing from Free Illinois, Fighting for Occupied America.
The Daily Sledgehammer

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joshcryer (187 posts) Click to EMail joshcryer Click to send private message to joshcryer Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:19 PM (ET)
Reply to post #32
35. I know, and everyone is always complaining about liberals...
...being ‘so sensitive.’

Re-elect Gore in '04!

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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:20 PM (ET)
Reply to post #35
36. Puh-leeze
They're the ones with the Prozac gumball machines, not us.
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joshcryer (187 posts) Click to EMail joshcryer Click to send private message to joshcryer Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:24 PM (ET)
Reply to post #36
38. I know, but don't you notice that? Or is it just me?

Re-elect Gore in '04!

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johnhorne (255 posts) Click to EMail johnhorne Click to send private message to johnhorne Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:23 PM (ET)
Reply to post #32
37. I never really knew what a freeper was
until now!!!!

My personal favorite from their page:

"They have gone over the edge with this, bump.

This is gross criminal behavior in my opinion - since the White House Website also is the source for major links to other websites that provide critical information in this time of WAR.


That and the person who keeps asking "What's an 'Ethnically Pure'?"!!!!

(I think freeper watching may become a new spectator sport for me!)

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youngred Donating Member (5406 posts) Click to EMail youngred Click to send private message to youngred Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:28 PM (ET)
Reply to post #37
41. this is even mild
you should see them get into a real lather. Freeper watching can be very dangerous to your health. Remember to take a bath after each viewing

The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation.
~Albert Einstein

Proud member of the resistance here since April 12, 2002 and on my own since March 29, 1983

Quote of the Day:
Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.
— Karl Marx

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LuminousX (471 posts) Click to EMail LuminousX Click to send private message to LuminousX Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:31 PM (ET)
Reply to post #41
42. Most Annoying Part
of Freeper watching is when in a thread like this you see one reasonably sane voice and you have to wonder how that person can deal with all those reactionary twits on a daily basis. I almost feel sorry for that one voice - almost. They still have the ability to choose not to be a Freeper, so I don't shed any tears for them.

Writing from Free Illinois, Fighting for Occupied America.
The Daily Sledgehammer

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youngred Donating Member (5406 posts) Click to EMail youngred Click to send private message to youngred Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 02:27 PM (ET)
Reply to post #42
50. usually those are
lurkers or disruptors

The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation.
~Albert Einstein

Proud member of the resistance here since April 12, 2002 and on my own since March 29, 1983

Quote of the Day:
Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.
— Karl Marx

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LuminousX (471 posts) Click to EMail LuminousX Click to send private message to LuminousX Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:38 PM (ET)
43. They are so worked up
they started another thread primarily to pick on the webmaster:


Writing from Free Illinois, Fighting for Occupied America.
The Daily Sledgehammer

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joshcryer (187 posts) Click to EMail joshcryer Click to send private message to joshcryer Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:41 PM (ET)
Reply to post #43
44. Digital harrassment laws might be applicable here.
Someone who knows a bit about law needs to look into it.

Re-elect Gore in '04!

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LuminousX (471 posts) Click to EMail LuminousX Click to send private message to LuminousX Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:46 PM (ET)
Reply to post #43
45. And the Ironic Twist

A thread about the death of 'Fair Use'.

Writing from Free Illinois, Fighting for Occupied America.
The Daily Sledgehammer

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joshcryer (187 posts) Click to EMail joshcryer Click to send private message to joshcryer Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:52 PM (ET)
Reply to post #45
46. Tee hee.
Hypocrisy is not surprising coming from their side. It really and truely isn't.

Re-elect Gore in '04!

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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:57 PM (ET)
Reply to post #45
47. That's rich
Talking out of both sides of their mouths, are they?
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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 01:59 PM (ET)
Reply to post #43
48. Horribly tasteless
...and they say the "libs are heartless and hateful".
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salin Donating Member (7847 posts) Click to EMail salin Click to send private message to salin Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 04:06 PM (ET)
Reply to post #48
55. guess whatever the second thread
said - pushed the taste/judgement bounds even of the freerepub. - the thread has been yanked.

"We expect there to be transparency. People who have something to hide make us nervous...." GWB in Alaska - discussing Iraq.

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HeartSick (151 posts) Click to EMail HeartSick Click to send private message to HeartSick Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 08:14 PM (ET)
Reply to post #43
58. SlimeBags!
The thread targeting the webmaster was yanked and replaced with this message:

"Even though it is available online, personal data isn't a good thing to post here. Maybe you can post a link to the WHOIS results. "

That was at about 4 pm.

It's now four hours later and the thread with the kid's personal data is still up.

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proud patriot Donating Member (8303 posts) Click to EMail proud%20patriot Click to send private message to proud%20patriot Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 09:07 PM (ET)
Reply to post #43
60. That thread has been pulled
Gee I wonder if that web master got my email with
the link the freeper thread .....Ha ha hahahahaha...


Proud member of the Grassy Knoll Society
Bay Area Chapter

Question Everything

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cradledem Donating Member (438 posts) Click to EMail cradledem Click to send private message to cradledem Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 02:24 PM (ET)
49. There's a certain ironic symmetry
about someone posting as "Hillary's Lovely Legs" complaining about a mild satire about Laura Bush.
Great entertainment from Freeperville. They never disappoint, do they? Thanks for the great belly laughs.
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Wells (105 posts) Click to EMail Wells Click to send private message to Wells Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 03:00 PM (ET)
51. Laura's campaign
It seems to me that Laura is just campaigning for minority votes. "What a nice person she really is, really. Let's not talk about how Florida Blacks were denied voting rights, or about how Mexican immigration reduces the bargaining power of labor, etc, etc, blah, blah. She likes Asians as well as Blacks and Mexicans and want all to live in a suburban garage with an attached house. She dresses nice and has a nice smile".
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rchsod (312 posts) Click to EMail rchsod Click to send private message to rchsod Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 09:21 PM (ET)
Reply to post #51
62. didnt
look like she wanted to get to close to them afro americans.....
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snooper2 (522 posts) Click to EMail snooper2 Click to send private message to snooper2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 03:36 PM (ET)
52. You guys are missing the funniest part....
When the dumbasses write in thinking it is the real Whitehouse website......

like this one...

SUBJECT = "Department of Faith" will clash with the Supreme Court along with "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance
NAME = ATT Claeyssens
E-MAIL = claeyssens@att.net
MESSAGE = Please make no mistake about my intentions...I am a big fan and supporter of George Bush. So I am worried. When the official White House Website tells of the establishment of a "Department of Faith" that oversees the disbursement of "Millions of dollars of taxpayer money to religious charities", alarm gongs are going off that were first fired by the recent California Federal Appeals Court ruling that Congress unconstitutionally put "Under God" into the pledge of allegiance. This is a very flagrant violation of the separation of church and state. Although the Constitution and its amendments refer to "Congress" as not making any laws regarding the establishment of religion, the President should also be careful not to be perceived as too narrowly associated with any special religious group, such as "God's favorite church". This will only serve to alienate the thousands of other churches. Please, please be more careful, and have your campaign management review the website content. Perhaps they should even be running it, because when election time rolls around, these things will definitely be trotted out and splashed in news and political promotion pieces with disastrous effects. Right now it is difficult for critics to attack him, but in the political season, anything goes.
- Paul Claeyssens



"In these awful days, George W. Bush has become the American Yasir Arafat, an empty, repetitive, shifty public personality who talks out of both sides of his mouth, with little or nothing to say from either of ’em. Oh, he’s still Israel’s man: maybe not quite as much as he was on Tuesday, but more than he was on Thursday, though by Sunday, who knows, he might be back in staunch-ally mode again, or conversely he might have a few encouraging words for the Arab side. He’s as purposeful as a wind-up toy boat with a bent rudder doing circular putt-putts in the bathtub."

by Nicholas von Hoffman, New York Observer

Quote of the Day: "In my state of the ... my State of the Union or state - my speech to the nation - whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation." – President Bush, Tuesday morning in Connecticut. (Thanks to CBS News Correspondent Mark Knoller traveling with the president.)

© MMII, CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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ma21385 (514 posts) Click to EMail ma21385 Click to send private message to ma21385 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 03:48 PM (ET)
53. lol
Loonman, they're Freepers. They're genetically predisposed to throw go insane over these kinds of things. Nothing new.

And if you think the wackos over at Freeperville are bad enough, check out the hatemail that whitehouse.org gets. It is so hilarious, 90% of the mail there is from brainless right-wingers who don't even realize that it's a parody site.

Here's a fine example:

Come Feb 2002 I will not submit to the tatoo demand. It is AGAINST all my religious beliefs, I cannot believe that Bush is in approval with this. Doesn't he read Revelation at all??
This is heresy!!!!
This is an abomination!!!!
If this goes into effect, I will no longer be republican!!!!

There are probably hundreds more, I just skimmed through the first ten. It's hilarious.


Gore in '04!

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then gets elected and proves it.
-P.J. O'Rourke

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Loonman Donating Member (496 posts) Click to EMail Loonman Click to send private message to Loonman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 03:54 PM (ET)
Reply to post #53
54. Thanks!
I love reading the hatemail cretins send to "liberal" sites! Demonstrates how childish they are.
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trafalgarsquared (107 posts) Click to EMail trafalgarsquared Click to send private message to trafalgarsquared Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 09:02 PM (ET)
59. I called Peter up and humorously enough...
He mentioned that he used Macromedia's Dreamweaver (a well-respected web page designing program) to do two things: 1) mirror the White House web site 2) do a simple search and replace on certain words or phrases.

That's it! It's why everything looks so well-done. High concept, low tech satire. Hopefully he'll heed my warning to put the words "satire" or "parody" someplace on each page to avoid any litigation.

Also, he had no idea how infuriated the right-wingnuts were about it so hopefully he's able to fully savor it now... 8^)

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ElGallo (57 posts) Click to EMail ElGallo Click to send private message to ElGallo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 09:09 PM (ET)
61. Wow! great site
I love how subversive it is. If one were totally off guard, it would pass for real until little "oddities" of tone and vocabulary began to sink in.

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rchsod (312 posts) Click to EMail rchsod Click to send private message to rchsod Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Aug-09-02, 09:27 PM (ET)
63. speaking
of pictures...nice lead in?...has bush had any pictures taken by famous photographers. most of these pictures look like a disposable ...
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