Detournment is the act of turning around images (news, advertising or other popular representations) and reconfiguring them to reveal (and sometimes satirize upon) the ideological messages hidden within them. Many Artists have used this concept or similar concepts to give the public a more problematic view of the slick and oversimplified view of life that we often receive from state and corporate sponsored images. In the last few years web detournment has become a useful technique for new media artists. Similar to artists using this technique in print Net artists have found ways of interrupting the expected "flow" of "information" from producer to consumer by disguising their works in familiar & dominant forms (corporate web design) while offering to often unsuspecting viewers alternative readings of contemporary culture.

Assignment: After viewing the sites below create a copy or appropriation of a popular website "home" or "index" page. You will need to replace all graphics, text and links while keeping the overall design as the "original" site. / Monsanto / Mcdonalds

The Whirled Bank / The World Bank

UnOlympics / Olympics

Gatt / Gatt

the yes men