Corporations Win Again!
Wednesday April 16, 2003 6:18 PM EST
...but corporate mascot Rico Barco is still smiling.

After being online since March 20th, 2003,, a website that made no profits but attempted to showcase the fraud and deception perpetrated by many global corporations has been strong armed under by several of these transnationals including the largest retailer in the nation whose profits for 2003 totalled $13.2 billion dollars . Needless to say, their legal team far outweighed ours. Chalk another victory up for the mega corporation Wal Martİ who now ranks second behind the U.S. government as the most sued organization in the world as of 2002.

Our site was intended to be satirical; however many legal and corporate officials failed to see the humor and thus we were threatened into near extinction. Brandishing a top legal team, even very personal information about the team members has been unearthed through unknown techniques.

We know we are fighting a losing battle and have succumbed to the legal threats. We are ceasing to operate this site, but we would first like to explain our position.

The practicing of switching UPC codes to essentially steal from businesses has been done since before barcodes existed. We highly doubt that our site was used to encourage such practice where it had not already existed. The practice was around before the personal computer, leaving us to understand that the same action could be accomplished with simply a photocopier and a glue stick! Even UPC databases have been online for years with the most famous being The Internet UPC Database which has been online since 2000.

It is currently being argued by many consumer advocates that acts that could be defined as "re-coding" are perpetrated by many chain stores on their customers. Here are many researched testimonials that document this activity thoroughly through customer testimonial about a seemingly frequent practice of overcharging in chain stores.

We feel that we have accomplished our goals to a large extent and the tough tactics of global chain stores has helped to demonstrate to the world just how much they care for you the customer.

The best thing is that this site was made using code freely available from other sites. It wasn't hard to do and we would not doubt it if simi liar sites come online in the next few months performing simi liar services if they don't already exist. We, however; are out of the barcode business. will continue to exist as a live web archive. We will be documenting the entire media fiasco that has occurred over the past several days which has seen us do over 40 interviews, several live radio call ins, numerous cable TV news spots, and newspaper articles all over the world.

We ask you to help build this archive. If you see a news spot - tape it, see a newspaper article - clip it. We want to document the reality of how it all went down. Contact us at

We are still doing interviews and now more than ever are encouraging journalists and reporters to publicize this reverse decision case of David vs. Goliath. Interviews, and videos are still available for news services only by contacting

View our current collection of sightings. Help us make this grow.

Our Formal Apology:
Sorry Wal Martİ and Kellog'sİ. We hope we didn't cost you any hard earned cash. We need jobs - want to hire us?

You know we never actually switched any barcodes and we have the footage to prove it!

This service was brought to you by the members of the Carbon Defense League and
We would like to thank Daemons of the Damned for their undying support during a difficult time. If you have a project that needs hosting, please contact They are on your side.