• sf life
April 12, 2000
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Get active online

ONE GEEK ADAGE advises, "The revolution will not be televised, but it may be on the Internet." The sites mentioned in this article are at the addresses below, where the concept of hacktivism is being discussed and debated, and hacktivist actions are sometimes planned.

The Electrohippies A U.K. collective of online activists opposing genetically modified food. www.gn.apc.org/pmhp/ehippies/.

The Electronic Disturbance Theatre/FloodNet The online civil disobedience group responsible for pioneering online actions against the Mexican government. www.thing.net/~rdom/ecd/ecd.html.

Hacktivism Mailing List An e-mail discussion list focusing on how activism and hacking are being combined. http://hacktivism.tao.ca/.

RTMark Anticorporation online activists who have funded a variety of creative hacktivist actions. www.rtmark.com/.

The Cult of the Dead Cow A hacker collective dating back to the 1980s that emphasizes the technical element in online social protests. In 1998 they interviewed Chinese hacktivist Blondie Wong. As of this printing, the following sites are currently down, but they may resurface. www.cultdeadcow.com/oldskool/ and www.cultdeadcow.com/cDc_files/cDc-0356.html.

2600, AntiOnline Two hacker information sites that include archives of Web sites altered by attackers. AntiOnline also offers its own e-mail discussion list. www.2600.com/hacked_pages/, www.AntiOnline.com/archives/pages/, and www.AntiOnline.com/.

Pigdog An Internet culture site that describes itself as "the online handbook for bad people of the future." http://www.pigdog.org/.

RE:no The Web site of Web designer RE:no was inspired by the actions of the Electronic Disturbance Theatre. http://this.is/etoytech/.

Resistance Is Fertile The official Web site for the "twelve-day experimental event" protesting genetically modified foods. http://www.resistanceisfertile.com/.

David Cassel

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