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I feel a 'sicky' coming on (SIC)

CURRYPASTY - 11 Dec'02 - 13:25

1999 18M sick days

2002 33M sick days

No wonder we have 'full' employment, UK is only at work half the time, so we need extra workers to cover the sick.

Was a bad back as top answer, now its all down to stress...
think ill have the afternoon off, just in case... prevention better than cure

Mr Homer J Simpson - 11 Dec'02 - 13:45 - 1 of 2

CURRYPASTY - 12 Dec'02 - 13:36 - 2 of 2

Dont push your luck too much, the Govt have a plan to get more productivity, cheaper wages from UK workforce :-

"Britain is to open its borders to millions of workers from Eastern Europe.
Migrants who have to sneak into Britain as asylum seekers will be able to enter legally in 18 months time. The government announced yesterday it is to give full working rights to citizens in all ten countries about to join the EU.
Ministers could have delayed the measure for seven year.But Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the Government would grant the rights from May 2004.

Millions from nations such as the Czech Republic,poland , Lithuania and Latvia,Cyprus,Estonia,Hungary,Malta,Slovakia and Slovenia will be free to live and work in the UK."

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