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Date Stamp tab - Editorial Fri Jun 16

December 2, 1999

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For many ex-hippies, campus radicals and street-theater lovers, missing the protests in Seattle must be painful indeed. Luckily, just as the Internet has allowed us to do so many other things remotely, you can now stick it to the man without leaving the house. As journalists from MSNBC and ABC reported, the Net is playing an important role in disrupting the WTO talks.

"Can't get to Seattle to wreak havoc on city streets near this week's WTO ministerial meetings? There are virtual alternatives," wrote Bob Sullivan at MSNBC. Sullivan and ABC's Michael J. Martinez focused on three aspects of online dissent: sites used for organizing real-life protests, parodies of official Web pages and a site designed to bring down the real WTO site by flooding it with hits. In fact, Martinez implied that the Internet made the Seattle demonstrations possible. "Protesters from around the globe have used the Internet to organize protests and to speak out against the violence surrounding the trade talks currently under way in Seattle," he wrote. "With the number of organized and semi-organized protests around the city this week, it appears they have been successful. Indeed, disparate groups from the Direct Action Network to the AFL-CIO to various environmental and human-rights groups have organized rallies and protests online, allowing for a global reach that would have been unthinkable just five years ago."

But the Net has been more than a rallying tool; it has allowed those who can't take time off from their day jobs to engage in cyber civil disobedience. It seems that crafty activists control the domain names and According to Sullivan, is run by the culture-jamming organization RTMark, the same group that operates protest pages and That last one is aimed at New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, whose real site is at

Even more mischievous is a "virtual sit-in" run by a group called the Electrohippies, which both Sullivan and Martinez covered. The site opens multiple browser windows on a visitor's computer, all requesting information from the WTO servers, thus eventually overloading and crashing them. Sullivan reported that the Electrohippies have also promised "an e-mail-based attack on the WTO or a 'related target'" on Friday. The revolution may not be televised, but it will certainly be Netcast. - M.G.

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