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I found this site extremely hard to review because I started to look around and got so interested I couldn't stop to do the review (for two days I just kept absorbing more and more. I've always kind of been anti-corporate. Wow, ®TMark has a very cool concept.)

First off, nowhere that I looked did I experience a browserquake, so maybe Dartanion's monitor needed to be degaussed, or there was an anomolous magnetic field. There was definitely a lot of javascript on this page. And not just 'hey, when I move the mouse over this button it changes color', that is present, but there some serious programming level functions in this script, too.

The tone of the page is best summed up in the mission statement

Just as all other corporations are solely and entirely machines to increase their shareholders' wealth (often to the detriment of culture and life), so ®TMark is a machine to improve its shareholders' culture and life (sometimes to the detriment of corporate wealth). ®TMark uses its corporate "limited liability" to do various things with impunity.
The page is definitely aimed at likeminded people--those who want to fight against the awesome and seemingly unstoppable power of the megalithic corporate entities which will do anything to anyone in the name of profit. Several of these likeminded people have purpose specific sites which are linked. Some evil people who are very unlikeminded (individuals and corporations alike) are also linked as FYI, so you can do something about them. ®TMark serves as a watchdog group in a lot of ways, but it is no ordinary watchdog, it is the kind of watchdog that goes out and looks for burglars in THEIR hideouts and attacks them there, while they are still far away from your home.

There is a good deal more text on the site than images, but there are images, mostly in the form on banners, buttons, and logos, but also images and even some illustrations. The text is broken up with plenty of white space. If you want details, then you have to wade through pure text, but most of the upper pages are very easy to read.

The site would not work at all off line. Most of ®TMark's work is in the realm of technology, and so the links and power of the net are essential, not to mention the need for keeping information current and keeping distribution instantaneously worldwide.

I think our group project for class should be to carry out one ®TMark's anticorporate internet projects.