History of Art and Technology
index // amendments // a01 // a02 // a03 // a04


The Updated Syllabus


History of hacking: 2600 // atstake
How to hack: how to hack // hack furby
Letter of the law: happyhacker
Hack(er) art: RtMark // jodi // chaos computer club
Critical Reading: Patrick Lichty, Grasping at Bits
File sharing networks: napster // hotline // carracho // freenet // gnutella



02.13.01: Modernism vs. Post Modernism

Films Discussion: Modern Times vs. Bladerunner

-Review Modernism (Net)
Intro to Post Modernism (Net)
Pomo outlined (Net)
Techno Products and the Beauty of the Absurd (Reader)

Papers due


02.20.01: 2001 and Foucault

Films Discussion: 2001: A Space Odyssey

-Michel Foucault: Panopticism (PDF file) Click to Download
Tragedy over the Persian Gulf (Reader)


02.27.01: Bladerunner and Benjamin

Films Discussion: Bladerunner

-Walter Benjamin: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (Net)
The Legacy of the Apollo Project (Reader)


03.06.01: Cyber-Theory


-Donna Haraway: The Cyborg Manifesto (Net)
-Donna Haraway:
Persistence of Vision (PDF file) Click to Download


03.13.01: Matrix and more

Films Discussion: The Matrix

-Jean Baudrillard: Simulacra and Simulation (PDF file) Click to Download
Antonia Levi: Samurai From Outer Space (PDF file) Click to Download
-Avatars of Virtual Worlds (Reader II ???)