Digital Literacy
Week 6 (3/6): Hacktivism

Hacktivism: Using the web to subvert
Digital cameras
Photoshop overview

Reading due this week:
The Yes Men and read The professors of Tampere
Zapatista Air Force

Reading question for this week:
How does use corporate logos to create a sense of brand identity?

Take a picture of yourself using a digital camera. It should be at 1600x1200 pixel resolution (the 2M setting on the Fuji cameras). Title it 'Portrait_Large.jpg'. Open the file in Photoshop, and resize it with the following settings: Width: 300 pixels, resolution: 85 PPI. Select Save As... from the File Menu and save the file as 'portrait_small.jpg'. (note the capitalization). Bring both images to class on a Zip disk

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