Announcement: Social Art TacticsA gross reconstruction of 15 meetings of Social Art Tactics at San Francisco State University, Spring 1998.

From the initial handout:

COURSE 699: Social Art Tactics

This course will explore the spaces between life and art. We will be looking at social constructions of power and how art can be a source of resistance. We will be discussing both current and historical issues in which abusesw of power have spurred resistance. We will also discuss how new sites of resistance can emerge.
****Active participation in group discussion of all weekly readings is a must.****

Every class began with discussion of readings.

kILL wHITEY; bell hooks video


Steven Dubin, "The Politics of Diversion" in Arresting Images (1992)

Guillermo Gómez-Peña, "From Art-mageddon to Gringostroika: A Manifesto Against Censorship." The New World Border. (City Lights, 1996)

Suzi Gablik, "The Ecological Imperative" (source?) [brought in by Jonathan]

Martha Rosler, "Video: Shedding The Utopian Moment" from Illuminating Video: An Essential Guide to Video Art

The Mad Housers, "Essential Shelter: The Mad Houser Hut"; and Rosalyn Deutsche, "Alternative Space", and David Lurie and Krzysztof Wodiczko, description of "The Homeless Vehicle Project" in IF YOU LIVED HERE: The City in Art, Theory, and Social Activism: A Project by Martha Rosler. Dia Art Foundation: Discussions in Contemporary Culture, No. 6. (Seattle: Bay Press, 1991)

Adrian Piper, "Ideology, Confrontation, and Political Self-Awareness: An Essay, 1981" in Blasted Allegories: An Anthology of Writings by Contemporary Artists, Brian Wallis and Marcia Tucker, eds. (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1989)

Brian Wallis, "Institutions Trust Institutions" in Hans Haacke: Unfinished Business (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1987)

"Defenders of the Faith: Twentieth Century Puritans and Connoisseurs" ??????

bell hooks, "Diasporic Landscapes of Longing" in Art on My Mind (1995)

Andy Cox, FAQ for TWCDC (1997) give URL

Augusto Boal, "Experiments with the People's Theater in Peru" in Theatre of the Opressed. (NY: Theatre Communications Group, 1985)

Schor, Ira. "Education is Politics: Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy" in Paulo Freire: A critical Encounter (Routledge, 1993)

Robert Henri, "Advice to Students Entering the Academy" from The Art Spirit

Guy Debord, excerpts from "Separation Perfected" in The Society of the Spectacle. No copyright. No rights reserved. (Detroit: Black & Red, 1983)

Ivan Chtcheglov "Formulary for a New Urbanism", and collectively authored situationist texts: "Definitions", "Questionnaire" and excerpts from "The Conquest of Space in the Time of Power" Knabb, Kenneth, ed. Situationist International Anthology, No Copyright (Berkeley, CA: Bureau of Public Secrets, 1981) George Grosz and Wieland Herzfelde "Art is in Danger" in Art in Theory: 1900-1990: An Anthology of Changing Ideas. Harrison, Charles, and Wood, Paul, eds. (Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1992)
[extracted from: Bennet, Gabriele and Lippard, Lucy, eds. Dadas on Art (New Jersey, 1971)]

Michael Moore, "Is the Left Nuts? (Or Is It Me?)" The Nation, November 17, 1997 [Jonathan? John?]

Central Intelligence Agency, "What the Free Nicaraguan can do in order to Tie Down the Marxist Tyrrany" [Illustrated pamphlet on subversion]
--- "Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare" by Tayacan Translated by Deanna Hammond, Congressional Research Services Language Services

Billboard Liberation Front & Friends, The Art & Science of Billboard Improvement (San Francisco: Los Cabrones Press, 1990) [Jonathan photocopied]

Thomas Szasz, Preface to Ceremonial Chemistry: The Ritual Persecution of Drugs, Addicts, and Pushers (1973) {contributed by Jim}

bell hooks, "Gangsta Culture--Sexism, Misogyny: Who Will Take the Rap? from Outlaw Culture: Resisting Representations (1994)
Notes from Sarah Lewison / Media day"