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Juiciness is probably what keeps bringing me back to the often rotten fruit of the espionage bush. Yet another expressly-ignored story drips succulent by way of CounterPunch. From the Bloodbaths In East Timor to a Suicide in Arlington
"In May of 1999, Jenkins came across an AUSTEO (Australian Eyes Only Document) cable from the Department of Foreign Affairs describing the activities of the Indonesian militias and troops in East Timor. Jenkins, under extreme pressure, slipped the information to his contacts in the CIA. He was soon reprimanded by his superiors. An email from his superiors at the Defense Intelligence Security Office warned: "Issues are becoming extremely sensitive as there are foreign policy implications. It is imperative that extra care is taken with the passing of material to the US and Canada." "
Stephen Hawking, recently in the news for comments outside his area of expertise, clearly demonstrates his ability as a communicator of his physical vision with a series of public lectures. The Beginning of Time
"Because time is not going to go backwards, I think I better stop now."
George S. Howard assays The Tragedy of Maximization, and finds a golden ore in moderation.
"Adopting a "both/and" integration (where our society tempts us to see issues in terms of "either/or" dichotomies) will make us less likely to fall into the traps of radicalism, fundamentalism, extremism, and maximization that stalk contemporary intellectual life."
carnivorous consumption

Elimination of poverty is really quite simple. Economic Democracy: The Political Struggle Of The 21st Century
"Intellectuals in the wealthy world are moral, honest, and want to alleviate poverty. But they have never been taught how the impoverished world was kept dependent and thus they cannot honestly address those causes. Only by this full understanding of economic history can the impoverished world gain their freedom. Wealthy world intellectuals would not push their nonsense when they know that their audience knows a lot better."
The road to hell
"Since everybody is now playing to the global gallery, and no party any longer has an interest in reaching an internal agreement, the conflicts are prolonged and intensified."
Care to join me for a spot of Camellia sinensis?
"The infusion is also recommended for neuralgic headaches."
The Neurotransmitter Collection

Human Habitats at Mars: Defending Against Contamination tells me that not spreading our spawn may be harder to accomplish than it would seem at first glance. In fact, the increased radiation in space causes a vastly higher rate of mutation in microorganisms. Stranger than fiction, the dreaded Space Fungus: A Menace to Orbital Habitats.
"If you take a space-grown microorganism which used metal as a part of its habitat and keep cultivating it by increasing the content of metal in its habitat, you can potentially get a destructive biological weapon which will literally ‘eat’ arms."
Science Frontiers, a compendium of more than two thousand short articles, turns the Mars rock over and poses that we are seeding the solar system by Ballistic Panspermia. A free ranging discussion, Meta vs Cosmic Ancestry explores the issue in sometimes testy but always tasty discussion.
"Strong panspermia accords well with several phenomena that have troubled standard Darwinism, including life's rapid start on Earth, punctuated equilibrium, convergent evolution, the ubiquity of certain master control genes, and the fact that many genes appear older, by sequence analysis, than they should be according to the fossil record."
A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge goes on my bedtime reading list; I wonder whether I could get a discount as I've read the Prologue
"There is a bleakness in Vinge's writing, a counterpoint that haunts and subverts any simple optimism he may at times appear to proffer. In A Deepness in the Sky, his grandest space opera yet, he sets historical optimism and pessimism at war, and the novel's shrewd triumph is that neither is the winner."
Racism - Where it Comes From
"Racism is a product of capitalism. It grew out of early capitalisms' use of slaves for the plantations of the new world, it was consolidated in order to justify western and white domination of the rest of the world and it flourishes today as a means of dividing the working class between insiders and outsiders, native and immigrants and settled and Travellor in the Irish context."
The Best System the Moneyed Can Buy
"Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate."
Bertrand Russell
The sad case of an LSE formal thinker deconstructs John Grey, while Taking power from the global corporations by Robert Silver puts the case for social ownership and global governance of the transnationals.
"The fact that the global economy is increasingly in conflict with the social and political structures of capitalism is a paradox that confounds formal thinkers and sends them into a deep crisis."

"What we are seeing, therefore, is the close of the chapter of the evolution of capitalist democracy and the opening up of a direct struggle between the mass of the people and global corporations and their supra-state institutions like the World Trade Organisation and the North American Free Trade Agreement..."
Hank Hardy Unruh's lecture in Tampere. How do we at the WTO fit in? Well, that's easy: We want to help you achieve those dollar results. When roadblocks to dollar results arise--protectionism, worry, even violence against physical property--we want to help make sure that none of this stands in the way of your dollar results. A more enlightening perspective may be had from the Finnish newspaper Helsingen Sanomat - Electronic social disobedience .
"In the final part of his talk, Hank's business suit was ripped off to reveal a golden leotard with a three-foot phallus. The purpose of the "Management Leisure Suit", Hank explained, was to allow managers, no matter where they were, to control their remote workforces in the developing world. Using a video interface at the end of the phallus, the manager can see the workers and give them electric shocks when they don't work fast enough."

"The Yes Men provide a detailed breakdown of their actions on their internet website, publishing videos, Powerpoint® presentations, and the full transcripts of the correspondence that went into the hoaxes."
I feel screwed, do you?

Also contained within the international edition of Helsingen Sanomat is an interview with Vladimir Putin, who proclaims Stability the precondition of reform in Russia.
"Please note what kinds of steps we have taken in foreign and security policy. We have adhered to all of our international commitments. We were long pushed to sign the START 2 Treaty. We did it; the United States has not done so even now. Now we are saying that we should not send weapons of mass destruction into space. Such a dangerous step should not be taken. Let us see how our American partners react to that."
September 1st, Naughty-One

Jammed with information, this resource helps duct tape together a more full-blown explanation of what-the-HAARP is going on in the Alaskan bush. A trice more conspiratorial, yet chock full of chunky cultish tidbits and freshly butchered science, is Esoteric Info on Electromagnetic Weapons.
"Human Tolerances to whole body sinusodal vibration: Head Pain 13-30Hz, Impaired Speech 13-20Hz, Jaw Pain 6-8Hz, Chest Pain 5-7Hz, Abdominal Pain 4.5 - 10 Hz, Lombotacral Pain 8-12Hz, Urge to defecate 10.5 to 16 Hz, Urge to urinate 10 to 18 Hz."

"Possible effects include instantaneous death, heart seizure, severe emotional disruption, loss of control of internal functions, diseases, disabling of the immune system, and even implantation of thoughts, emotions, and ideas which are interpreted by the subjects as their own."
Biohazards of Extremely Low Frequencies by Dr. Nick Begich takes a less alarmist, and more concise view; and brings attention to the tranfers of these nasty technologies from military to domestic users.
"The United States military has taken advantage of the basic research which demonstrates the effects of various types of electromagnetic radiation. This research is being used for weapons development. These new technologies have been, in part, transferred to the United States Justice Department for use in domestic police actions.

The Air Force documents indicate that these weapons can be used for mind control, inducing heart attacks, causing electronic failures and creating computer malfunctions. More recently these new weapons have been revealed in International Red Cross documents and in other press reports."
fallen angels play with HAARPs

If you share my scepticism about the efficacy of these monstrous machines (considering that we could counter-attack with powerful mind control defences of our own, such as dropping five hundred mics of acid and a half dozen of Canada's finest beer - let's see 'them' get through that!), perhaps we need to revisit the doctor - in this case Dr. Eldon Byrd. Have Doubts That Mind-Altering Radio Waves Work? How about a Russian Machine That Tranquilizes People?
"The LIDA machine (U.S. Patent # 3,773,049) was made in the 1950's by the Soviets. The CIA purchased one through a Canadian front for Dr. Ross Adey, but didn't give him any funds to evaluate it."
To recapitulate, if only so that I can deeply soak in the muck of our collective expletive before having a refreshing verbal shower. Might be good for my skein.

Over the last month I have linked to documentation that indicates US or US-led military forces have used the gamut of weapons available to them. Many have also been used domestically by government agencies in most countries; including, or especially, ours.

Chemical (Iraq, Columbia, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia...too many to list), biological (Africa and others?), ELF (Iraq, probably worldwide), audio (Panama, Kosovo et al.), and radioactive (hardened warheads...Iraq, Kosovo, et plus) have all been euphemistically justified or kept under wraps...and our mediated attention continues to be brought to bear on sex and scandal.
...end despairing...

Besides giving me the personal-ad line that I've been looking for - "Are you an irregular verb?" - Steven Pinker demonstrates that The Irregular Verbs are a hallowed, nay sacred part of our language. Going, going, gone?
"Not only is the irregular class losing members by emigration, it is not gaining new ones by immigration."

"When a finger points at the moon, only an idiot looks at the finger." Chinese aphorism quoted in Contemplating The Finger: Visuality and the Semiotics of Chemistry, which aims to show that imagination plays as much of a role as fact.
"Chemistry's symbolic language is shown to mimic many features of natural languages, including the ability to construct fictional worlds. I argue that these 'scientific fictions' are as cognitively valuable in chemistry as they are in ordinary life, and that chemists creatively mix 'true' and 'fictional' representations of molecules and substances."
electrical upgrade at the isp - see ya manana

Best snap up the franchise options while they last, I'd say. The Power Grow System is a solution for medical marijuana growers that is analogous in price and efficacy to an electric wheelchair; there'll be one in every home within twenty years (yes, we're getting older, and we all could use a grow closet; we're already out of it). thanks ribbit
"The Power Grow System is a complete turn key product that produces a very high yield of plants from a controlled growing environment. The Power Grow System is CSA approved and is the safest system for growing plants."
A product that would blow away all floral intentions is glyphosate. 21st Century paraquat serving 19th Century sensibilities, we deign to spead our inanity over the fields of coca and pot in "other" parts of Gaia but if another tried it on our sacrosanct patch we would call it chemical warfare. Greenpeace provides the Glyphosate Fact Sheet - Hard to Swallow and I awake to the nightmare that only we are allowed to wage war on ourSelves.
"Glyphosate is technically extremely difficult to measure in environmental samples. Only a few laboratories have the sophisticated equipment and techniques necessary. This means that data is often lacking on residue levels in food and the environment and existing data may not be reliable."
Apologetics Research Resources on Religious Cults, Sects, Movements, Doctrines, Etc. Academic dishonesty is common among cult apologists. 28/8

Las Vegas - Utopia of Clowns is a chapter excerpt of James Howard Kunstler's book The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition ; due out this fall. Before trundling off to scoff at Lost Dufferville, the very same Jim Kunstler could ingrate-iate us with a concise tally of the score; as he remonstrates about the Clusterfuck Nation: A Glimpse into the Future.
"Events unfold fractally, so to speak, with surprising zigs and zags, with unexpected amplifications, resonances, and outcomes, showing up would-be smartypants prophets like me. But it strikes me as more foolish, in the face of what may be epochal and disruptive change in how we live, to put on a show of excessive humility and pretend that we can't make any sense of our unfolding circumstances."

"They say that Antarctica is the worst place on earth, but I believe that distinction belongs to Las Vegas, hands down. For one thing, Antarctica is more pleasing to look at."
Personal Responsibility in the Global Economy - an interview with William Greider shows that to espouse pragmatism is not equal to grouse profligatism.
"It was the worst industrial fire in the history of capitalism. It was reported on page twenty-five of The Washington Post. The Financial Times of London ran a short item on page six. The Wall Street Journal came along with the story a day late-and so on. I thought that was such a vivid expression of the gap that exists in our human consciousness.
This toy factory made Bart Simpson dolls, Playschool dolls and Sesame Street dolls. We buy those toys for our children at Christmas and other occasions, utterly oblivious to the conditions under which they're made. You can't escape that."
I discovered Ronnie at a critical point in my psyche-spherical expansion, and it would not be exaggerating to say that once I entered his event horizon my understanding took a quantum leap. The Legacy of R. D. Laing is a special issue of Janus Head with essays, deconstructions, reflexions, and even poems; and will become a hard-drive keeper for the sages.
"I submit that in a better world we would try to effect a working alliance between the best that psychopharmacology has to offer (for those who want or need it, administered in a sparing and judicious way) and the best features of Laing’s existential-phenomenological approach to psychotherapy, minus all the sensationalism, hoopla and the wildly expansive speculation in which Laing sometimes indulged."
Daniel Burston
"If I could turn you on,
if I could drive you
out of your wretched mind,
if I could tell you,
I'd let you know."
I broke my table's leg and can't find the saw.

Inexorably heading toward '02 (naughty-two, as in, this decade is the 'naughties'), the state surveillance apparatus continues to arachnitate. Carnivore could eat into wireless e-mails.
"The CTIA fears the FBI might start using the DCS1000 system because the wireless industry has so far been unable to develop a standard for law enforcement agencies to monitor e-mails sent between handheld devices."
Duh! you think other contraband might just be involved in these sanctioned bootleg ops? Clarke Company Faces New Smuggling Claims
"BAT insiders estimate that up to a third of BAT's £1bn annual profits in recent years, have been the fruits of cigarette smuggling, not only in Latin America, but mainly in China, as well as Africa and Asia, and such markets as Vietnam, where Kenneth Clarke returned from a recent BAT trip seeking official entry to the Vietnamese market."
If any group strays too far from PanoptiCorp's parasitic perusal, the military arm is ready, waiting and willing to perform the Strategic, Policy, and Operational Application of Shock and Awe - Achieving Rapid Dominance.
"These same techniques also apply to law enforcement agencies targeting international crime and drug cartels using the highway. Closer interagency cooperations and coordination between military and law enforcement activities and capabilities must be established. Experience with the military involvement in the drug war revealed considerable cultural differences between these organizations. Overcoming these cultural differences among organizations is not easy."
Excepting for perhaps the agoraphobic, one need look no further than Dream Jobs - A Definitive Directory to the Top Careers in the Outdoors
"The perks are fantastic, and you'll be earning a lifetime supply of adventure."
Tomorrow May Rain/I'll Follow the Sun

Contradicting capitalism, communism, patriarchy, and all arch-enemies of Gaia add your own example here, Revolutionary Ecology - Biocentrism & Deep Ecology is an essay by Judi Bari that gives a basic overview of this wilder field of attention.
"How can it be that we have neighborhood movements focused on the disposal of toxic wastes, for example, but we don't have a worker's movement to stop the production of toxics? It is only when the factory workers refuse to make the stuff, it is only when the loggers refuse to cut the ancient trees, that we can ever hope for real and lasting change."
The Urban Ecology of Cannabis points out how much more friendly a hempen world would be.
Cannabis in silvis primum natum est

Biodegradable plastics from cannabis-derived cellulose have many advantages over conventional hydrocarbon based plastics."
Computer Psychiatrist meets random Quote Generator
"I need a little more detail please.
I request a weekend in Havana with Phil Silvers!
Earlier you said you would like to urinate?
I just forgot my whole philosophy of life!!!
Is it because of some problems in your childhood that you are going through all this?
You can't hurt me!! I have an ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE!!"
After having an extraordinarily poignant summer (and yes, the first whiff of fall blew in a week ago), I hope to heat weblogging things up as nature cools things down. I'll let you know when we get our first major snow - Oct.5th last year.

Blistering in-sight, and pungent; Of Bugs and Rats: Cyber-Cleanliness, Cyber-Squalor, and the Fantasy-Spaces of Informational Globalization.
"At all the more important moments while he was telling his story his face took on a very strange, composite expression. I could only interpret it as one of horror at pleasure of his own of which he himself was unaware."
Freud, "Notes Upon a Case of Obsessional Neurosis [The Rat-Man]" (1909)
The Principia Cybernetica by means of author F. Heylighen puts The Social Superorganism and its Global Brain under the macroscope, and decides that at the moment we more closely resemble slime mold than panoptic sentience.
"Although many people tend to see the super-organism philosophy as a totalitarian or collectivist ideology, the opposite is true: further integration will basically increase individual freedom and diversity."

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