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October 29, 2001

Phatos en action

Breizh Atao

- Ethernet Killer:

Christian M

- for the techs in this group...

Subject: .Net 28 times faster than J2EE

Any J2EE experts willing to point out flaws in how MS produced these
results? Legitimate gripes may be included in future online or print
publications. Thanks!

Read this...
You need to see it to believe it! We implemented Sun's own J2EE best
practices blueprint application, the Java Pet Store, using C# and Microsoft
.NET. The result? The exact same application functionality was implemented
in just 1/3 the code using C#/ASP.NET, and it performs up to 28 times faster
than previously published benchmarks of the J2EE application. Read the
whitepaper, and download the code to the Microsoft .NET Pet Shop, a new
blueprint for next-generation Web development. The J2EE reference
application is available at the Sun Java blueprint site. Also check out our
other materials just published that demonstrate the .NET advantage over

Christian M

He spends lots of time talking about his remarkable outfit. - The outfit represents the most efficient way of controlling the labour force. Through the suit the manager receives impulses according to how business is doing.-  If there are no problems in production, the suit transmits pleasurable feelings and vica versa, Unruh says. - The manager can also be in contact with his employees, who carry tiny receivers. This is management at its most efficient. The technology needed for this revolutionary-sounding idea exists today. The provocative outfit ensures that the audience will remember Unruh's message but he says that the idea is no fantasy which will never come true.

Indie Roux

- Putain, c'est beau la culture....

Breizh Atao
@11:36, a company committed to bringing choice to computers, is gearing up to deliver LindowsOS Preview Release, a modern and affordable operating system for Pentium based computers. Because of its unique ability to run Linux® software titles as well as many popular Windows® (Nasdaq


- L' avenir selon SONY, Final Fantasy 10 projeter dans un mega amphitheatre ca en jette tout de meme un peu.

devos pierre

October 28, 2001

- Check Blogbuddy for people with IE6 and no BlogThis!


- Among almost 1,000 people being held in the United States in connection with the hijacked-airliner attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are people who made congratulatory telephone calls minutes later, The New York Times reported in Sunday editions. (CNN)
Putain Fly, t'ai phonatz 10min après les strikes. Il me semble qu'on a pas que dit du bien de ces gens là. Rentre man!


October 26, 2001

- Nokia is dead.
Ericsson's new T68 is scheduled to be available in the latter half of this week - tri-band GSM/GPRS, Bluetooth and MMS along with a color LCD display are among the features.


- Compaq holds iPaq OS upgrade

Breizh Atao

October 25, 2001

Comment taper plus vite sur Palm


- Un blog de vidéos:

Indie Roux

Les Bretons du monde entier conviés au troisième Cyber Fest Noz

Les Bretons et amateurs de musique celtique du monde entier sont conviés le 27 octobre à la troisième édition du Cyber Fest Noz (fête de la nuit) retransmis sur internet depuis Quimper, a-t-on appris jeudi auprès des organisateurs, qui attendent environ 50.000 participants.
Lancée en 1999 par l'association An Tour Tan dans le but de "rassembler la diaspora bretonne", le Cyber Fest Noz avait réuni l'année dernière quelque 35.000 internautes de toute la planète pour cinq heures de danse, jusqu'à la petite île de Niue dans le Pacifique.

Elwood Blues

iPod sucks.


Today at Macworld Tokyo 2001, Apple chief Steve Jobs unveiled Apple’s new, improved gay-as-hell iMacs. The internet computers feature FireWire, built-in CD-RW drives, and intensely homosexual “colors” including Flower Power and Blue Dalmatian.


Soft core pornography on your 3G mobile.


Happy Halloween

Christian M

Tons of good ol games


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