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10/18/2001 Entry: "Just Say Yes"

Just Say Yes
I got the latest issue of Harpers Magazine and was kind of shocked at a transcript that I read of a speech given at a WTO conference that suggested that globalization is more economically efficient than pre-Civil War slavery, and that the U.S. Civil War was a waste of time because eventually slavery would have been replaced by overseas labor, which is cheaper. I should have read the intro to the piece, because it turns out the speech, which was widely praised by conference attendees, was a prank pulled by "Hank Hardy Unruh" of The Yes Men, a group that runs a WTO parody site and were accidentally invited to speak by unsuspecting/idiotic conference organizers. Here is the Yes Men's take on how things went. (Links via Boing Boing.

Replies: 1 Comment

Heh heh heh. What an inspired prank! I thought the fact that the organizers praised the speech repeatedly was the icing on the cake. Reminds me of how my friend and I used to get backstage at all kinds of events in Daytona Beach, FLA just because we wore suits and had made-up badges or clipboards and acted like we knew what we were doing...

Posted by MisterX @ 10/18/2001 10:22 PM EST

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