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12.29.02... updated  .
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geez ... The server at school is down. I'll update as soon as i can.

Ice storm danger melting away ... What a great idea ....
*via JC

Out-of-body operation banishes tumours ... Whoa ... The doctors took the cancerous liver out of the body, irradiated it and then put it back into the body. One year later and the tumors have not returned ... amazing.
*via JC

12.28.02... Cult Figures ... CultTVMan's Sci-Fi Modeling.
*via JC

1.5 terabyte DVD on way ... Whoa! This is so hot ... paste:

* BY 2010, according to senior Intel architects, a CPU will have processing power equivalent to the brain of a bumble bee.
*via sgt

Jenna Jameson undressed ... Porn action figures.

Tigers, alligators 'main course' at China park ... Oh no ... People want to eat tigers???

The evolution of bizarre machines that walk when powered by gusts of wind. ... These are a hoot. Check out the artists website here.
*via JC

Johnnie Walker Red Lable + Medium Sheep ... Huh??? Strange gift ideas. I didn't realize sheep were so inexpensive.
*via JC

Human remains may be of Texas accident victim ... OMG ... The guy was run over in Texas and ejected from the truck in Arizona... and the truck driver [freak] that ran over the guy didn't even stop. Geez ...
*via B

12.27.02... Bad Company ... This review is hysterical. [I don't like Chris Rock either.]

'No condoms in my camp' says scout leader .... as if withholding condoms keeps people from having sex.
*via JC

Bear baiting comes under fire ... Geez .... This is awful ... quote:

"To me, that's not sport. I don't care what anybody says about that. That ain't sport - that's an assassination."
*via JC

Hangover remedies sure to settle the stomach - one way or another ... Three anchovies in a cup of ice cream??? That would make me hurl.... especially if I was hungover.
*via JC

Lose pounds while you sleep _ really ... spending more time in bed is an appealing idea.
*via JC

Industrious 2001 ... I love this....
*via JC

Kroger lets shoppers pay via fingerprint ... The power of the finger. Now now we'll have to protect our index fingers. [Couldn't someone get your fingerprint off of a glass and make a copy of it for themselves and use it to buy things? ... or is that too James Bond for real life?]

Scouts to get free condoms at jamboree ... This is smart. I didn't realize the scouts were this progressive. quote:

"In case they need them they can ask for them from us. "Nobody can control sex 100% when thousands of people live together, so my aim is to prevent Aids in case of sex."
*via JC

12.26.02... Make Your Own Snowflake ... wondrous

A Portrait of Yourself and Stevie? ... YGTBK ...A portrait of you with Stevie Nicks? Why would someone do this?
*via catch.com
charlie p.

Lynnwood man enters guilty plea ... Busted! The police went to arrest the guy for peeping in windows and they found 68 marijuana plants. Geez... bad luck dude.

Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology ...
*via JC

History of Art for the Intelligence Community ... huh???
*via JC

12.26.02... Teen in critical condition after injecting venom ... Unique method of attempting suicide.

A plastic surgeon was called in to fix the damage and took the opportunity to increase the size of Mrs. Soares' breasts with more silicone.
*via Charlie P

Federally funded study measures porn arousal ... How fun! I wouldn't mind taking part in the study. The results aren't surprising tho ... paste:

The two-year study began in September 2001 and is intended to "assess the subjective and genital arousal of 180 lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual women as they watch erotic video clips of lesbian, gay, or heterosexual interactions,"
*via sgt

FESTIVE FOOLERY ... Heh heh ... I lived in Catalonia [Blanes, Costa Brava] for awhile..
*via JC

*via JC

Look But Don't Touch ... Busted!
*via Charlie P

Man sentenced for monkeys in pants ... quote:

Asked by agents if he had anything else to tell them, Cusack responded: "Yes, I've got monkeys in my pants."

12.24.02... Swamp Rats Turn Into Cash Cows in La.... OMG ... Nutria [ten pound rodents] in the news again. aaaayyyiiiii ....... they creep me out. That would be like a ten pound cockroach. eeeewww ... paste:

But no one anticipated the animals' prodigious breeding prowess, or their enormous appetite.
*via JC

Computer-conjured 'flaws' lend charm of vinyl to CDs ... I heard an Eminem song that was scratched like this. I didn't like it. The problem I have with some CDs is their brightness not lack of scratches. This is a weird concept ...
*via JC

Girl, 4, brings teacher a gift of marijuana, report filed with Social Services ... The little girl said her mommy gave her the doob... altho mommy denies this. Busted....

Rawhide comes out of the closet ... The cowboy in Marvel Comics new series 'The Rawhide Kid' is gay. How enlightened Marvel is. A gay hero is really good for kids... especially those struggling with gay issues of their own.

Dog crashes Johnny Vaughan's sports car ... hahaha ....

The 'I Love Pickles' site ...

Bucky the bison has come home to Bucknell ... Sweet ....
*via JC

Police say mother faked child's cancer to raise money supposedly for treatment ... WTF? The pig-mom even told the little girl she had cancer. quote:

They said she even put the girl in counseling to prepare to die

Never Mind Big Brother, Beware the Data Purveyor... Gads .... quote:

Such analysis can be iffy, Ponemon warned. He said one federal agency testing screening techniques for airline customers after the September 2001 terrorist attacks found that paying for pizza by credit card correlated highly with being a terrorist.
*via JC

12.23.92... Know Your Schitt ... ... heh heh ...
*via sgt

Music 'grabs hold of our brains and generates an emotional response' ... yes yes yes!
*via JC

KunstBar ... ... heh ... I like the part where this little creature flies up his nose and makes him hallucinate ...
*via JC

RAGING RIVERS ... Joan Rivers went ballistic and threw a marking pen at the clerk bruising her eye. She didn't like having to wait 'in' line ['on' line in NY] for her car. quote:

"Don't you know who the f- - - I am?" Rivers asked her, a police source told The Post. "How could you let me wait on line? You stupid . . . bitch!"
exploding cigar

Forget about eternal youth, now science can make you feel just like a 70-year-old... OMG ... What a nightmare. paste:

A yellowed visor restricts vision, while built in ear-muffs give an impression of partial deafness. As if this weren't enough, the limbs are stiffened at the joints, while pin-like devices in the fingers of the gloves give the wearer simulated arthritis.
*via JC

Sick websites offer recipes for rape drug ... ...
*via JC

What is Lesbian GNU/Linux? ...
eros blog

A-Z ... High Desert Art ... I have to think about this work for awhile.
*via JC

12.22.02... Going Electronic, Denver Reveals Long-Term Surveillance ... This is a piss ... Denver has files on so-called 'political activists' dating back to the 1950s. quote:

Among those the police spied on were nuns, advocates for American Indians and church organizations. To make matters worse, the software called many of the groups "criminal extremists."
*via JC

What is behind terrorist Osama bin Laden's popularity in some parts of the world ... This is horrible ....

"He's been out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day care facilities, building health care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful. We haven't done that.
exploding cigar

Drunk Celebs ... Looks like three-way fun to me. I wish there were pix of what they did later. [Here's my theory about their relationship ... Because Gere prefers boys (yes I know he's married) ... women don't find him threatening so they feel free to play with him. It's always fun to play .... And who knows where things will lead? ... besides, having the option of changing your mind and saying 'no' is always appealing.] This looked like a truly fun night to me...

Bush Administration to Propose System for Monitoring Internet ... quote:

The official compared the system to Carnivore, the Internet wiretap system used by the FBI, saying: "Am I analogizing this to Carnivore? Absolutely. But in fact, it's 10 times worse. Carnivore was working on much smaller feeds and could not scale. This is looking at the whole Internet."

FDA to allow unverified health claims on food labels ... WTF?
*via JC

Stick bin Laden in the Eye with a Fork ... ... heh ...

Farmer swamped with offers for pig born with two penises ... How fun two penises would be ... you could play forever.

Hubble telescope uncovers tiny galaxy ... Tiny is a relative term ...

12.21.02... Fundamentalists Losing Favor with Public ... heh ... The public dislikes evangelical Christians even more than they dislike lawyers or gays. Hey I can relate. I don't think they're very nice either. They disapprove of everybody and everything that isn't exactly like them. Don't they get bored with all their same-ness?  ... some paste:

But somehow we are being perceived by non-Christians in America as a group of people who are not particularly loving [and] not particularly generous, kind, or understanding."
*via Evie's Erotic Miscellanea

Coma Birth ... A woman who has been in a coma for five months had a healthy baby boy. This is sad.
*via JC

worst case scenarios ... What an amazing and handy site. Learn how to: escape from a sinking car, make fire without matches, use a defibrillator to jump start a heart or how to jump from a building into a dumpster. heh heh ...
*via JC

Pakistan Woman Councilor Beaten, Paraded Naked ...

Sexual Mechanics ... This is a fun read ...
*via JC

West Nile spreads from mom to fetus ... Oh no ...
*via JC

Rotten Tomatoes - 8 Mile (2002) ... Reviews of eminem's new movie. I haven't seen it yet ...

12.20.02... Man Gets Life for Following False Prophet ... It's pretty weird over there ~> in Pakistan.

Barber arrested for helping girls pose as boys ... The barber cut the girls hair so they could go out in public as a boy and not have to wear a burqua. Too bad he got busted.
*via JC

Lesbian feminist actresses arrested for naked soap opera scenes ... heh ... They are charged with obscene exhibition in the street. This sounds like an interesting TV show. We don't have 'em like that here. quote:

It is not the first time members of the group, regarded as the strongest feminist group in Bolivia, have been in trouble with the police. Members recently chained themselves to parliament.

Position impossible? Ask Sasha ... This s a great sex advice column.... check it out. I'm going to put it on my sexuality page.

New Product: Female Security Device ... wtf? ... I don't think so. [Are we supposed to wear this all the time or just when we feel we might be raped]

Prosecutor: Man Paid Debt By Arranging Rape Of Wife ...OMG ....Disgusting pig.
*via JC

The Oracle of Elvis at Virginia ... heh heh .... Brad Pitt is 2 steps removed from Elvis... so is Michelle Pfeiffer.
attu sees all

FurSuitSex ... heh ...???
*via B

12.19.02... New finger toys fill a feverish void ... Wow ... Japan has some sexy new toys... I've never seen anything like those described in the article... but I'd like to. I wonder if I can find them on the net. some paste:

Two small, cherry-shaped objects vibrate in opposite directions and work best when they are allowed to bang against each other. Unlike the steady shakes of a regular vibrator, the user has no idea when the cherries are going to start moving around, adding the thrill of the unexpected to the excitement already being felt.
Evie's Erotic Miscellanea

Body Image Woes Add Up ... quote:

“It’s that self-consciousness, all that worrying, that really does take away energy from other things.”
*via JC

Birds May Spread Ebola Virus, Research Suggests ... Oh ... just like the West Nile virus. paste:

"Ebola is one of the viruses with which the U.S. agencies in charge of bio-defense are most concerned," Sanders said. "Identification of its natural hosts should be a priority."
*via JC

Inmate beaten over spider theft ... The stolen spider's name was 'Pinky' and it could talk.
Brutal News

Why males bear pain better ... hmmmm .... quote:

Researchers believe more research in this area may lead to new drugs or dose levels specifically designed to ease pain in women.
*via JC

12.17.02... Women are better than men in every way ... heh heh ... wondrous.
*via JC

Portland Police Chief Michael J. Chitwood to National Alliance: "Get the fuck out of our town" ... Good suggestion. The National Alliance should get the fuck out of all towns...
*via K. Turner

Studios Sue Companies That Sanitize DVDs ... Hey ... I don't want some fucking video store editing the movies I rent. What nerve they have taking that upon themselves. Movie store nazis...

Do The Hustle ... The Latin Hustle?... The Hustle Cha? Are these real dances?

Driver opts for jail over ‘faith-based’ treatment ... The 'faith based' organization is Alcoholics Anonymous and it's the belief in a higher power that offended the man.
*via JC

Secret Antarctic Lake Illuminates Alien Life ... Scientists found 2800-year old microorganisms. paste:

In other words, the lake contains more than just old microbes: it probably has sealed in its ice untainted climate information spanning thousands of years, said Doran

Bjork's QuickTime Gallery ... !!!
*via JC

Iraqi samples under the microscope ... quote:

Even if they paint the walls, and they completely change the floor - and they've tried this - we still find the traces in this kind of sample.

12.16.02... Woman gets £346,000 after losing healthy breast ...

Russian Chimpanzee Learning To Draw ... Soon they'll be reading. some paste:

... when a chimpanzee is plunged into intellectual work, it gets rid of the psychological stress.

Man Dies Climbing Houston Skyscraper ... The guy jumped ... He was making some kind of a point... like a performance artist during violent times like these. [It looked like he enjoyed the jump ...and then splat]

Fusion Anomaly ... Awesome flash. This site is fascinating. Theoretical physics is like science fiction.

The Theory of Hyperspace

According to Superstring theory, before the Big Bang, our cosmos was actually a perfect ten-dimensional universe, a world where interdimensional travel was possible. However, this ten-dimensional universe "cracked" in two, creating two separate universes: a four- and a six- dimensional universe. The universe in which we live was born in that cosmic cataclysm. Our four-dimensional universe expanded explosively, while our twin six-dimensional universe contracted violently, until it shrank to almost infinitesimal size. This would explain the origin of the Big Bang. If correct, this theory demonstrates that the rapid expansion of the universe was just a rather minor aftershock of a much greater cataclysmic event, the cracking of space and time itself. The energy that drives the observed expansion of the universe is then found in the collapse of ten-dimensional space and time. According to this theory, the distant stars and galaxies are receding from us at astronomical speeds because of the original collapse of ten-dimensional space and time.

This theory predicts that our universe still has a dwarf twin, a companion universe that has curled up into a small six-dimensional ball that is too small to be observed.

Dr. Michio Kaku - Professor of Theoretical Physics
*via JC

Japanese destroyer sets sail amidst controversy ... Japan is going to help us in the war.

Ultrasound Shown To Be Potentially Safe, Effective Way To Kill Bacteria ... This is cool... heh ... better than an autoclave

Indian Villagers Pedal Wireless ... People on bicycles will be bringing cellular phones to rural areas of India that don't have phone service.
*via JC

12.16.02... Gender Bending ... heh ... fun

Dialogue between Ray Kurzweil and Eric Drexler ... What it would take to achieve successful cryonics reanimation of a fully functioning human brain, with memories intact?

WOMAN GUILTY OF BEATING HER WIFE ... The woman attacked her transsexual wife. So ... a man had a sex-change and then fell in love with a woman and married her.... so... I guess that makes her [the former him] a lesbian now.

Buy sex and police will sell your car ... Men soliciting sex from prostitutes are going to get their cars confiscated by the police and sold. Hmmm .... They're going after the johns and not the working girls... finally. But still.... An individual should at least be convicted of a crime first.... quote:

Ramona Ripston, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, said the plan would be unconstitutional because it would let police confiscate property even if the suspect is never charged or convicted of a crime.

Guard charged with taking dead man's winning lotto ticket ... man that's low.

Museums balk at art ...Museums have been asked to return many artifacts obtained centuries ago...

That sense came in no small part because of their unease in seeing rich Americans swarming across their lands, buying up refinement by the boatload in the form of fine and decorative arts, and shipping it across the Atlantic.
*via JC

Five airtankers linked to same company lose wings in mid-flight ...
*via JC

Wages of sin? Ex-brothel auction nets $610,000 ... I knew a woman who worked at Mustang. The girls called it the 'joint' ... like they were in prison. I think they had terrible lives.
*via JC

12.15.02... -R-G-B ... ... [link fixed] ... The trick here is to try and not blink often so that you can get afterimage on top of afterimage on top of afterimage. Either that or you'll have a seizure. Very intense.
* via JC

Fourth Generation Warfare ... quote:

The distinction between war and peace will be blurred to the vanishing point. It will be nonlinear, possibly to the point of having no definable battlefields or fronts. The distinction between 'civilian' and 'military' may disappear.
* via JC

Islam, Bloody Islam ...
* via JC

Introducing a New ASIMO Featuring Intelligence Technology ...wow ... way way cool. Japan's new humanoid robot. It even waves back at you. heh ..
* via JC

Clone to be born in Serbia: claim ... oooOOO ... In January.
* via JC

Woman charged with murder bid after finding husband's porn movie ... wtf?.
* via JC

Illustrative Risks to the Public in the Use of computer Systems and Related Technology ... As we all know... smart computer programs make mistakes big time.
*via JC

Osaka fights to keep raunchy videos in vending machines ... they have porn vending machines in Japan.

How to Tie a Necktie .. This is helpful ... How to tie it on yourself instead of on another person.

Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis ... Unusual 'alien' beliefs...
* via JC

12.14.02... Lesbian Lolitas: High-School Girls Want to Be Gay-ish ... Hmmm ... gay-ish? ... Bisexual is what I'd call it.

FCC: Cell phones tie up 911 ... WOW ...quote:

Up to 70 percent of all 911 calls from cell phones are dialed inadvertently.
*via JC

Adam Connelly ... ...heh ... Check out this porn. It's a kind of pixel-like impressionism. heh ... [scrunch your eyes up]
Sensual Liberation Army

SICKO SEX CANNIBAL ... WTF??? These guys wanted to share a meal and eat a penis 'together'. So one guy cut off his penis, they cooked it and then ate it. OMG ... WTF??? How do people get this way? ... quote:

"The deed appears to stem from cannibalistic and homosexual tendencies shared by both men,"

Bus Plunges ... Have you ever noticed how many rickety buss crashes there are in the third-world? ...
*via anonymous

Nose Picking Game ... They all look like men's noses to me. [score 8/16]

Hahahahaha ... ... Re: 'Jenny from the Block'.

Musician to make album of sex noises ...Sampled sex .... quote:

"It's weird to deconstruct the sounds of sex. It makes you conscious of a lot of stuff you'd normally ignore. I remember thinking, like, oh, that slap will make a good snare drum."

12.13.02... Study: Job applicants' names can trigger discrimination ...One of the dynamics of prejudice is self-hate. And bigotry still permeates everything. It's awful. quote:

A grave concern is that this phenomenon might be dampening the incentives for blacks to acquire job skills, producing a self-fulfilling prophesy that perpetuates prejudice and misallocates resources.
*via JC

The Seven Deadly Sims ... I love these. I prefer the lust and greed categories myself. Wrath is a hoot too...
*via superbitch

Animal Attack News from Around the World ...
*via JC

Courtney Love doesn't want you to read these documents... The Doctor [specializing in laser treatments and hair transplants] that supplied Courtney Love and Wynona Ryder narcotics has been stripped of his license to practice medicine. Geez... Courtney Love had a bee-sting on her hand and the doctor gave her injectable Demerol and syringes [I know heroin addicts don't respond to oral painkillers, but still ...]. He was one of those cash and carry doctors that dwell around L.A. ... and he made housecalls! The documents are posted on The Smoking Gun.
*via superbitch

Chopsticks and Fly Game ... Use chopsticks to catch flys.

High Voltage ... cool kits. some paste:

Electromagnetic Gun
Danger may cause injury or break objects at close range. Point in a safe direction!
Caution Required!!

*via sgt

A Life Vest for Easy Riders? ... Wow ... An airbag [worn by the rider] for motorcycles. It primarily protects the head and neck. They need an airbag that protects your whole body since your whole body is vulnerable.... especially your legs. I wish I had had some kind of protection when I crashed ... both times.
*via sgt

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