
Re: NYT on Thing.net

On 2003-01-09-13:13:23, batz <batsy@vapour.net> wrote:
> [...] 
> I suppose that any ISP can turn off a connection they deem
> a threat to the rest of their operations, but I think this 
> incident can serve as an example of how ISP's can get dragged
> into political spats. It shows how Verio was manipulated 
> by Dow to squelch critics, but also how their incident response 
> was used to martyr the ISP they shut down. 

thing.net is located at 601 West 26th Street in New York City, a
building split about evenly between carrier facilities and commercial
office space.

Around the time their squabbles with Verio took place, they were
approached by building neighbors aware of their struggles, offering
backup connectivity on favorable terms.

In reading this and other articles, it seems to me they're more
interested in complaining to the media about so-called impiety on
Verio's part, than acquiring alternate connectivity and retaining
their subscriber base.

Of course, I could be off-base, in which case I encourage others privy
to more details of the situation to speak up.


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