a joint initiative of OneWorld.net and Digital Divide Network
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Digital Opportunity Channel is jointly edited by Kanti Kumar of OneWorld South Asia in New Delhi, and Andy Carvin of the Digital Divide Network in Washington, D.C.

24 December 2002

The old Union Carbide plant in Bhopal ©Radio Netherlands Wereldomroep Dow, Verio evict Bhopal activists from the Web
Bowing to pressure from the Dow Chemical Corporation, the Internet company Verio has booted the Thing.net from the Web. Thing.net has been the primary Internet service provider for activists in the New York area supporting the Bhopal gas tragedy victims for 10 years.
Image: The old Union Carbide plant in Bhopal ©Radio Netherlands Wereldomroep
From: Digital Opportunity Channel. 24 December 2002
More about: India, United States, Access, Communications, Content, Human rights, Internet, World Wide Web

NGOs set up community radio clubs in the Himalayas
A year after they were trained in community broadcasting, 14 people from various voluntary organisations are now running five community radio stations across the Himalayas.
From: OneWorld Radio. 24 December 2002
More about: India, Capacity building, Civil society, Communications, IT training, Media technologies

success stories

Children in an Indian school Computer use enhances learning level in Indian rural schools
Introduction of computers in rural government schools in the Indian state of Karnataka has led to better attendance and higher enrolment rates. The use of computers and software also have resulted in a positive impact on children's interest and increased their learning achievement levels.
Image: Children in an Indian school
From: InfoChange. 20 December 2002
More about: India, Children, Content, Education, IT training, Knowledge


A community radio station Community media needs firm financial support
Because communication is a basic right and a necessary condition for social and economic development, community media can make a strategic contribution to that development. But a sustainable approach requires firm foundations.
Image: A community radio station
From: World Assoc. for Christian Comm.. 23 December 2002
More about: Communications, Internet, Media technologies, World Wide Web

partner highlight

Women listening to radio in Bangladesh ©The Media Channel JHU/CCP Networking Bangladesh coastal districts through radio
The Bangladesh Coastal NGO Network for Radio and Communication promotes amateur radio operators, radio listeners' clubs and community radio and television stations in the coastal districts of Bangladesh. It aims to bring all these districts within an amateur radio network in next three years.
Image: Women listening to radio in Bangladesh ©The Media Channel JHU/CCP

Women's organisations in Uganda adopt ICTs
Women of Uganda Network is an NGO initiated by several women's organisations to promote and support the use of ICTs by women and their organisations in Uganda as tools to share information and address issues collectively.

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Why Simputer? Why not?
by Kanti Kumar
It's the desire to create intellectual property among the Southern people and organisations that frightens multinational IT giants and Western academics.


guest column
iEARN Sierra Leone: youth witnessing from the front lines
Andrew Greene Jr., national coordinator of iEARN Sierra Leone, writes about the challenges of running a successful youth technology programme in a war-torn nation.

web resources
WSIS & civil society
As the first World Summit on the Information Society nears, a number of discussion groups have emerged to enable various stakeholders to put forward their views, concerns and suggestions to the summit's preparatory process. Here is a selection of such forums:

Civil Society Platform's discussion forums

Unesco forum for civil society

Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS)

CRIS America Latina

CRIS Youth list

WSIS PrepCom1 mailing list

WSIS Youth mailing list

Asian youth group

Indian youth group

Find more material related to the WSIS in the Web Resources section.


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