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Net Art News
DECEMBER 27, 2002

Did you take a close look at what you are over the holidays? If you traveled on a plane, chances are you scarfed down some of the scrumptious meals catalogued on Dutch designer, Marco 'T Hart's site, Airlinemeals.net. Featuring thousands of pictures of airline food ranging from rolled pancakes on Aero Mexico to dim sum on China's DragonAir, the site encourages travelers to upload their own images and experiences of in-flight culinary fare. If that's not enough to wet your appetite, there's also a behind the scenes tour of flight food preparation, reviews of airport restaurants, vintage delicacies from the 70's and 80's, and an upcoming section of crew meals. My favorites include a picture of an empty tray on the UK's EasyJet which doesn't serve food and the "egg boiled in soy sauce" served aboard Xiamen Airlines. Yum! Flying never tasted so good. -Jonah Brucker-Cohen
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Dec 26 2002
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Doth She Protesteth?

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Art + Text
Added to the ArtBase 4 days ago
From -> Gonzalo Garcia-Perate
click to view dataCloud is a data visualisation system that displays the weather conditions of all major cities across the globe simultaneously. The information is gathered from airports all over the world and updated several times a day. It maps the weather conditions onto the city\\\'s name. The type size ... [more]
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Genre -> Visual
Keyword -> space, interface, globalization, geography, design
Replies -> none

Published 4 days ago by nicholas
From -> ricardo dominguez
click to view It is all too true. At this moment in time any support would be incredible - from legal to a donation. [more]
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Genre -> announcement
Keyword -> censorship
Replies -> none

Published 4 days ago by yasir
The Typographic Tree
From -> Jo Bloom
click to view Their rising and falling tones cause the tree to evolve, twist and contort. Louder, more abrupt disturbances stimulate flora to bloom unexpectedly or disturb fauna far off in the distance. [more]
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Genre -> announcement
Keyword -> interface, digital, bio, artificial life
Replies -> none

Added to the ArtBase 4 days ago
Family Portrait
From -> Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
click to view \\\"Family Portrait\\\" is a collaborative documentary art project between Agricola de Cologne and the female members of the Partnoy family originating from Argentina: Raquel Partnoy, Alicia Partnoy and Ruth Irupe Sanabria. All three are artists in the disciplines painting, poetry and literature, ... [more]
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Genre -> Visual, Text, Animation
Keyword -> responsibility, language, identity, disappearance
Replies -> none

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