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Dow vs. Parody | Log in/Create an Account | Top | 363 comments | Starting at #50 | Search Discussion
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by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 01, @05:05PM (#4995193)
The Bhopal accident occurred at a Union Carbide plant.


Their current actions are reprehensible, but Dow Chemical DID NOT kill anyone in Bhopal.
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Dow's influence in Michigan Dioxin cleanup... (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 01, @07:10PM (#4995840)
fails so far.

Look closely at what the outgoing Michigan Governor intended to do: preferentially decide
that maximum dioxin levels should be doubled
just for Dow's sake.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A561 87-2002Dec30.html
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Downhill from here (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 01, @07:27PM (#4995905)
Corruption, Greed and Presidents with Sub-100 IQs have become so commonplace in the US that in 100 years American will be another pissy minicountry with the same sort of importance as Pakistan. Dow should stick to slowly killing women with leaky breast implants. Sure the devil has some nice live-flaying devices ready for Dow executives when they step in front of a bus, or their shamed kids push them. and who can blame them?
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Meanwhile . . . (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 01, @10:26PM (#4996547)
The guy that used to own my house killed a bunch of people . . .
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Boycott Dow?? (Score:3, Informative)
by Black Copter Control (464012) <samuel-local AT bcgreen DOT com> on Wednesday January 01, @11:26PM (#4996760)
Dow is a Corporation. As such, they don't really respond to moral issues -- only financial issues that fall out of moral upsets. Saying "oh, Dow are nasty people" won't do much to get their attention. Cutting Dow purchases by 10%, on the other hand, would.

If you want to get Dow's attention, tell people to stop buying their produ cts, and tell them why. At the end of Dow's 2001 financial report [dow.com], they have a partial list of Dow and associated company trademarks.

I peeled out that data, paired it with the company name, and then sorted the result.. If you want to boycott Dow products, these names would probably be a good start.

I'll also place a copy of this list on my website ( http://www.bcgreen.com/dow/trademarks.html [bcgreen.com]) where I can update it as necessary. (147 references so far).
damn lameness filters force reformatting.

Affinity :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Amerchol :: Union Carbide Corporation, & subsidiaries
Amplify :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Aspun :: The Dow Chemical Company
Attane :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Betabrace :: Essex Specialty Products, Inc.
Betadamp :: Essex Specialty Products, Inc. | | Betafoam :: Essex Specialty Products, Inc.
Betaguard :: Essex Specialty Products, Inc. | | Betamate :: Essex Specialty Products, Inc.
Betaseal :: Essex Specialty Products, Inc. | | Blox :: The Dow Chemical Company
Calibre :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Carbowax :: Union Carbide Corporation, & subsidiaries
Cellosize :: Union Carbide Corporation, & subsidiaries | | Confirm :: Dow AgroSciences LLC
Covelle :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Cyracure :: Union Carbide Corporation, & subsidiaries
D.E.H. :: The Dow Chemical Company | | D.E.N. :: The Dow Chemical Company
D.E.R. :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Daxad :: Hampshire Chemical Corp.
Derakane :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Derakane Momentum :: The Dow Chemical Company
Dithane :: Dow AgroSciences LLC | | Dow :: The Dow Chemical Company
Dowex :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Dowfax :: The Dow Chemical Company
Dowflake :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Dowlex :: The Dow Chemical Company
Dowper :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Dowtherm :: The Dow Chemical Company
Drytech :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Dursban :: Dow AgroSciences LLC
Elite :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Emerge :: The Dow Chemical Company
Envision :: The Dow Chemical Company | | Ethafoam :: The Dow Chemical Company
Ethocel :: The Dow Chemical Company | | FilmTec :: FilmTec Corporation
FirstRate :: Dow AgroSciences LLC | | Flexomer :: Union Carbide Corporation, & subsidiaries
Fortress :: Dow AgroSciences LLC | | Fulcrum :: The Dow Chemical Company
Garlon :: Dow AgroSciences LLC | | Gas/Spec :: INEOS plc
Glyphomax :: Dow AgroSciences LLC | | Goal :: Dow AgroSciences LLC
Grandstand :: Dow AgroSciences LLC | | Great Stuff :: Flexible Products Company
Hamposyl :: Hampshire Chemical Corp. | | Immo

Read the rest of this comment...

[ Reply to This ]
by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 02, @02:43AM (#4997277)
Both dow and verio(who supports spam wholeheartedly) can suck my cock. They are fucking evil bastards who should be wiped from the face of the earth. Dow should have been put out of business after Bhopal. They are obviously beyond the law after all their payoffs. Verio, get a conscience.

I am sick and tired of big business telling the citizens of the world how to live. I hope the protesters go in and burn down every DOW office building in India. And force their govt to keep Dow out.

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read this (supposed) dow chemicals internal memo (Score:1)
by jean-guy69 (445459) on Thursday January 02, @04:08AM (#4997417)
Dow Addresses Bhopal Outwage, Explains Position [internalmemos.com]

cynism at its best...

is this for real ?

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Its been Said before, but (Score:1, Redundant)
by DjMd (541962) on Thursday January 02, @05:07AM (#4997507)
(Last Journal: Friday October 18, @11:25AM)
The website was an affront to our right to Free Speech, and we immediately contacted the upstream provider for this false website, gently requesting that our rights be protected.

The provider, Verio, graciously complied with our letter citing the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Not only did they shut down Dow-Chemical.com, but as a good corporate citizen, they agreed to shut down an entire network (Thing.net) of websites many of which, while unrelated to dow-chemical.com,

The web site was an "affront to our right to Free Speech".

So something someone else said was an affront to their right to free speech? How the hell is that possible? You can talk about slander and liable, but saying something on a web site is affecting their right to free speech?

"Not only did they shut down Dow-Chemical.com, but as a good corporate citizen", I don't have much to say here but good corporate citizen? God that just sends chills down my spine. Thank god for those corporate citizens who kowtow to their corporate betters.

"appear to serve no commercial purpose, being dedicated to the unproductive analysis and critique of society and corporate behaviour. "

How dare they! Serve no commercial purpose!

But the worst is the statement of what they do instead of serving a commercial purpose. Analysis and critique of society and corporate behavior?

All I can say is Thank God people do that! What the hell is wrong with Dow for saying any of that?

I used to think that freedom of speech was one of those protections for the little guy (individual), to keep the big guy(corps, and gov) from squelching his point of view.

America is truely becoming a corporate state, and this is just sad.

Sorry if its a tad over the top, up at 4 am will do that.
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Here's a theme song... (Score:2)
by herbierobinson (183222) on Thursday January 02, @05:12AM (#4997513)
I thought it was out of date, but sadly, it isn't.

Our House is Burnin' (2:57)

A fusion of African, Japanese and Classic Blues rhythms.
Lyrics [curbside-recording.com]. download mp3 [curbside-recording.com] (2.6MB).
[ Reply to This ]
by DSL-Admin (597132) on Thursday January 02, @09:45AM (#4998324)
DMCA = Fat Angry Politicans who want more money and who are too chickenshit to earn it, so they steal it by whining like a little baby until they get their way... Another example of this crappy country's ability to get even worse..
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Dow indoctrination, "perception is reality" (Score:1)
by mcdude (303386) on Thursday January 02, @02:35PM (#5000457)
When I graduated from college in 1991, I took a job as a programmer at Dow Chemical. At that time, they sent all new hires to a week-long indoctrination course, consisting mostly of how to carefully word memos and email so that The Company could not be harmed if the memos were brought up in court. This was during the time when their silicone breast implants were failing and customers were suing (and winning).

At first it all sounded like good business sense but gradually I realized what they were saying. One session drilled home the idea that "perception equals reality" - and therefore, if can make the public to PERCEIVE them as being safe and clean, and all will be good.

In other words, don't fix the problem, just word things so that The Company looks like it's doing the right thing, and so that they cannot be held liable for damages that it caused.
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who cares? (Score:1)
by joeszilagyi (635484) on Wednesday January 01, @12:43PM (#4994052)
About the abuse of America through the DMCA, or the abuse of the people by Dow overall? Lots of people, I'd wager.
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Re:in soviet russia.... (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 01, @12:44PM (#4994056)

This is offensive. Don't you know that Bhopal tragedy is ...well... very very tragic?

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Re:in soviet russia.... (Score:1)
by spazoid12 (525450) on Wednesday January 01, @12:51PM (#4994089)
I think rainman does care, but he's upset that he was close to first-post...but not quite.

Take it easy rainman, you'll get your chance someday.
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Re:Go to bed micheal! (Score:0, Troll)
by spazoid12 (525450) on Wednesday January 01, @01:03PM (#4994137)
hahaha. That one is pretty funny, too. Oh man, I wish I were the only one with mod points to correctly score these. Somebody is being far too sensitive... often, a trollish flamebait is appropriate and funny. here's one.
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Re:Go to bed micheal! (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 01, @01:06PM (#4994151)
four quadringentsexoctogintillion, seven hundred eighty two quadringentquinoctogintilliard

Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking limey.

Leave it to the fucking Brits, after a thousand years of continuous civilization, to still have trouble with the decimal system.
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    Re:Go to bed micheal! (Score:0)
    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 01, @03:25PM (#4994686)
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Re:Go to bed micheal! (Score:2)
    by os2fan (254461) on Wednesday January 01, @07:10PM (#4995842)
    The author ofthe number is not using the british system, but the European system. This is evident from the use of -illards, the absence of 'and', and a few other things.

    The selected number here is 2^64, the decimal expansion of which is 18 446 744 073 709 551 616.

    USA = eighteen pentillion, four hundred forty six quadrillion, seven hundred forty four trillion, seventy three billion, seven hundred nine million, five hundred fifty one thousand six hundred sixteen.

    EUR = eighteen trillion, four hundred forty six billiard, seven hundred forty four billion, seventy three milliard, seven hundred nine million, five hundred fifty one thousand six hundred sixteen.

    UK = eighteen trillion, four hundred and forty-six thousand, seven hundred and forty-four billion, seventy-three thousand, seven hundred and nine million, five hundred and fifty-one thousand six hundred and sixteen.

    NEW = three hundred and sixtynine billion, one cention, fiftyseven thousand, thirtyone hundred and eleftynine million, fifty centions, seven thosand, ninety hundred and sixteen.

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
Re:no dow = no computer. no greenpeace = better wo (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 01, @01:55PM (#4994311)
Sad twat!
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LOL (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 01, @02:08PM (#4994377)
I don't know if you're responsible for some of the other anti-michael posts lately, but I just wanted to say "thanks". Anyone that continually harasses that whining, flamebaiting pile of pseudoliberal pus is a hero to me.

To reiterate: michael is a whining, flamebaiting cunt. Just look at cetan's journal for proof.
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Re:greenpeace (Score:1)
by grishnav (522003) <grishnav&croxnp,net> on Wednesday January 01, @05:38PM (#4995384)

But out concern here at /. isn't really with the environmental issues (though, some /.ers may have concern with that), but rather with the free speeach issues.
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i'm a linux user (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 01, @07:44PM (#4995964)
i don't obey laws
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