TEL 555

Social and Cultural Implications

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Kroker and Weinstein “The Theory of the Virtual Class”


“Reverse nihilism”


Commercialization leads to subordination of people though limitations of access, content, and culture


Shift from the human agent of knowledge to programming logic/knowledge

·                     Leading to technology dependency


Map 1: “Highway” Metaphor


Map 2: “Highway” does not exist


Map 3: Seduce and Virtualize


Map 4:Information Elite


Map 5: Soft Ideology


Map 6: Red Guard Meets Gen X



The Virtual Social


Social power and Technical power


·         The tension between physical technology and inherent social values of technology

·         Usage determines one’s place in (amount of) technopower (relational or relative to one’s skills – think of hackers)


Spiral of Technopower


1.  Acceleration of information


2.  Information overload

·         “People are rescued from information overload at the seemingly minor cost of greater reliance on technology” (p.121).


Technopower Elite

·         Hackers, industry leaders, and shareware (communal software)



Seiter “Television and the Internet”


Television on Computers

·                     Institutional relationship between TV and the Web

Gendered Computer Use

Computerized Work



Communication, Technology and Politics


Critical perspectives on the market driven (advertising) model for new media


Critical of market forces


Disparities of information

·         Local-within the U.S. and Global-transnational


Loss of Content diversity


Information society

·         Poor quality/mere facts

·         Consumers

·         Education and computers

·         Sanitization of war

·         Taxation/purchasing potential

·         Privacy



Communication and the Politics of Everyday Life


Evaluation of Communication and Democracy

Issues with liberal democracy

·         Bureaucratic cage

·         Public cynicism

·         False senses of success


Poor model


·         Humanist   Marketplace of Ideas         Advocacy

    (person)           (experience)               (cmu)



·         Humanist: manufactured consent

·         Marketplace: Unequal access to mediation

·         Advocacy: Self/special interests


New Model and Deliberative Democracy

·         Examine the process choice construction

·         Use difference

·         Collaborative decision making


Is the Internet the answer?



According to Pavlik and Dennis

·         Access vs. Manipulation

·         Democracy: free speech vs. commercial control

·         Politics



Social and Cultural Consequences



·         New forms: Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)

·         Diverse content



·         Fragmentation: culture destruction vs. diversity

·         Digital isolation

·         Homogenization

·         Virtual communities

·         Mobilization



·         Public services

·         Education

·         Libraries

·         Occupational

·         Military



·         Hypertext/activity

·         Arts and music

·         Demographics



·         Empowerment


Theoretical Perspectives

·         Uses and Gratifications

·         Systems

·         Critical

·         Information as a Commodity

·         Technology gap

·         International: national identity vs. technological expansion



Myths of Information


Myth 1 Data=Information=Power

·         Information quality is difficult to verify

·         Data production does not create information

·         The accumulation of information is not knowledge or meaningful


Myth 2 Information Revolution and Technologically Assisted Democracy

·         Questions the connection between information and social action



Falling through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide (Full text)


See slides on the Digital Divide (Needs Internet Explorer)

The Digital Divide Network is another information clearing house


Haves and Have-Nots in the Information Age – Problems and Issues



·         World media

·         Personal

·         Organizational

·         Professional

·         Commercial



·         Exiles

·         Tyranny

·         Criminals



·         Education

·         Psychology

·         Noise



·         Honesty

·         People power

·         Access

·         Learning shift

·         Equalize flow



Culture Jamming – political statements though information vandalism

·         RTMark

·         Sean’s Oprah spoof

·         See Adbusters for examples






Vulnerability of computer systems to crime

·         Density of information and processes

·         System accessibility

·         Complexity

·         Electronic vulnerability

·         Vulnerability of electronic data-processing media

·         Human factors



·         Fraud by computer manipulation

·         Computer forgery

·         Damage to or modifications of computer data or programs

·         Unauthorized access to computer systems and service

·         Unauthorized reproduction of legally protected computer programs