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05/24/99- Updated 06:23 PM ET


Our guide to hot sites: For Monday, May 24, 1999.
New sites every weekday, with an expanded weekend edition.

Digital Democracy
How does your state compare with other states in the movement to put campaign finance disclosures online? Turn to Digital Democracy, a new site that provides a clickable 50-State Report. You'll also find quick links to government resources.
International Fashion
Step into the international fashion scene at Including the latest on what Hong Kong designers are exhibiting in Australia and the buzz about Salma Hayek in summer swimwear.
Science Fun
Kids (or adults, for that matter) can play around with an electron microscope or travel back in time at Pfizer's FunZone. A nicely interactive site that seeks to turn learning into a game.
Search Intelligence
Get smarter about finding online info. SearchIQ ranks search engines on the basis of their best features. You'll also find links to specialized search tools.
Strange Trademark
(r)Tmark supports something it calls the "informative alteration of corporate products" -- (a.k.a., the free market on psychedelics.) An interesting read, though.

Sites are picked and reviewed by Technology Editor Sam Vincent Meddis.

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A weekly roundup of reviews appears in the hard-copy of USA TODAY -- Wednesdays, in the Life section. And please check our FAQ for problem-solving and navigation tips or for info on how we select sites.


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