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07/08/99- Updated 05:06 PM ET



Ad Lovers
Some people find advertising more than just an annoyance between TV shows. Ad Critic is proof. Not only can you find TV ads (QuickTime 4 plug-in required) but you can also vote and comment on them. Bud, Pep Boys, 007 -- you name it.

Nerdman Cam
Many people have set up Web-connected cameras to let the online world watch their lives unfold. Nerdman thinks we need to watch his kitty-litter box, too.

Are You Abducted?
Here's a site claiming that thousands of individuals are abducted by extraterrestrial beings each year. And it asks: "Who do the aliens choose, and why haven't they chosen you?" Hmmmmmm...

Totally Nude
Dr. Mango's Nude Celebrity Thumbnails are absolutely free -- no credit card required -- but 18 or older only, please. The site's motto: "Nude! Famous! Close up!" Brooke Shields, Alicia Silverstone, Goldie Hawn, Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, etc. (We're not making this up!)

Money For Chutzpa
Need a definition for "chutzpa"? Look no further than this page from someone who wants you to help pay for his college education. Allegedly because, you see, if he works, he will "not do as well in my studying to pass my courses." Riiiight!

Spin The Casey
Looking for yet another useless thing to do with your computer? Give old Casey a "spin" or two. Beats working on that spreadsheet.

Prank Mail
Corporate executives from time to time get customer mail that seems too strange to be true. Prank Mail is pleased to present some classic examples of "actual correspondence that has not been edited in any way."
Admiral Ackbar For President
Do the pickings for the upcoming presidential election seem a tad slim? This site thinks it has found an out-of-this-world candidate. If you like squid.
Strange Trademark
(r)Tmark supports something it calls the "informative alteration of corporate products" -- (a.k.a., the free market on psychedelics). An interesting read, though.

0520wome.jpg (1695 bytes)
Nudity Filter
Because our "technologicaly illiterate congress (sic)" strives to stifle free speech on the Net, this Naked Women site provides an "age detector" to make sure visitors are over the age of 18. (Java required.)

Star Wars Parody Song
In our popular only-for-Star-Wars-fanatics category: The Star Wars Cantina Parody Song, whose claim to fame is that it was a big hit on the "Dr. Demento Show."

Darwin Awards
And now for our coveted prizes-I-don't-want category: The Darwin Awards, which are "given, usually posthumously, to the individual(s) who remove themselves from the gene pool in the most spectacular fashion."
CrackerHead Moods
Let the online world know what mood you're in. It's as easy as choosing the right CrackerHead.

Crop Circle Pub
Seen a crop circle lately? Drop by the Barge Inn at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, UK, which bills itself as "THE place for croppies to socialise (sic) during the height of each summer's crop circle frenzy." A virtual pub.

Calling All Losers
Are you a loser? DON'T SULK! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Join the Loser Site Web Ring, in a sector of cyberspace known as "LoozrLand." There's even a random loser-site generator.

Speak Southern
Quick question: What does the noun "aigs" mean? If you said, "preborn chickens," you've got no reason to visit the Southern Word Home Page. Unless maybe you don't know that "safnoon" refers to that period after supper and before dinner, that "bob war" is a sharp, twisted cable and that "heidi" is a form of greeting and not a female forename.

Excuse Us For This
No site-review suggestion we've received was more succinct and to the point than the e-mail recommending a visit to the aptly named "The names says it all." And so it does. Even includes sound files and a new chat room. Makes you want to -- you know ...

Marriage Names
If Dolly Parton married Salvador Dali, she would, of course, be Dolly Dali. If Ella Fitzgerald married Darth Vader, she'd therefore be Ella Vader. And if Liv Ullman married Judge Lance Ito, then divorced him and married Jerry Mathers, she'd be Liv Ito Beaver. These and others courtesy of Marriage Names.

Lunatic Stuff
The name of this particular site says it all: Tres Lunatix. There's this kind of virtual remote that does, well, lunatic stuff. Some nice art work, even though you may want to punch the computer screen at some point. Don't forget to push the "?" (help) button.

Idiom Extruder
UnSequitur Industries offers us free use of its Automatic Inanity Idiom Extruder. Why do they do this? Maybe the monkey knows. There's even a word from the president -- quite literally. Industrial tomfoolery at its best.

Marketing Musings
Musings on whether four eyebrows are better than two. The latest brainchild of Ingeborg Hemingway, the so-called intermediate marketing executive for Rustée Ladder. And for intermediate-marketing-executive wannabes, submit a jingle to make the rest of America feel they gotta have them too -- we mean, four. Whatever.

Really Absurd
Do you sometimes get the feeling that life is absurd? You ain't seen nothing till you've paid a visit to the aptly named Absurdistan. The most absurd part is that someone apparently spent a virtual lifetime creating this way-strange thing.

Surreal Compliment
"The goats you buy shed a perfume that makes Marxism so terribly clear to me." If that comment makes sense, you're ready for The Surrealist Compliment Generator.

Literary Insults
When you run out of nasty things to say to your (fill in the blank), turn to the convenient Shakespearean Insult page. Let him/her chew on being called a "roguish folly-fallen mammet" or a "clouted bat-fowling scut."
Useless Stuff
Quick question: Do you know that the word pretzel stems from the Latin word "brachiatus"? If you do, you are probably one of the very few people who have no need to visit UselessKnowledge. Packed with useless facts, quotes and words.
Welcome Back 'oo'
The oo are back. As in, when you have a dream; and in it, there are two. Or how can you get the oo in a bottle whose neck is smaller than one o? Something to think about.

Sites are picked and reviewed by Technology Editor Sam Vincent Meddis.

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