Buy this and seem cool
Because we're from the South. Where we do things RIGHT!


Frank Sinatra said it best...

Contest of the Fucking Century

Two AWESOME prizes
Okay's time for the greatest contest in the history of sportz entertainment

Normally, the good folks here at would run a Nitro preview or something boring like that. NOT THIS TIME.

In the history of professional wrestling, there has never been a contest of such grandeur and spectacle as the one we now present to you. So with that...let us get to the details. The rules are simple. The contest is open to anyone.

To win, all you have to do is describe in detail any act that World Championship Wrestling has conducted illegally. We'll judge the best one...

>> Read More.

Chat here...uncensored.

Corporate Shenanigans? Say it ain't so!

Call the hotline!
for the latest in dirtsheet copyright infringement!

Fragrances for those who watch this garbage

Bring Back Bischoff

Remember, there's always ECW!

Hey! You hate me and I hate you...tell me about it.

I didn't know Kimberly had that body part pierced
New On Video: Watch Kimberly'z girlz get funky with eachother!

That'll teach you for fucking with me you cocksuckers WCW says fuck free speech: (February, 2000)
When will the corporate pricks learn? Read here to find out all about the attempted forced shutdown of

WCW thinks they can enforce laws OUTSIDE of the United States.  What Morons The Audacity of Time/Warner: (January, 2000)
Fine. I'll sign back over to Vince Russo. But first, I have some demands; 1) Vince Russo is immediately relieved of his position at World Championship Wrestling; 2) Verne Troyer is given full "creative control" over WCW; 3) David J. Stewart, of the law firm Alston & Bird, executes, notarizes, and returns to me an undertaking stating that he will cease and desist from ever threatening to enforce U.S. law outside of his firm's own goddamn country again. See ya at the Hague...slapnutz.
The fanz really ARE stupid.  Any moron could see... Honest, he really did say this: (September, 1999)
The world of wrestling was shocked when our hero Vince actually had the balls to speak out and tell the truth about his view of foreigners...

Also Featuring

>>  Fuck You WCW (February 25, 2000)
>>  We Can't Watch (February 15, 2000)
>>  Put them all through the fucking table (February 8, 2000)
>>  Flair returns. Great (January 31, 2000)
>>  You Can't Spell STEROIDS without S-I-D (January 24, 2000)
>>  EXCLUSIVE: Details of VR's meeting with management (January 22, 2000)
>>  Y2K finally strikes (January 11, 2000)
>>  NITRO: Yes...It was that bad! (January 4, 2000)
>>  Bret Hart. Idiot or Chump? You decide (December 28, 1999)
>>  Starrcade thoughts (December 27, 1999)
>>  Christmaz Greetingz Maggotz (December 21, 1999)
>>  Wisconsin: Cheese-heads or Cheese-dicks? (December 14, 1999)
>>  A Cry for Help (November 30, 1999)
>>  Jobbers Equals Ratings (November 23, 1999)
>>  I Have a Greasy Hairy Back (November 9, 1999)

Site design by Soon To Be Unemployed Inc. is not affiliated with World Championship Wrestling. All content is satirical in nature.