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The Virtual Chase:
Legal Research on the Interne

How To ... Do It with Research!


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A site visitor writes:

I am reading a document on your Web site entitled, "Evaluating the Quality of Information on the Internet: Checklist." I want to apply it, but am having trouble determining whether the following Web sites are bogus:


Evaluating the quality of information provided on a Web site involves more than determining its authenticity. An author may write with genuine passionate belief in that which he says, but the facts may not support his contention. Examine, for example, this document, alleging that aspartame causes multiple sclerosis. While inaccurate, and perhaps irresponsible, it is not necessarily a fake.

Before you rely on information, you should:

  1. Determine its origin. Discover the author AND the publisher.
  2. Ascertain the author's and publisher's credentials.
  3. Discover the date of the writing. This gives the information historical context.
  4. Verify it. Find another reputable source that provides similar information.

Regarding the addresses you provide, the first leads to the Web site of the World Trade Organization. It's the real McCoy, unlike that of, which people sometimes confuse with the genuine WTO site.

Discover Web site ownership by checking the domain registration record. Whonami provides an easy-to-use search interface. You should verify domain records obtained via Whonami by checking the Whois database maintained by the domain's registrar. Domain records for and show their owners as the World Trade Organization and Prince & Associates Inc., respectively. 

The second -- -- leads to an opinion piece. Following the above recommendations, you should discover the owner of The domain registration record indicates that it is Mike Williams of Providence, RI. Who is Mike Williams? What are his credentials?

The author appears to be Joe Dawson. What is his expertise on this subject? No information about his credentials appear at the site.

The article carries a 1994, 1995 copyright. Were these the facts about second-hand smoke during those years? Like the aspartame document, evidence fails to support the author's contention. Moreover, the author and publisher lack authority.

Instead of relying on such a questionable site, obtain information about second-hand smoke from sources like the Office of the Surgeon General, the National Cancer Institute, the EPA, and the National Institutes of Health.

The last address -- -- produces an article published in the Journal of Historical Review and hosted on a Web site owned by the Institute for Historical Review. Who is the Institute for Historical Review? Who are the people behind it? What are their credentials? Do the facts support the author's thesis?

When I was a kid and whined about someone saying something I didn't like, my mama admonished, "Consider the source." Searchers should follow Mama's advice. If you want authoritative information about the Holocaust, for instance, obtain it from a source like the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Genie Tyburski,
Web Manager
Links for this article ...

Evaluating the Quality of Information on the Internet: Checklist <>
World Trade Organization <>
FDA Issuing for Collusion with Monsanto (alleges information not support by fact) <> (parodies the World Trade Organization) <>
Whonami <>
Office of the Surgeon General <>
National Cancer Institute <>
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) <>
National Institutes of Health <>
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum <>

Copyright © 2002 Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP all rights reserved.
Created: 23 January 2002