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Workers for C tech guide the top of the new Dreamscape ski lift into place Tuesday at The Canyons in Park City. Helicopters flew in the towers, then held them in position while ground crews anchored them. (Steve Griffin/The Salt Lake Tribune)
Auction Gives New Meaning To 'Check Here'


    Challenging the notion that the right to vote is priceless, a new Internet site has sprung up to exchange money for votes. allows voters to register their votes for sale to the highest bidder -- presumably politicians or special interests looking for the best bang for their campaign-contribution buck. Votes are grouped by state to be sold in blocs for the presidential election.
    The Web site carries the slogan: "Bringing capitalism and democracy closer together."
    Created by 26-year-old graduate student James Baumgartner of New York, the site was shut down temporarily last week amid a flurry of news stories about Department of Justice scrutiny of the scheme, along with similar attempted auctions on eBay. But already has reopened under Austrian ownership. Click For Full Story

Joint Private, Public Effort Gives Utah 1st Toll Road


    WASHINGTON TERRACE -- Thirty years of lobbying state road builders couldn't get Ogden's south side a new freeway access until a private landowner put up $5 million to get the job done.
    The result: Utah's first toll road, a $10 million public-private spur from Adams Avenue to Interstate 84 financed largely by the landowners and businesses that will benefit most. The Adams Avenue Turnpike, a one-mile link across Doug Stephens' ranch, is scheduled to open in December with an anticipated toll of about 75 cents.
    It will not be a state road, but Utah officials will be watching closely to see if such partnerships can solve transportation problems more cost-effectively than the traditional pattern of using tax dollars to open new areas to private development.
    "It demonstrates that the [toll-road] idea may have value in a number of applications, but it will be in this kind of partnership," Gov. Mike Leavitt said Tuesday. "I don't anticipate us moving to state-owned toll roads anytime soon." Click For Full Story

Youth Camp Won't Be A Part of 2002 Games


    An international youth camp will not be part of the Salt Lake City Olympics.
    But in agreeing to Salt Lake Organizing Committee President Mitt Romney's appeal to dispense with the traditional camp, IOC officials said they hope this waiver is a one-time deal.
    "We made clear this is an exceptional decision and does not set a precedent," International Olympic Committee spokesman Franklin Servan-Schreiber said following an IOC Executive Board meeting Tuesday in Lausanne, Switzerland.
    He added: "We regret there will be no youth camp, but we are very supportive of Mitt's efforts. We are happy to help, if he thinks this can help him. But in response to explicit and repeated requests from Mitt, and to help him organize great Games in Salt Lake, we are willing to take this special exception."
    Romney had argued a youth camp, conducted simultaneously with the 2002 Winter Games and involving perhaps 200 young people from 80 countries, would be a drain on SLOC's limited resources. Click For Full Story

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Salt Lake Tribune Online Poll

Today's Top Headlines:

ROLLY & WELLS: After Qwest, Family Left Out of 'Touch'

Minority Numbers Shot Up in 1990s

How Much Religion Is Too Much in Campaign?

Voter Guide Biased Against Forfeiture Reform?

Mayor's Resignation Shocks Springville and City Council

Judge Holds Utah CEO In Contempt

Layton Company Sues Bloomberg News

Former Stanford golfer bides his time to see what the game will offer

Crowton, Reid Head BYU's List

Canning preserves summer bounty in pantry

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